Who is ConnectAbility of MN quiz 1

When creating an email, even replying, what should be in the subject line?
Client's PMI
Clients first and last name
ConnectAbility of MN
Your name
When should you send an email from your personal office email address?
Replying to an email so it isn't in the shared box
Only when emailing team members
When emailing with a Provider directly
When you are staring the email to a client, case manager, or provider
When a new email comes in, you should....
Answer it when you have time
Answer it sometime during the week it was received
As soon as possible even just to say you received it
When you have the answer
Which one is NOT Why do we use shared email boxes
So case manager, clients, and providers have one contact that doesn't change
To keep all emails in one place
To make sure all emails can be answered regardless of who at work
To keep our team embers anonymous from case managers, clients, providers
How do you send an email to someone without the other recipients know ?
Copy and paste the email into a new email
add the address line to the BB line
add the address to the the CC line
It isn't possible to do that in one email
{"name":"Who is ConnectAbility of MN quiz 1", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QN5HN3K6M","txt":"When creating an email, even replying, what should be in the subject line?, When should you send an email from your personal office email address?, When a new email comes in, you should....","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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