Tremendous Thames Quiz
{"name":"Tremendous Thames Quiz", "url":"","txt":"By Diliff - Own work, CC BY 3.0, https:\/\/\/w\/index.php?curid=3639626 A quiz by Matt Thurgood for Reading Borough Libraries. Please feel free to share on Twitter, Facebook etc. by copying and pasting this link: https:\/\/\/QNBTBUK, By Richard75 at the English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https:\/\/\/w\/index.php?curid=5733673 According to Ordnance Survey, the source of the Thames is in Trewsbury Mead. In which county?, By Thomas Wyke - scan from FT magazine, 2007-09-30, Public Domain, https:\/\/\/w\/index.php?curid=2867141 The first \"Frost Fair\" was held on the frozen Thames in 1607. What game did people play?","img":""}