Kdental phamaco

A visually appealing image showing various dental medications, including antibiotics, with an engaging background of a dental clinic setting.

Kdental Pharmacology Quiz

Test your knowledge on dental pharmacology with our engaging quiz! This quiz covers a range of topics such as antibiotics, their classifications, mechanisms of action, and specific uses in dental practice.

Features of the quiz include:

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • A comprehensive overview of dental pharmacology
  • Topics related to various antibiotics and their applications
111 Questions28 MinutesCreated by LearningPharmacist24
1. For antibiotic agent to be useful in the treatment of pathology microorganism, the following criteria should be met:
σ� The concentration of the antibiotic achieved and maintained at the site of infection.
 Not promote resistance or create imbalance of the normal flora of the body.  The microorganism must be susceptible to the agent
 All above are correct
σ� The agent should be low toxicity for the body.
2. The bactericidal antibiotic?
 Penicillin, Cephalosporin
σ� Macrolides
σ� Tetracycline
σ� Clindamycin
3. The bacteriostatic antibiotic
 Macrolides , Tetracycline and Clindamycin
σ� Macrolides
σ� Tetracycline
σ� Clindamycin
σ� Cephalosporin
4. Erythromycin belong to which classification of drug?
σ� Macrolide
σ� Clindamycin
σ� Lincomycin
 Cephalosporin
5. Mechanism of action of Erythromycin
 Narrow spectrum
σ� Bactericidal
σ� Bacteriostatic
σ� Broad spectrum
6. Is the any crossover allergy between Penicillin and Macrolid?
σ� Yes, there is crossover allergy
σ� When use lower concentration
σ� No, there is no crossover allergy
σ� When use high dosage
7. What is the spectrum of activity of Macrolides?
σ� Anaerobic bacteria
σ� Gram (+)
σ� Some Gram (-)
σ� Streptococcus
σ� All the above are correct
8. Can cephalosporin be given to the patient allergic to PNC?
 Yes if we use low dosage
σ� No
σ� Yes
σ� Yes if combine with other antibiotic
9. Can bacteria become resistance to PNC?
 If we do not use in long period of time
σ� Yes, if bacteria secrete Penicillinase
σ� No it is a good alternative choice
σ� If we combine with other antibiotic
10. What can we give to patient if amoxicillin does not work?
 All the above
σ� Amoxicillin, Clavulanic acid
σ� Macrolide
σ� Clindamycin
11. Erythromycin belong to which classification of drugs?
 Clindamycin
σ� Cephalosporin
σ� Macrolides
σ� Tetracycline
12. What is the spectrum activities of erythromycin?
 All the above
σ� Gram positive bacteria
σ� Gram negative bacteria
σ� anaerobic bacteria
13. What is the mechanism of action of Erythromycin?
 Broad spectrum
σ� Bacteriostatic antibiotic
σ� Bacteriocidal antibiotic
σ� Narrow spectrum
14. Can cephalosporin be given to patient allergic to PNC?
 Yes if combine with macrolide
σ� No, Because it has same structure to PNC
σ� Yes, If using low dose
σ� Broad spectrum than PNC
15. Are there any crossover allergy between PNC and Erythromycin?
σ� Yes, if used long period
σ� Yes, the structure are similar
σ� No, Without any crossover
σ� Yes If use in the same time
16. What is the different between Azithromycin and Clarithromycin?
 Clarithromycin is nephrotoxic
σ� Both are classified as Macrolides 2nd generation
σ� Azithromycin is more effective than clarithromycin
σ� Azithromycin are broad spectrum than Clarithromycin
17. Is Azithromycin is adequate to prescribe in oral infection?
 All the above
σ� It has activity against many gram (+)
σ� It has activity against gram( -)
