
The rate of sexual assaults in Australia and New Zealand is
Higher than the global average
Lower than the global average
The same in both countries
As mentioned in a lecture, which of these is one possible reason that different studies have produced different estimates about the rate of sexual assault in Australia and New Zealand?
Some of the studies that the instructor discussed in class used official/police data while others used other forms of data like victimisation surveys
Different studies have used different sets of probing or screening questions
Many people interpret the Code of Hammurabi as intending to
Mandate that those who commit violent crimes are punished harshly enough to ensure that they are deterred from future crime
Limit the offender's punishment
The Code of Hammurabi was an old law that
Addressed which punishments were appropriate for which offenses
Addressed victim restitution
During the middle-ages, who was in charge of a shire
The Reeve
The first modern police department was established in
United Kingdom
United States of America
New Zealand
The criminal justice system in Australia is most similar to the criminal justice system in
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States of America
In the earliest of recorded times, which of the following was the role of a crime victim
To take retribution indirectly
To take retribution directly
Australia generally does not differentiate between homicide and murder. In countries that do differentiate between murder and homicide, which of the following describes part of that difference
Homicide is unintentional killing
Murder is killing in some illegal manner
Homicide is intentional killing
Murder is premeditated
Manslaughter is intentional killing
If you wanted to describe the difference between Robbery and other forms of theft in one or two words, which would they be
A term that is almost synonymous with burglary is
Unlawful entry
Break and enter
Enter with intent to commit an offence
In what field can the word "affect" be used as a noun
For which of the follow crimes do the negative effects on victims tend to remain longer
Sexual assault
Why was the diagnosis of PTSD controversial when it was first developed
Internal blame
Started in America
It was among the first of the diagnostic categories to suggest that the cause was outside of the individual
It was among the least favourable diagnostic catergories
Symptoms of violent crime that affect mental abilities and processes are classified as
Emotional symptons
Cognitive symptoms
Physical symptoms
Which of the following is true about PTSD when it was first described
Applied only to crime victims
With few exceptions, there was no assumption that it would apply to crime victims
With few exceptions, there was no assumption that it wouldn't apply to crime victims
Applied to more violent crime victims
Most victims of violent crime
Develop ptsd
Do not develop ptsd
Have no side affects
Are emotionally scarred
Which of the following best describes the rate at which PTSD symptoms affect the population of Western Countries
Between about 3% and 10% of people in these countries will develop these systems at some point in their lives
Between about 3% and 11% of people in these countries will develop these systems at some point in their lives
Between about 2% and 10% of people in these countries will develop these systems at some point in their lives
Between about 10% and 3% of people in these countries will develop these systems at some point in their lives
Which of the following best describes how many rape victims will exhibit symptoms of PTSD immediately after or within a few days after the offense
Under 80%
Almost all (over 90%)
Nobody (under 10%)
Which of the follow types of people should NOT be considered for a PTSD diagnosis by a mental health professional according to modern standards even if they exhibit PTSD-like symptoms
Residents of New York City who watched the terrorist attack on the world trade center on television
Certain individuals have argued against a "medical model" for diagnosing symptoms that some individuals may exhibit at difficult times of their lives. What alternative to this model was mentioned in one of the lectures
A selective process
Behavioural model
Choices model
Proponents/supporters of the medical model of psychiatric diagnosis suggest that which of the following is a major advantage of this model
The ability for mental health professionals to more easily communicate with each other
The ability for mental health professionals to communicate with each other through medical forms
Which of the following is one of the most frequent and long-lasting responses to violent victimisation
Heightened sense of vulnerability
Lowered sense of vulnerability
No change
A trend among people who HAVE NEVER been a victim of serious crime is
They never become a victim of crime
These individuals are typically the ones who underestimate their risks of becoming victims of serious crime
They know someone who has been a victim of crime
They are perceived to become a victim of crime
In a reading covered in class, Philip Jenkins noted that male serial killers often target prostitutes for what reason.
Because male (but not female) serial killers are frequently motivated by sex
Because prostitutes are less likely to be noticed missing
Which group has the higher risk of victimisation for most offence types
In a core reading (also a topic during in-class discussion and on-line content) Joel Best suggests what about the shocking reports about a gang initiation involving the shooting of innocent automobile drivers
That the reports were greatly exaggerated because there was no evidence they were true
That the reports were likely exaggerated because they used frequency measures rather than rates of offenses
According to a core reading authored by Joel Best, which of the following words is a key characteristic associated with the general public's views about the risk of victimisation
Which of the following has been a major controversy in research on victims that was discussed in lectures?
