Captain Chief Exam

First Name
Last Name
Mobile Number
State College
What two tasks are you responsible for as Chief?
Completing the shift notes
Billing the customer
Scheduling the shift
Supervising the shift on site
2. How much does a Chief make an hour?
What two things are essential to your success as Chief?
Communicating with others
Being the strongest team member
Leading a team
Having a lot of swag
What is section one in the shift notes?
Confirmation Section
Completion Section
Billing Section
Appointment Details Section
When do you complete confirmation section in shift notes?
The day before my shift
The day after my shift
Two days prior to my shift
None of the above
Where will you find the confirmation section?
In the app, under my shift notes
In my e-mail
With the Captain
None of the above
How is shift confirmed?
By entering crews first and last name in shift notes
By calling Captain and confirming shift
By calling customer and confirming shift
By calling crew and confirming shifts
1. What will you do 30 minutes before each shift? (Check all that apply)
Contact the customer
Get breakfast
Contact the crew
Contact the Captain
2. What is the purpose of contacting the crew?
To make sure they had breakfast.
To determine when they will arrive.
To ask them about their previous job.
None of the above
3. What is the purpose of contacting the customer?
To see if they want any food.
To ask them how their day is going.
To inform them of crews arrival time.
All of the above
4. If there are any delays or special circumstances for the crew or customer, the Chief is responsible for communicating information to appropriate parties.
5. What is the first thing you do when arriving on a job-site?
Clock In and make sure crew is clocked in.
Introduce self to the customer
Walk around the job-site
None of the above
6. After clocking in, what is the next thing you will do as Chief?
Introduce self, and crew to the customer.
Walk around job-site
Develop a game plan
None of the above
1. What three things are you looking for during the walk around?
What items do you want to get first.
Are there any special items.
Is the customer prepared.
Does the job look long.
2. What do you do if the customer seems unprepared?
Take pictures
Contact Captain
Tell customer we cannot help them
All of the above
3. What comes after the walk around?
Start the job
Clock In
The Game Plan
4. What is the purpose of the game plan? (Choose all that apply)
Assign each crew member a positon.
Determine if everything will fit.
Determine what areas and items you will start with.
All of the above
5. What are the three positions on the job site?
The Carrier
The Runner
The Packer
The Loader
6. What position takes items in and/or out of the house.
The Runner
The Carrier
The Packer
None of the above
7. What position takes items between the house and the truck?
The Runner
The Carrier
The Packer
None of the above
8. What position packs or unpacks items in the truck?
The Runner
The Carrier
The Packer
None of the above
9. Who will always assume the position of the packer on a job-site?
The Customer.
The Chief
The Captain
1. What type of method do we use on a job-site?
Assembly line method.
Conveyer belt method
Static Method
The Man Method
2. What is essentially the goal of the assembly line method?
That everyone takes a turn in each position.
That no two positions ever walk past each other.
To move as fast as possible.
None of the above.
3. The carrier hands everything to the...
None of the above
4. The runner hands everything to the...
None of the above
5. The runner will communicate messages between the packer and carrier.
6. If an item requires two people, who will carry it?
The runner, and carrier.
The runner and packer.
The two positions closest to the item.
The packer and carrier.
1. What is the goal of the loading process?
To load as fast as possible.
To safely and efficently load the customers items.
Load items however possible.
All of the above.
2. Where do small, odd shaped items go. (Choose all that apply)
Over head storage in truck
Under heavy boxes
On top of bases
At the end of load
3. What type of loading system do we use?
None of the above
4. What two items are used to make a tier?
5. Check all items that could be used as a base.
Tv stand
6. What is step one in making a tier?
Line bases wall to wall in truck
Stack boxes on top of bases
Put a brace in front of wall
Put a wall in front of tier
7. What is step two in making a tier?
Line bases wall to wall in truck
Stack boxes on top of bases
Put a brace in front of wall
Put a wall in front of tier
8. Check all tips that apply when making a tier.
Put heaviest boxes on top of bases
Load heaviest bases in truck first
Drawers should always face the driver
Pack lighter boxes at top of tier
9. What will you make after your last full tier?
Wall & Brace
Tier & Wall
Tier & Brace
None of the above
10. How do you make a wall?
Stand a mattress up in front of the last tier
Place boxes on top of bases
Place a couch in front of mattress/boxspring
None of the above
11. How do you make a brace?
Place a mattress in front of last tier
Place a couch in front of wall
Stack boxes on top of bases
None of the above
12. Bases can also be used as braces.
12. What other items can be used as a brace?
Large shaped odd items
All of the above
13. Always do a walk around and form a game plan at each location.
14. What method will crew use to load/unload?
Assembly line method
Conveyor method
Quick Method
None of the above
15. Crew members should cross paths frequently.
16. Tiers should be torn down from top to bottom, left to right.
1. Once job appears to be complete, what do you do as Chief ?
Instruct crew to clock out
Conduct final walk around
Fill out completion section in notes
Clock out
2. After final walk around is complete, what does the Chief do next.
Instruct crew to clock out
Conduct final walk around
Fill out completion section in notes
Clock out
3. After crew is dismissed. What will Chief do next?
Instruct crew to clock out
Conduct final walk around
Fill out completion section in notes
Leave job site
4. After the completion section in the notes is complete, the Chief will do what?
Conduct final walk around
Clock out
Instruct crew to clock out
None of the above
5. What is the most important step in completing a job?
Clocking out
The final walk around
Leaving job site
Filling out the completion section.
1. Who is responsible to ensure crew and customer are on job site?
2. What do you do first if crew member is not present on job site?
Contact Captain
Contact crew memeber in app
Contact scheduled crew member
None of the above
3. If scheduled crew member is not available, who will you contact next?
Contact Captain
Contact crew member in app
Contact customer
None of the above
4. If no crew member is available within the app, who will you contact?
Contact Captain
Contact crew member in app
Contact customer
None of the above
5. What is the first thing you do if a customer is not present on the job site?
Contact Captain
Contact customer
Leave job site
None of the above
6. How long will you wait for a customer if they are not present?
10 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
40 minutes
7. What will you do if customer does not arrive within 30 minutes?
Contact Captain
Contact customer
Leave job site
None of the above
8. If the customer has any questions after the crew departs, who will you direct them too?
I answer them
None of the above
1. If a customer needs more time what two things must the Chief do?
Confirm crew is available to stay.
Take a $1 deposit from customer
Call Captain
All of the above
2. Where will you go to take a $1 deposit?
In the app
The Captain takes the deposit
What deposit?
3. What page will you find the additional hours link?
Chief resource page
Home page
Sign up page
None of the above
4. When taking the $1 deposit, how will you enter the customers name?
As seen in the app
As seen on the credit card
However they tell me
None of the above
5. If there is ever any damage, check what steps you will take.
Contact Captain
Inform Customer
Set item aside
Hide damaged item
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