σ� It has activity against anaerobic bacteria
σ� It is an alternative choice when the patient allergic to PNC
18. What is the mechanism of action of Lincomycin?
 Bacteriostatic at low does and bacteriocidal at usual dose
σ� Bacteriostatic at low dose
σ� Inhabit bacterial protein
σ� Can be bacteriocidal in low dose
σ� Narrow spectrum
19. Why Metronidazole alone not recommended in odontogenic infection ?
 With Macrolide + metronidazole effective against gram (-) and gram (+)
σ� Because
σ� Metronidazole not effective against staphylococcus viridan
σ� Effective against Gram (-) anaerobic
σ� With amoxicillin + Metronidazole effective against gram (-) and gram (+)
σ� All above are correct
20. Does ingestion alcohol when taking Metronidazole cause adverse effects?
 Metronidazole prolong Prothrombin time
σ� Yes, Metronidazole and alcohol cause face flushing , headache, papitation and nausea
σ� No, Alcohol increase the effect of metronidazole
σ� Metronidazole is nephrotoxic
21. Why is tetracycline is prescribed for Periodontal disease?
 Bacteriostatic antibiotic
σ� Tetracycline releases collgenase and breakdown collagen in (gingival,periodontal and bone)
σ� Tetracycline inhabit bacteria growth
σ� Tetracycline inhibit secretion of salivary gland
22. What is microbial spectrum of the activity of the tetracycline?
σ� Gram (+) bacteria and Gram (-) bacteria
σ� Gram (+) bacteria
σ� Gram (-) bacteria
σ� Candida species
σ� Trichomonase
23. What precaution should be followed when prescribe Azithromycin or Clarithromycin?
σ� All the above
σ� Severe kidney disease
σ� Liver disease
σ� Severe cardiovascular disease
σ� Pregnancy
σ� Breastfeeding
24. What is the spectrum of antibacterial activity of Clarithromycin?
σ� Facultative anaerobic bacteria
σ� Active against gram (+)
σ� Active against gram (-)
σ� Facultative aerobic bacteria
σ� All the above
25. What the indication for the use of acetaminophen?
 All the above
σ� Antipyretique
σ� Mild to moderate pain
σ� Peripheral activity anti-inflammatory
σ� Does not inhabit platalet aggregation like Apirin
26. What is the indication for chlorhexidine ?
 Pulpitis
σ� Gingivitis
σ� Periodontitis
σ� Apical periodontitis
27. Can bacteria become resistant to PNC?
 Used during meal time
σ� Certain gram negative bacteria secrete batalactamase breakdown PNC
σ� If used PNC combine with Tetracycline
σ� Used long period
28. What the drug interaction occur with PNC?
σ� Acetaminophen
σ� Probenecid
σ� Tetracycline
σ� Oral contraceptive
σ� Probenecid , Tetracycline and oral contraceptive
29. For which common oral condition is antiviral appropriate?
 Gingivitis
σ� Herpes simplex virus
σ� Candida’s infection
σ� Staphylococcus infection
30. What type of alcohol oral rinse?
 Listerine
 Ethanol
σ� Hydrogen Peroxide
σ� Methanol
31. What is the precaution /Contra indication of using Clindamycin in the patient?
σ� Severe renal disease
σ� With inflammatory bowel
σ� With ulceration colitis
σ� Pseudomembranous colitis
σ� All the above
32. Metronidazole reserve for the treatment of
 All the above
σ� Serious infection of lower respiratory tract
σ� Infection of skin and soft tissue
σ� Infection of joint and bone
σ� Bacterial septicemia involving gram (-) and gram (+) anaerobic and clastidium species
Metronidazole has been reported to potentiated prolong prothombin time when combine with anticoagulant below:
σ� Ibuprofen
σ� Warfarin
σ� Coumadin
σ� Acetaminophen
σ� Warfarin- Coumadin
34. What are some adverse effects of oral nystatin
 All the above
σ� Diarrhea
σ� Nausea
σ� Vomiting
σ� Rash
35. Can Antacids and Iron be taken without Tetracycline?
 If we increase the usual dose.
