Airsoft role quiz
Find Your Airsoft Role
Are you ready to discover your ideal role in the world of Airsoft? This engaging quiz will help you understand where you fit best on the battlefield, whether as a sniper, support, or front-line fighter!
Answer a series of thought-provoking questions to uncover your strengths and preferences:
- Evaluate your combat style
- Understand your strategic approach
- Identify your ideal weapon type
When a new round begins you are most likely to _____
Follow the main group and accomplish the mission. Our team needs strong numbers to win.
Go it alone or maybe take one friend. I need to move fast, hit hard, and gather a ton of info for the team.
Find a spot to hole up and watch the chaos. I'm here as a spectator for my team. If someone walks in front of me I might shoot them.
I'm on my way to the biggest group of enemies I can find. The more people in front of me, the more I can mow down.
I'm with the main group, but I'm staying in the back line. I want to be out of range but still in the main fight.
Stick close to the people who will need me. If someone goes down, I'll be there to pick them up.
You're team is pinned by heavy gunfire. What do you do?
I'm pushing to the front lines. I need to support my team as best as I can.
I stay out of the way if I can. If my team really needs me, they'll call. Hopefully I can find a good flank instead of engaging head on.
I'm not leaving my hiding spot. The last thing I want is for the enemy to know that I'm here.
Spray and Pray. I need to buy my team time to fall back. Who cares if I burn 1000 rounds of ammo doing it?
I get a good vantage point on the enemy and start picking them off. One at a time. I just hope I don't get hit by a stray bb.
I'm there on the frontline with my team. If they go down, I go down with them. It's my job to keep them alive.
You find out that a building is occupied by enemies. Your first instinct is to _____
Find a group and push into the building. We need as much ground as we can get.
Radio in to a squad more suited for the task. I'd rather stay out of sight if possible.
Call it in. I'm not giving up my hiding spot to shoot one guy through a window.
I'm not really suited for indoor combat. Hopefully the rest of my squad can cover it.
I'll see if I can make some window shots. Otherwise, I'm pretty helpless in this scenario. Once the building is captured I'll be able to make some fun shots if it has an upper floor though.
I'd be right behind the team, but safely out of harms way. Once the building is clear I can tend to the wounded.
A large group of enemies is approaching and you are on your own! What now?
Shout for backup and engage. The longer I delay, the more time they have to scout my team out.
Silence my radio and hide. I can't afford to be spotted. If the coast is clear I'll take them out when they aren't looking.
Lay down and wait for them to pass. I'm too busy scouting to be killed.
I'm lighting them up here and now. If I have to dump the whole mag then so be it.
Pick one enemy off and book it. At least I lessened the load on my team a little bit. Group fights are not my style.
Are you kidding? I'm out of there! I should have been with my team anyway! They need me!
A single target has wandered into your sight. What do you do?
I assess whether the target seems like they would make a good prisoner first. If not, I take them down. I need to worry about my team.
Scan the area, take them down if possible, and move on. I've got better things to do.
This could be a trap to get me to reveal myself. I'll call in to a friendly squad.
Just spray them. Why even wait?
Take the shot. It's not like it will be a hard shot either.
I may try to take them out, but I'd rather not put myself in harm's way.
Your teammate goes down. You _____
Call a medic and hold my ground. I'm prepared to take one for the team.
As much as I hate to, I leave them. I can't afford to be slowed down.
Radio for a medic, but stay still so you don't alert any enemies of your hiding spot.
Shred whoever dared to shoot your friend and you drag the body to a medic yourself.
Take the enemy down, and relocate. You hate to leave your friend, but you need to keep pressure on the enemy.
Heal them. Duh.
You happen upon an empty sniper tower. What do you do.
I'll get in for the time being, but if someone else needs space I'll gladly step down.
I've got no reason to get in there. I'm keeping on the move.
I'll take the tower for a minute or two, but I hate being out in the open, so I'll probably leave.
Being in a tower doesn't really help me any. Other members of my squad are better suited to that.
I'll take it and hold it for as long as I can. Anyone who gets close to me is a dead man.
I don't really need a tower, but I may stay nearby since they offer such good protection.
What's your body build?
I'm not notable in any real way. I can do a bit of everything pretty well.
I'm built for movement. I'm not that strong, but I'm fast and I've got good endurance.
I have a slim profile. I can often be hard to spot when I'm hiding and I can fit into odd places.
I'm built like a brick wall. I command a lot of attention whenever I'm around.
I'm nimble, but I've got strength to back it up. My speed could use some work though.
I just keep pushing no matter what. I've got fantastic endurance and while I'm not the best at anything else, I'm not tiring anytime soon.
What guns do you find yourself gravitating towards?
Generalist stuff. AK47s, M4s, stuff like that. I like to do a little everything.
Anything light. SMGs, short rifles, even pistols. I prefer movement over firepower.
High power sniper rifles. I want to be able to survey the match from great distances and pick off targets when I have to without being too obvious.
Anything that shoots fast. Full auto is the way to go for me. I want to lay down a line of fire and never stop shooting.
A long range rifle. A like to be able to pick my targets and help out the team with annoying enemies.
I don't really care about my weapon. I just want something light that happens to shoot as well. I care about my team's safety mostly.
An enemy has captured the flag. He must be stopped what do you do?
I'll chase him down while calling for reinforcements. I'll just keep shooting til he drops.
I'll run ahead and set up an ambush. He shouldn't see it coming, and I can get the flag back.
This is my chance. The exact reason I've been hiding. One shot, one kill.
If I see that an enemy is holding my flag I'm just going to spray wildly until he goes down. No question.
Take a quick shot at him, but let someone else go get the flag. I'm staying in the back-lines.
I'll just follow whoever leads the charge. I'm ready to give my support.
{"name":"Airsoft role quiz", "url":"","txt":"Are you ready to discover your ideal role in the world of Airsoft? This engaging quiz will help you understand where you fit best on the battlefield, whether as a sniper, support, or front-line fighter!Answer a series of thought-provoking questions to uncover your strengths and preferences:Evaluate your combat styleUnderstand your strategic approachIdentify your ideal weapon type","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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