Your Dragon Breed

A mythical landscape featuring various dragon breeds, including mountains, forests, and magical elements, with vibrant colors that inspire wonder and imagination.

Discover Your Dragon Breed

Are you curious about what kind of dragon would best represent your personality? Take this engaging quiz to find out which dragon breed aligns with your character traits, preferences, and magical inclinations.

  • Answer a series of thought-provoking questions.
  • Uncover your unique dragon qualities.
  • Explore the fascinating world of dragons!
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by SoaringFlame12
In a rough situation, which of the following would you do?
Get angry, have a hard time not blowing up at someone
Sit back, take the time you need to figure it out
Freeze, wait for someone to take charge
Take charge
Try to clam everyone down
Slink back, hide
Curious and confused, you'd ask for help
Where would you prefer to live?
Panzania (Eastern)- The Princess's palace sits on a mountain that over looks the great planes of Winter's Curse, and the large Tadpole River. Way in the distance, near the shore, is the Spark Desert.
Panzania (Western)- Two forests, one of acacia trees, the other of firs, are seperated by the stretch of grassland known as In-Between. The edge of both woods either lead to the shore or to the great Mount Mistress.
Sliver Tounge- Sharp toothy mountains frame this little island's borders, along with the wheat fields inside. To the North East, just underneath the prince's mountain castle, is a great forest of firs, known as the mysterious Ember Woods.
Moonlace- This crescent shaped island has its own swath of lucious, full of life ocean. Grasslands mingle with the magical Star Tree Woods that supposedly hide the ruins of an ancient castle.
Rubicus- To the south, desert meets the sea. Dry planes are full of bustling little villages, backing all the way up to the gigantic Sunlet River. To the North, birch woods stretch for miles and miles until it reaches the sea.
Ingle- Jungles have mountains swelling out of them, stretching up to the grey sky. A very rainy, exotic place hardly anyone knows about.
Jacutinga- Deserts and marshes and grass colide with tons of mountain ranges. Little islands off its coast suply excelent solitary homes.
What kind of magic?
Magic to heal and protect
Magic that's just for fun, silly spells
Magic to fight and attack with, as self defence
Magic to bend and read minds
Magic to do any kind of spell I wish
Magic for disguises or shape shifting
No magic
What color?
What sort of skill?
Weapon choice for fighting or self defence?
All claws and teeth
I'll use my wits to save me
Magic. Always
I trust the tip of my armor-laden tail
No fighting! Somebody save me
Something I can throw or shoot
The bolt of lightning I can shoot from my mouth
All physicle, relying on muscle. Bashing and pounding
Sneak attacking
Which animal?
Dove or any sort of bird
What do you look for in a group?
Dragons who know and understand me, as well as what I like
Dragons I can lead
Dragons who can lead me
Dragons I can trust with my secrets, with my life
Dragons who will listen to what I have to say
Dragons who are agreeable, who don't rouse fights
I don't need a group, I feel fine on my own
Any group. I don't care, as long as they let me join
Dragons I can see in the good in, as they can see the good in me
Which of these things?
A safe place to be, alone, where I can cope
My own two paws to lead me the way
The dragons next to me that I know and love
My home, my nest
My own knowledge
My gaurdian's words
Nothing, no one
My belief
What my eyes can see, what I can feel and hear
Which would you prefer to be?
A soldier
A prince or princess
A king or queen
A leader
A follower
A teacher
A pasifist
A healer
An observer
In space, by the stars
At sea, or on an island
At home, with my friends and family
With my fellow warriors
In the trees, in nature
Beneath the mountain, in a cave
By someone
Somewhere full of knowledge, like a library, where I can learn
I don't know. Somewhere safe, I guess
What emotion/feeling?
Happiness, contentness
At peace, enlightened
Alright, a moral grey medium
Sadness, grief, brokeness
Fear, worry
Agitated, figity, angry
Aware, all knowing
I don't know
Would you rather lead, give directions, or follow?
{"name":"Your Dragon Breed", "url":"","txt":"Are you curious about what kind of dragon would best represent your personality? Take this engaging quiz to find out which dragon breed aligns with your character traits, preferences, and magical inclinations.Answer a series of thought-provoking questions.Uncover your unique dragon qualities.Explore the fascinating world of dragons!","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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