σ� Yes, if we add vitamin B
σ� No, Antacids and Iron can not take same time because reduce abortion
σ� If combine with other antibiotic
36. The Function of irrigant Sodium hypochlorite use during root canal therapy!!
σ� To flush debris from the canal, Lubricate the canal and Disinfect the canal
σ� To flush debris from the canal
σ� Lubricate the canal
σ� Disinfect the canal
σ� Keep the vitality of pulp
37. The irrigants us in root canal therapy are :
 Sodium hypochlorite, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (H2O2)
σ� Sodium hypochlorite
σ� Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
σ� Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (H2O2)
σ� Eugenol
38. Why Metronidazole alone not recommended in odontogenic infection ? Because:
 All above are correct
σ� Metronidazole not effective against staphylococcus viridan
σ� Effective against Gram (-) anaerobic
σ� With amoxicillin + Metronidazole effective against gram (-) and gram (+)
σ� With Macrolide + metronidazole effective against gram (-) and gram (+)
39. Pharmacology of Clindamycin:?
σ� All the above
σ� Adsorption not influenced by the presence of the food
σ� Widely distributed to many fluid well and tissues
σ� Distributed in the bone
σ� Absorbed from the stomach
40. Metronidazole has been reported to potentiated prolong prothombin time when combine with anticoagulant below:?
 Warfarin- Coumadin
σ� Warfarin
σ� Coumadin
σ� Acetaminophen
σ� Ibuprofen
41. 37 The Function of irrigant Sodium hypochlorite use during root canal therapy?
σ� To flush debris from the canal
σ� Lubricate the canal
σ� Disinfect the canal
σ� Keep the vitality of pulp
 1 +2 +3 Lubricate the canal Disinfect the canal Disinfect the canal
42. The irrigants us in root canal therapy are ?
 Sodium hypochlorite, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (H2O2)
σ� Sodium hypochlorite
σ� Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
σ� Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (H2O2)
σ� Eugenol
43. Is Azithromycin adequate to prescribe in oral infection?
σ� Good Choice for mild infection
σ� Has activity against gram positive bacteria
σ� Has activity against gram negative bacteria
σ� When patient is allergic to PNC
σ� All the above are correct
44. Activity of Azithromycin
 Against gram (+) bacteria and Against gram (-) bacteria
σ� Against gram (+) bacteria
σ� Against gram (-) bacteria
σ� Entameba Histolica
σ� Plasmodium folciform
45. What precaution should be followed when prescribe azithromycin ?
 All above are correct
σ� Severe liver disease
σ� Liver cirrhosis
σ� Severe kidney disease
σ� Severe cardiovascular disease
46. What are advantages to prescribe azithromycin or clarithromycin over erythromycin?
σ� Higher tissue concentration than Erythromycin
σ� More acid stable than erythromycin
σ� Not broken down in the acidity of the stomach
σ� Better tissue penetration than Erythromycin
σ� All the above are correct
47. Can we prescribe Clarithromycin to patient allergic to PNC?
σ� Breakdown in the acidity gastric
σ� Yes
σ� No
σ� Not derivative from Erythromycin
48. What are some drug interaction with azithromycin?
 Carbamazepine
σ� Warfarin
σ� Digoxin
σ� Theophylline
σ� All the above are correct
49. Drug interaction with Azithromycin?
σ� Warfarin and Carbamazepine
σ� Vitamin C
σ� Warfarin
σ� Carbamazepine
σ� Paracetamol
50. Drug interaction with tetracycline?
σ� All the above are correct
σ� Antacid if take the same time
σ� PNC if take the same time
σ� Digoxin
σ� Warfarin
51. What is the spectrum of antibacterial action for metronidazole?
 Gram (+) Bacteria, Gram (-) Bacteria and Fusobacterium
σ� Gram (+) Bacteria
σ� Gram (-) Bacteria
σ� Anaerobic
σ� Fusobacterium
52. Do Metronidazole concentrate in gingival crevicular fluid (GFC)?
σ� Lymph node
σ� No
σ� Yes
 Bone Marrow
53. Why Metronidazole alone not recommended in odontogenic infection?
σ� Active against gram (+), Anaerobic germ and Staphylococcus gram (+)
σ� Active against gram (+)
σ� Active against gram (-)
σ� Anaerobic germ
σ� Staphylococcus gram (+)
54. What is the spectrum of activity of Clindamycin?
σ� Staphylococcus
σ� Narrow spectrum antibiotic
σ� Against most gram (+)
σ� Gram (-)