Matters surrounding blaming the victim
Issues pertaining to culpability
In a reading by Ruback and Thompson and information summarized by the instructor, which of the following figures was presented to illustrate the risk of violent crime
The risk of violent victimisation is fairly evenly spread across all types of people
5 out of every 6 individuals in the United States will be victims of a completed or attempted violent crime at some point in their lives
4 out of every 6 individuals in the United States will be victims of a completed or attempted violent crime at some point in their lives
3 out of every 7 individuals in the United States will be victims of a completed or attempted violent crime at some point in their lives
In a core reading by Ruback and Thompson from Week 1 (summarized by the instructor) which of the following countries has the highest rate of homicide of all industralised nations
United States
United Kingdom
In a core reading by Greenberg and Ruback (discussed by the instructor in a lecture) which of the following trend pertaining to victim needs occurred about 40-50 years ago
There was a misplaced emphasis on the type of needs that were important to victims. Victims often desired assistance with dealing with emotional problems like PTSD and not financial problem
Victim needs were being neglected in favor of concern about offender rehabilitation
In a core reading by Ruback and Thompson (discussed by the instructor during a lecture) which of the following was listed as a major area of interest in the study of victims
Whether victims seek help from others
Whether victims desired "an eye for an eye" forms of justice
Which of the following is about testing an idea to see if it stands up to scrutiny?
Peer Reviewed Evidence
Empirical Evidence
Journal Article
Police Evidence
Victimisation Survey
Police Data
Which of the following was the primary focus on the earliest theories of victimisation discussed in class?
Victim Typologies
Victim Motivations
Victim Background
According to Marvin Wolfgang, victim precipitation is when
The victim uses force first
The offender uses force first
The victim uses force second
The offender uses force second
No violence is used
Which of the following is most likely addressed by the social sciences?
Victim Choice
Menachem Amir's writings were quite controversial in the study of crime victims because
He did not try to apply the concept of victim precipitation to the crime of rape
He tried to apply the concept of victim precipitation to the crime of rape
According to a Core Reading by Joel Best (and as discussed in a lecture) which of the following words or terms was used to describe the REALITY of most crime
According to a reading by Philip Jenkins (discussed during in-class discussions), which of the following victim characteristics do serial killers consider when selecting victims
Victim size, they want to be able to control the victim
Victim availability
Victim age, they want a victim who is vulnerable
Which of the following groups are most likely to use "rational choice theory" ?
Social scientists
According to a reading by Warr and a reading by Garafalo and as discussed in-class, fear of crime can under certain circumstances be considered
According to the Core reading by Ruback and Thompson (Ch4), and as discussed in class, which of the following is an advantage to using a medical model when describing the behaviours of sexual assault victims (note, the term "medical model" may not have been used by Ruback and Thompson, but it was used during a lecture)
None of the other answers is correct. These authors suggested that we should avoid using a medical model
A medical model can assist victims to more clearly understand that what they are feeling is a normal result of exposure to abnormal events
Which of the following is a primary criticism of the term "victim precipitation"?
It can lead to blaming the victim
It can lead to blaming the offender
Which of the following is most correct about "Routine Activity Theory" and "Lifestyle-exposure Theory"?
The one attempts to explain the difference between crime rates and the other the difference between the frequencies of crimes across different groups.
The difference between the two is largely in terminology
Which of the following can make victim blaming more likely?
Hindsight Bias
Analysis Bias
Offender Bias
Which of the following is most accurate about the word "telescoping" as applied to the measurement of crime through victimisation or self-report surveys/studies
This term refers to the fact that individuals typically believe that salient or traumatic events have occurred closer in time than they actually have
This term does not refer to the fact that individuals typically believe that salient or traumatic events have occurred closer in time than they actually have
According to one of the lectures, the Australia Bureau of Statistics Recorded Crimes figures/statistics were fashioned after the United States Uniformed Crimes Reports
But even so, care must be taken when comparing crime rates across these two countries
But even so, care must be taken when comparing crime rates across these main countries
People who strongly believe in a "just world" can do what by blaming victims?
Fool themselves into under-estimating their perceptions of personal vulnerability by believing that nothing bad will occur to them as long as they don't act like the victim acted or have similar characteristics
Fool themselves into over-estimating their perceptions of personal vulnerability by believing that nothing bad will occur to them as long as they don't act like the victim acted or have similar characteristics
According to very new literature discussed during the lectures, 25 different studies conducted during various years by different authors strongly suggest that approximately 16.4% of Australian and New Zealand women will become victims of some type of sexual assault by a non-partner at some point in their lives. If we compared this figure with similar figures from other countries, what might we say regarding the sexual assault rate in Australia and New Zealand?
This figure is clearly based only upon actual reports of sexual assaults to the police. For this reason, the actual rate is clearly much higher than 16.4%.
This figure, while already seemingly high, is over twice the global average.
According to very new literature discussed during the lectures, 25 different studies conducted during various years by different authors strongly suggest that approximately 16.4% of Australian and New Zealand women will become victims of some type of sexual assault by a non-partner at some point in their lives. If we compared this figure with similar figures from other countries, what might we say regarding the sexual assault rate in Australia and New Zealand?
This figure is clearly based only upon actual reports of sexual assaults to the police. For this reason, the actual rate is clearly much higher than 16.4%.
This figure, while already seemingly high, is over twice the global average.
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