Kishore Pravesh - chapter 24

A serene landscape with spiritual symbols and figures of enlightenment, depicting the essence of wisdom, Satsang, and the journey towards moksha.

Wisdom and Moksha Quiz

Test your knowledge on the profound teachings of Kishore Pravesh, particularly Chapter 24. This quiz explores concepts of wisdom, association with God-realized Sadhus, and the path to moksha.

  • Multiple choice questions for engaging learning
  • Discover the essence of Satsang
  • Learn through thought-provoking scenarios
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by SeekingTruth101
A person bought wisdom for 100,000 rupees. Similarly, wisdom of the many ways for moksha can be learnt from the God – realized Sadhu.
€�One should bow to one’s senior in case he is raised to a position of power.” The shop owner wrote this on a piece of paper and handed it over to the prince.
Complete the statement: The minister’s son noted that his friend was bowing to him. On returning to the royal palace he summoned the court and asked the assembly “Now that I am the king I can do as I please.” So, he called for his friend ……………….
To punish him
To hand over the royal throne to him
To prosecute him
To feed him with food
One can attain Satsang, but without close association, there is no happiness. How? It is like a person having food, but without actually eating there is no happiness. Also, one may have clothes but without wearing them there is no happiness. Similarly, without the association of the great Sadhu, one does not get the bliss of Shriji Maharaj.”
The ascetic explained to the shopkeeper, if you touch this stone to any iron, the iron will turn into gold, and you will no longer be poor. What was the stone called?
The Mahatma returned after six months to collect the stone. To his surprise, what did he see?
Shopkeeper becomes very rich
Shopkeeper had two more shops
Shopkeeper was having servants to help him in the shops
Shopkeeper was running the shop in the same old state
Fill in the blanks: We have been blessed with a ……... In the form of this ………...., but ……….... and ………….. Obstruct us. We can turn ourselves into precious gold if we practise satsang wholeheartedly by body, speech and actions.
Parasmani, Satsang, idleness, negligence
Idleness, negligence, parasmani, Satsang
Satpurush, Maharaj, idleness, negligence
Parasmani, Shriji Maharaj, idleness, negligence
€�God has said, ‘I am not as pleased by austerities, sacrifices, yoga, observance of vows, donations and other endeavours as I am by satsang.’ What is that satsang? To fold one’s hands before the great God-realized Sadhu and to do as he says.”
Fill in the blank: This is a shloka from the ……….. Of the ………..... People believe in differing endeavours to attain moksha. Some perform severe austerities, some give donations, whereas some try to control their senses and mind through eight-fold yoga. But all these means bring redemption after a very long time. God is not pleased immediately by such means.
11th canto, Shrimad Bhagvat
10th canto, Shrimad Bhagvat
10th canto, Bhakta Chintamani
11th canto, Bhakta Chintamani
Fill in the blanks: There lived two brothers in a village. The younger one was fond of the contact of……………………., whereas the elder one liked to go on ………………………..
Sadhus, pilgrimages
Pilgrimages, sadhu
Satpurush, for darshan
Ekantik Sant, pilgrimages
Gunatitanand Swami has shown a way to please God in his sermon. Swami says if we attach all our senses to God, He is won over immediately. This method is revealed to us by the scriptures. It is a difficult task but can be accomplished with constant practice.
Ravan and Kans were highly intelligent and heroic men but did not know the way to win Rama and Krishna respectively and were ultimately defeated. On the other hand, Bali was a demon yet he pleased God because he ignored his weapons and resorted to the true way of winning against God. What is the way to please God?
By attaching all of our senses to God, He is won over immediately.
By austerities, sacrifices, yoga, observance of vows, donations and other endeavours.
By Chanting ‘Swaminarayan, Swaminarayan’ mentally all the time.
€�A sadhu cleaned the gourd from the inside, which was bitter.” Similarly, the bitterness which is within us in the form of lust, anger, greed and other enemies cannot be removed by mere pilgrimages. But by the contact of the enlightened sadhu they are immediately removed. What does this illustration teach us?
The attachment towards a Satpurush is true satsang.
Even by giving tens of millions of rupees, such spiritual talks are unattainable.
Even by spending tens of millions of rupees, such a Sadhu is unattainable.
This prince bought advice for ten thousand rupees and by acting according to the advice he benefited by becoming the king of a new town. Similarly, we receive wisdom from the holy Sadhu and when we act according to that wisdom, we attain salvation. If we associate with the holy Sadhu and receive such wisdom, then just as the prince attained a new kingdom, we shall attain Akshardham.
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