σ� All the above are correct
55. What is the spectrum of activity of Clindamycin?
 Anaerobic bacteria
σ� Narrow spectrum
σ� Broad spectrum
σ� Bactericidal
56. Is Clindamycin a good choice in odontogenic infection?
σ� All the above are correct
σ� Against anaerobies
σ� Good distribution in soft tissue
σ� Well distribution in the bone
σ� Show high plasma concentration
57. What are the common adverse effect of Clindamycin?
 All the above are correct
σ� Diarrhea
σ� Vomiting
σ� Abdominal pain
σ� Rash
58. Is Clindamycin contra-indicated in any patient?
 No, Patient with inflammation bevel disease and Ulcerative colitis
σ� No
σ� Yes
σ� Patient with inflammation bevel disease
σ� Ulcerative colitis
59. If patient is allergic to Erythromycin can Clindamycin be prescribed?
σ� Bactericidal
σ� Yes , mechanism of action relatively the same
σ� No, because of allergy
σ� Different antibiotic spectrum
60. Antibiotic bacteriostatic?
 Macrolide and Tetracycline
σ� Macrolide
σ� Quinolone
σ� Penicillin
σ� Tetracycline
61. Drug interaction with macrolide?
σ� Digoxin
σ� Alfentanil
σ� Theophyline
σ� Carbamazepine
σ� All the above are correct
62. Tetracycline Is medicated in?
 All the above are correct
σ� Refractory Periodontitis
σ� An alternative when PNC is contra-indicated
σ� When β- lactamase are involved
σ� Dental Abscesses
63. Erythromycin , Clarithromycin and Azithromycin are indicated in the treatment of ?
σ� Alternative treatment to PNC
σ� Mild to moderated infection of oral cavity
 Upper and lower inspiratory tract infection
σ� Skin infection
σ� All the above are correct
64. Erythromycin , Azithromycin are eliminated from the body by
σ� The saliva
σ� The liver
σ� The kidney
σ� The lung
65. Once absorbed PNC distribute through out the body include:?
σ� Placenta
σ� Gingival crevicular fluid
σ� Saliva
σ� Blood Brain
σ� Gingival crevicular fluid, Saliva and Placenta
66. For the antimicrobial to be useful in treatment of pathogenic microorganism. The following criteria should be met:?
σ� The agent should not be readily promote resistance or create imbalance in the normal flora, The agent must be capable of penetrate in the site of infection and The agent should be toxic to the body
σ� The agent should not be readily promote resistance or create imbalance in the normal flora
σ� The agent must be capable of penetrate in the site of infection
σ� The agent should be toxic to the body
σ� Capable to provoque cell multiplication
67. Treatment of Doxycycline in refractory periodontitis?
 All above are correct
σ� 20mg q.12h
σ� As an adjunctive periodontal therapy
σ� Mechanism of action is suppression collagenase
σ� The therapeutic objective : Help kill the bacteria
68. What is the spectrum of antibacterial action for metronidazole?
 All the above are corret
σ� Effective against gram (-)
