Anatomy Thorax

Anatomical illustration highlighting the thorax, including the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels, in a detailed and educational style.

Anatomy of the Thorax Quiz

Test your knowledge on the anatomy of the thorax with our comprehensive quiz! This quiz covers essential topics related to the thoracic cavity, lungs, heart, and major vessels, challenging you to think critically and recall important facts.

Key Features:

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Covers various aspects of thoracic anatomy
  • Perfect for students, teachers, and anatomy enthusiasts
29 Questions7 MinutesCreated by StudyingHeart101
What is true about the aortic hiatus?
Lies directly in front of the lumbar vertebral column
Is limited by the medial arcuate ligament
Transmits the aorta and the vagus nerve
Transmits the aorta and the left lymph duct = thoracic duct
Transmits the aorta and the pectoral region
What is true about muscles of the pectoral region?
All muscles are innervated by branches of the brachial plexus
all muscles are innervated by branches of the cervical plexus
All muscles of the pectoral region are responsible for respiration
All muscles of the pectoral region originate from lateral wall of thorax
All above are false
What is false about the right lung?
The right lung has 3 lobes
The oblique fissure separates the inferior lobe from the superior lobe and middle lobe
The horizontal fissure separates the superior lobe from the middle lobe
The horizontal fissure follows the 4th intercostal space
All above are true
What is false about the left lung?
The left lung is bigger than the right one
The oblique fissure of the left lung is more oblique than oblique fissure of the right lung
The arch of the left subclavian artery lies over the superior lobe of the left lung
The medial surface of the left lung lies adjacent to the aortic arch
All of the above are true
What is false about the surface (within the thorax) of the heart?
The anterior surface consists the wall of third ventricle
The anterior surface consists of the wall of the right atrium
The diaphragmatic surface consists of the wall of the left ventricle
The anterior surface consists of the wall of the right ventricle
All above are true
What is false about the thoracic aorta?
Gives off the anterior intercostal arteries
Gives off branches to the anterior surface of the pericardial sac
Ends at the lower border of the T10 vertebrae
Begins the lower border of T6 vertebrae
All above are false
What is true about the esophagus?
leaves the thorax by hiatus in the central tendon of the diaphragm
Is crossed by the thoracic duct anteriorly
is crossed by the azygos vein posteriorly
is crossed by the hemiazygos vein anteriorly
All above are false
What is true about the borders of the heart in situ?
Left border is made mostly by the left atrium
right margin is made by the right atrium
Superior border of the heart is formed by the right atrium
The inferior border of the heart is made mostly by the ventricle
All above are false
What is true about the transverse sinus of the pericardial sac?
The transverse sinus is limited anteriorly by the posterior wall of the left atrium
The transverse sinus is limited anteriorly by the anteriorly wall of the left atrium
The transverse sinus is limited posteriorly by the posterior wall of the left atrium
The transverse sinus is limited postieorly by the anterior wall of the left atrium
All above are false
What is true about the coronary sinus?
Is situated on the lateral wall of the left atrium ?
Is situated on the posterior wall of the left atrium
begin at the opening of the posterior interventricular vein
Opens into the right ventricle
All above are false
What is true about the mediastinal surface if the right lung?
Are of the thymus lies under the horizontal fissure
The groove for the brachiocephalic veins lies anteriorly to the tracheal artery
The cardiac impression lies posteriorly to the hilum
The cardiac impression lies superiorly to the hilum
All above are false
What is true about the coronary arteries?
The right coronary artery supplies the anterior part of the interventricular septum
the right coronary artery supplies the posterior part of the interventricular septum
The left coronary artery arises from the anterior (right) aortic sinus
The left coronary artery usually supplies the sinoatrial node (in 60% case)
All above are false
Which pleural recesses are the largest:
Costomediastinal recesses situated between diaphragm and ribs
Costomediastinal recesses situated between ribs and mediastinum
Costodiaphragmatic recesses situated between diaphragm and mediastinum
Costodiaphragmatic recesses situated between ribs and mediastinum
Costodiaphragmatic recesses situated between diaphragm and ribs
Choose correct statement:
Costal pleura is innervated by phrenic nerve
