Natural Selection

Which of the following is true of variation?
It is neccesary for natural selection
It exists in almost all populations.
It is caused by mutations and sexual reproduction.
All of the choices are correct.
Of the following, which is NOT part of Darwin's theory of natural selection?
Suitable variations in a population tend to be passed on while unsuitable variations in a population are not.
Variations in a population exist and those variations are inherited.
Individuals with variations suitable to their environment have shorter lifespans and produce fewer offspring.
Living things tend to produce more offspring than can survive.
According to Darwin's theory of natural selection, the individuals that tend to survive are those that have...
Variations best suited to the environment.
The ability to change their bodies to fit the environment.
The best luck.
The biggest body.
Darwin called the ability of an organism to survive...
According to the research work done by the scientists on the pocket mouse, what are the conclusions they have made?
The fur color of the mouse will change in response to it's environment
The fur color has never changed
The color of the rock constantly changes producing a need for the mice to adapt
All of the above
Which scientists proposed the idea that all the continents on the Earth were once one landmass called Pangaea?
Hutton & Lyell
None of these
Mendel & Malthus
Darwin & Lamark
Who believed that giraffes have long necks because competition for food meant that giraffes with slightly longer necks could get more food and survived longer to pass on their genes to their offspring who also had longer necks.
Gregor Mendel
Charles Darwin
Jean Baptise Lamarck
Thomas Malthus
What are the evidences for Evolution?
Similar body structure
Fossil Records
All the above
Artificial selection is also known as surivial of the fittest.
The purpose of selective breeding is to
Create animals with desirable traits
Get bigger animals
Create animals with bad traits
Get smaller animals
What are the evidences for Evolution?
Similar body structure
Fossil Records
All of the above
Survival of the Fittest and Evolution were proposed by what scientist?
Charles Darwin
Isaac Newton
Steven Hawking
Albert Einstein
Behavioral changes of individuals of a species that allow for better survival. (Acquired traits)
What was the name of the ship Darwin traveled the world on?
HMS Beagle
SS Beagle
HMS Bugle
SS Bugle
A bird that can easily outcompete other birds for food and that can produce many eggs has a high
Mutation rate
What is suggested by the similarity of early embryos of different species of vertebrates?
Similar environments in the past
Evolution from a distant common ancestor
Recent common ancestry
No evolutionary relationships between the groups
Mutations are a change in what?
This is correct
Some lizards have different size legs. Lizards with longer legs are able to better access food. Overtime Lizards with short legs became less common.
Leg size
Long legs
Natural selection is when ____________ decides who survives and who doesn't
Comparing one rock to another rock to determine the age is considered to be called
This answer is wrong
This answer is right
Relative age
Actual age
Darwin began to formulate his concept of evolution by natural selection after...
Experimention with animals.
Observations of many species of plants and animals while aboard the H.M.S Beagle.
Reading the writings of Mendel.
This answer is wrong
{"name":"Natural Selection", "url":"","txt":"Which of the following is true of variation?, Of the following, which is NOT part of Darwin's theory of natural selection?, According to Darwin's theory of natural selection, the individuals that tend to survive are those that have...","img":""}
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