σ� Anaerobie Germ
σ� Fuso Bacterium
σ� Polyimonas
69. Do ingestion of alcohol cause adverse effect when taking metronidazole?
σ� Cause Nausea , abdominal cramp, Facial Flushing , Headache and Confusion
σ� No side effects
σ� Cause Nausea , abdominal cramp
σ� Facial Flushing , Headache
σ� Confusion
70. Clindamycin: indication for use in ?
 All the above are correct
σ� Treatment of severe infection cause by anaerobia bacteria
σ� Treatment of adult refractory periodontitis
σ� Alternative to PNC
σ� Alternative to Erythromycin
71. Oral candida infection may have four clinical presentation ?
σ� Angular chelitis
σ� Pseudomembranous
σ� Erythematous Candidiasis
σ� Hyper plastic candidiasis
σ� All the above are correct
72. Candida infection may have four clinical presentations
σ� Pseudomembranous and Erythematous Candidiasis
σ� Pseudomembranous
σ� Edema of mucosa
σ� Hyperplasia of lip
σ� Erythematous Candidiasis
73. Candidas infection may be diagnosed through?
σ� Culture and Cytological smears
σ� Culture
σ� Cytological smears
σ� Biopsy
σ� White blood cell count
74. Antifungal agent divided into two group?
σ� Azole : imidazole . Clotrimazol and Polynene
σ� Azole : imidazole . clotrimazol
σ� Polynene
 Suffonamid
σ� Clotrimazol
75. Antifungal agent : possible interaction between other drug?
 Warfarin
σ� Alcohol
σ� Benzodiazepine
σ� Dogoxin
σ� All the above are correct
76. Antifungal agent : possible interaction with :?
σ� Benzodiazepine
σ� Cephalosporin
σ� Azithromycin
σ� Clindamycin
77. Oral viral infection encountered in dental practice:?
σ� All the above are correct
σ� Herpangina
σ� Acute lymphonodular pharyngitis
σ� Hand- food and mouth disease
78. The oral fungal infection are treated with?
 All the above are correct
σ� Azole
σ� Polyene
σ� Ketakonazole
 Imidazole
79. The following advice can be given to all patient diagnosed with oral fungal infection?
σ� Oral hygiene devices such as toothbrush and denture that maybe contaminate should be replaced
σ� To prevent relapse long term therapy
σ� Take medication should complete the course
σ� Patient should not use alcohol base mouth rinse
σ� All above are correct
80. Contra indication of amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid?
 Congestion heart failure
σ� Hypersensitivity to PNC
 Liver disease
σ� Refractory periodontitis
81. Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid indication:?
 All the above are correct
σ� Severe dental infection
 Cellulitis
σ� Surgical prophylaxis
σ� Respiratory tract infection
82. The Precaution of using amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid?
σ� All the above are correct
σ� History of allergy to PNC
σ� Erythematous rash
σ� Hepatic impairment
σ� Renal impairment
83. Ontra-indication of amoxicillin :?
 Cyst
σ� Hypersensitivity to PNC
σ� Gingivitis
σ� Cellulitis
84. Contra-indication of amoxicillin?
 Dental Abscess
σ� History of allergy to PNC
σ� Bronchitis
σ� Oral infection
85. Indication of use cephalosporin 1st generation :?
 Coxakie-virus
σ� Gram (+) bacteria infection
σ� Gram (-) bacteria infection
σ� Anaerobic bacteria infection
86. The alternative choice of using amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid?
σ� Azithromycin, Clindamycin and Lincomycine
σ� Azithromycin
σ� Clindamycin
σ� Metronidazole
σ� Lincomycine
87. Phenoxyl methyl Penicillin (PNC V) indication for use: ?
 All the above are correct
σ� Streptococcus Pharyngitis
σ� Cellulitis
σ� Otitis
σ� Mouth infection
88. Phenoxyl methyl Penicillin precaution of use?
 All the above are correct
σ� Allergy to PNC
σ� Breastfeeding
σ� Patient are resistance to PNC
σ� Severe kidney disease
89. Contra indication of Doxycycline:?
 Pregnancy, Children under the age of 8 years and Renal Failure
σ� Pregnancy
σ� Children under the age of 8 years
σ� Patient who are allergy to PNC
σ� Renal Failure
90. Indication of Erythromycin:?
 All the above are correct
σ� Alternative to PNC
σ� Oral infection
σ� Sinusitis
σ� Respiratory tract infection
91. Metronidazole , Indication of use:?
 Streptococcus infection
σ� Anaerobic bacterial infection
σ� Bacterial infection
σ� Staphylococcus infection
92. Oral viral infection encounter in dental clinic?
σ� All the above are correct
σ� Herpangina
σ� Acute lymph nodular pharyngitis
σ� Herpes labials
σ� Human papilloma virus
93. For the patient with immuno competent , the treatment of oral herpetic consist of :?
σ� Nutritional support
σ� Treatment of anti-fungus
σ� Nutritional support and Pain Palliaition
σ� Pain Palliaition
σ� Antibiotherapy
94. For the patient with immuno compromised the treatment of oral herpetic consist of :?
 All the above are correct
σ� Nutrition support
σ� Analgesic
σ� Topical anesthesia cream
σ� Anti-viral ( Acyclovir)