Diaphragmatic pleura is innervated by phrenic nerve
Visceral pleura is innervated by phrenic nerve
Costal pleura is innervated by vagus nerve
Begins at the level of TIV
Bifurcates at the levels of T IV
Is composed of the “O” shape hyaline cartilage
Its carina is present on first cartilage
All above is false
Choose the false statement about lungs:
The right lung has 10 segments
The pulmonary ligament is present at the apex of each lung
Lingula is part of the superior lobe of the left lung
At the right lung there are two fissures
All above is true
The esophageal hiatus in diaphragm:
Lies in sternal part
Lies between two diaphragmatic crura
Lies between medial and lateral arcuate ligaments
Transmits esophagus and phrenic nerve
Transmits esophagus and vagus nerve
The right coronary artery:
Supplies posterior part of interventricular septum
Supplies anterior part of left ventricle
Supplies anterior part of interventricular septum
Is accompanied by the great cardiac vein
All above is false
The crista terminalis:
Is the structure called trabeculare carneae
Is the structure called chorda tendinae
Is the structure located on the septal wall of left atrium
Is the structure located on the lateral wall of right atrium
Is structure called septomarginal trabecula
The ligamentum arteriosum:
Connects the arch of aorta and pulmonary trunk
Connects right and left pulmonary arteries
Connects fibrous pericardium with the sternum
Connects ascending aorta with the pulmonary trunk
Connects the brachiocephalic trunk with the pulmonary trunk
Vagus nerve:
Pass through the posterior mediastinum
Provides sympathetic innervation
Transmits pain sensation
Pass anteriorly to the root of the lungs
All of the above are false
The border between superior and inferior mediastinum is a transverse plane:
From the superior border of manubrium to the intervertebral disc between TI/TII
From the jugular notch to the intervertebral disc between TII/TIII
From the sternal angle to the intervertebral disc between TIV/TV
Between lateral borders of the I rib
From the jugular notch to the body of the TI
Pericardium consist of:
The serous pericardium, which defines the boundaries of the middle mediastinum
The serous pericardium, which attached to the sternum by sternopericardial ligaments
The fibrous pericardium, which consist of parietal and visceral layer
The fibrous pericardium, which apex continuous with the adventitia of the great vessels
The fibrous pericardium, which is named epicardium
Which of the following structures cannot be found in the posterior mediastinum:
Azygos system of veins
Thoracic duct
Thoracic splanchnic nerves
Choose the correct statement about pericardial sinuses:
The transverse pericardial sinus is J-shaped, located posterior to the left atrium
The transverse pericardial sinus lies superior to the left atrium
The oblique pericardial sinus is zone of the reflection of serous pericardium surrounding the arteries
The oblique pericardial sinus lies posterior to the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk
None of the above is correct
Which from the below is not a surface of the heart:
Costal surface
Diaphragmic surface
Anterior surface
Left pulmonary surface
Right pulmonary surface
In the posterior interventricular sulcus can be found
Coronary sinus
Small cardiac vein
Posterior cardiac vein
Great cardiac vein
Middle cardiac vein
Choose the correct order of the cardiac conduction system:
Sinus-atrial node – subendocardial plexus – left & right bundle br. – atrioventricular node
Atrioventricular node - subendocardial plexus - sinus-atrial node - left & right bundle br.
Atrioventricular node - atrioventricular bundle - sinus-atrial node - subendocardial plexus
Sinus-atrial node - atrioventricular node - atrioventricular bundle - left & right bundle br.
Atrioventricular bundle - left & right bundle br. - atrioventricular node - subendocardial plexus
The coronary arteries:
The left coronary artery gives the posterior interventricular branch
The right coronary artery gives the anterior interventricular branch
The right and left coronary arteries originate from the right and the left aortic sinuses
The circumflex branch is the terminal branch of the right coronary artery
Both right and left coronary artery originate from the pulmonary trunk
{"name":"Anatomy Thorax", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on the anatomy of the thorax with our comprehensive quiz! This quiz covers essential topics related to the thoracic cavity, lungs, heart, and major vessels, challenging you to think critically and recall important facts.Key Features:Multiple choice questionsCovers various aspects of thoracic anatomyPerfect for students, teachers, and anatomy enthusiasts","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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