Quiz 6 - The Whore of Babylon

When John is taken to see the judgment of the Whore of Babylon, she is situated:
In the heavens
In a forest
On the moon
In a wasteland
According to Revelation 17, the Whore of Babylon rides upon:
A flying carpet
A winged lion
A horrific beast with seven heads
A chariot made of acacia wood
According to the Bible, the Whore of Babylon is really:
A Muslim country
The nation of Israel
The religious system of the Antichrist
All the false religions that have ever existed throughout history
The Catholic Church of Rome
A mysterious city
According to John's vision, the Whore of Babylon is drinking from a cup made of:
Ice crystals
As strange as it may seem, the Whore of Babylon is drunk on:
Salt and vinegar
Her own tears
The blood of God's people
In the scene where the Whore of Babylon is riding the Beast, what do the heads of the Beast represent?
A grove of trees from which the Whore eats
A line of mountains over which the Whore exerts her influence
A group of hills upon which the Whore sits
A group of rivers that carry the Whore around the earth
Into how many pieces will "Babylon" break when God destroys her?
A million
According to Revelation 17:15, the Whore of Babylon sits upon "many waters." What do these "waters" represent?
The nations of the world
The Mediterranean Sea
The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
The lies of the enemy
To what point on the time-line of history is John taken when he is shown the Whore of Babylon?
Creation Week (about 4004 B.C.)
Shortly after Noah's Flood (about 2200 B.C.)
Crucifixion Week (about 32 A.D.)
The end of the Tribulation (after most of the earth has been devastated by the judgments)
According to Revelation 17 and 18, the Whore of Babylon will be punished twice. Those two punishments will include:
An earthquake, followed by an ice storm
Two meteorite hits
A volcanic explosion, followed by a famine
Fire and water
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