95. Patient with Hiv infection , the treatment of oral viral infection consist of :?
σ� All the above are correct
σ� Treatment of anti-viral
σ� Analgesic
σ� Nutrition support
σ� Topical anesthesia cream
96. Patient with HIV infection , the treatment of oral viral infection consist of :?
 Anti-viral therapy
σ� Analgesic therapy
σ� Antibiotherapy
σ� Anti-fungus
σ� Analgesic therapy and Anti-viral therapy
97. Because the toxicity and side effect, antiviral agent usually are reserve for:?
σ� Patient with immunocompromised and Patient with immuno deficiency
σ� Patient with immunocompromised
σ� Patient with immuno deficiency
σ� Immono competent
σ� The elderly people
98. Clindamycin: interaction with other drugClindamycin + Anti diarrhea containing Kaolin or actapulgite:?
σ� May increase plasma level of clindamycin
σ� May delay absorption of oral clindamycin
σ� May prolonged respiratory depression
σ� May increase activity of warfarin
99. Adverse effect of Clindamycin:?
 May increase activity of conmadin
σ� Result in disturbance of normal intestinal flora
σ� Provoque severe colitis
σ� Renal Disease
100. Ciprofloxaxin indication in the treatment of infection by :?
 Streptococcus pyogen
σ� Gram (-) Bacteria
σ� Anaerobic bacteria
σ� Staphylococcus epidermitis
σ� All above are correct
101. Ciprofloxazin : Characteristics ?
 Inactive against anaerobic bacteria
σ� Bactericidal
σ� Activity against gram (+)
σ� Activity against gram (-)
σ� All above are correct
102. Metronidazole : after oral administration?
σ� Cerebro spinal fluid
σ� Drug distribution throughout the body
σ� Drug penetrate well into body fluid
σ� Drug penetrate in saliva
σ� All the above are correct
103. After oral administration , Metronidazole distributed?
σ� Into the saliva, In the cerebrospinal fluid and In the body tissues
σ� Into the saliva
σ� In the cerebrospinal fluid
σ� In the body tissues
σ� In the bone
104. Characteristic of Ciprofloxacine
σ� Inactivity against anaerobic bacteria
σ� Bactericidal
σ� Activity against gram (+)
σ� Activity against gram (-)
σ� All the above are correct
105. Characteristic of Ciprofloxacine?
σ� Bactericidal and Inactivity against anaerobic bacterial
σ� Bacteriostatic
σ� Bactericidal
σ� Inactivity against anaerobic bacteria
106. Common indication for use of penicillin + Clavulanic acid?
σ� correct Against β-lactamase producing by pathogen agent, To prevent prosthetic join infection and For dental patient at risk
σ� Against β-lactamase producing by pathogen agent
σ� To prevent prosthetic join infection
σ� For dental patient at risk
σ� against anaerobic bacteria
107. If patient allergic to Penicillin can we prescribe Ciprofloxacin ?
σ� No because the patient is allergic to PNC
σ� No there are cross resistance between antibiotic
σ� Yes
σ� The Mechanism of action is the same
108. When are quinolone prescribed in dentistry?
 Fluid concentration is high
σ� If pathogen agent are resistance
σ� If the patient is allergic to PNC
σ� Bactericidal antibiotic
109. Spectrum activity of quinolone ?
σ� Broad spectrum antibiotic, Against anaerobic bacteria gram (-) microorganism and Against many gram (+)
σ� Broad spectrum antibiotic
σ� Against anaerobic bacteria gram (-) microorganism
σ� Against many gram (+)
σ� Patient is allergic to PNC
110. What are the adverse effect of quinolone?
 All above are correct
σ� Nausea
 Vomiting
σ� Diarrhea
σ� Dizziness
111. Does Pseudomembranous Colitis occur with ciprofloxacin ?
σ� If we use with PNC
σ� No there are no relation with ciprofloxacin and colitis
 Yes there is high association and clostidium difficile
σ� The mechanism of action is different
{"name":"Kdental phamaco", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on dental pharmacology with our engaging quiz! This quiz covers a range of topics such as antibiotics, their classifications, mechanisms of action, and specific uses in dental practice.Features of the quiz include:Multiple-choice questionsA comprehensive overview of dental pharmacologyTopics related to various antibiotics and their applications","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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