Criminal Courts 1

Van Cleve's (2016) book Crook County is about the criminal courts located in what city?
According to Van Cleve (2016), police officers are not part of the courtroom workgroup, but are instead viewed by prosecutors as accessories to their work because _______________.
Police officers don't understand the role of a prosecutor
Police officers are not required to testify honestly
Police officers don't often appear in courtrooms
Police officers typically lack law degrees
True or false: According to Van Cleve (2016), prosecutors are often aware of police abuses of power, egregious acts of police misconduct, and routine lying by some police officers while testifying in court. She argues that prosecutors become complicit in these practices when they are enmeshed in a code of silence.
Van Cleve (2016) argues that defense attorneys who practice in the Cook County (IL) criminal courts engage in zealous advocacy for their clients by _______________.
Becoming racist and embracing the court's racialized culture
Integrating racialized frames and an "authentic" performance
Embracing the post-racial court culture
Ignoring the court's racialized culture
Van Cleve's (2016) methodology is _______________ research, supplemented by observation by trained court watchers and additional interviews.
Grounded theory
Case study
What case gave courts in the United States power to examine a law and determine whether it is constitutional?
Plessy v ferguson
Marbury v madison
US v Booker
Brown v Board of Education
What type of courts are experimenting with alternatives to the traditional sanctions of probation, jail, and prison?
Civil courts
Juvenile courts
All criminal courts
Specialized courts
Which of Packer's models of the criminal justice system favor the plea bargaining process?
Both crime control and due process proponents
Due process proponents
Crime control proponents
Packer's crime control model focuses on which of the following?
Factual guilt
Societal guilt
Individual guilt
Legal guilt
Judicial review means that a court has the power to determine the constitutionality of a law.
What holds the government to the rule of law?
Due process
Which metaphor best describes the due process model of the criminal justice system?
Obstacle course
Assembly line
Horse race
Which is the only court that sets precedent for all federal courts in the United States?
D.C Court of Appeals
US Court of Appeals
Which of the following is not a right mentioned by name in the United States Constitution?
Prohibition on bills of attainder
Prohibition on ex post facto laws
Right to habeas corpus
Right to privacy
The Fourth Amendment bans all searches and seizures that are _______________.
At what point does the law require a defendant be allowed assistance of counsel?
At critical stages of the investigative process
As soon as the crime has been committed
At the beginning of the trial process
At the point of arrest
The requirement of the Miranda warning is based on which amendment to the United States Constitution?
5th Amendment
4th Amendment
8th Amendment
1st Amendment
What amendment to the United States Constitution provides the right to an attorney?
6th Amendment
5th Amendment
7th Amendment
4th Amendment
What is the level of proof required to search a place or seize an item or person?
Preponderance of the evidence
Probable cause
Beyond a reasonable doubt
Absolute certainty
The Due Process Clause is incorporated to the States by the _______________ Amendment.
10th Amendment
14th Amendment
18th Amendment
9th Amendment
Which of the following rights are not found in the Sixth Amendment?
Representation by counsel
Defendant not required to testify
Trial by an impartial jury
Public trial
A person who consciously, with the intent to commit a certain act or produce a certain result, acts with what level of criminal intent?
Laws that impose criminal punishment without a trial are called _______________.
Ex post facto
Void for vagueness
Bills of attainder
What differentiates between felony and misdemeanor larceny?
Location of the crime
Value of the goods taken
Age of the goods' owner
Time of day of the crime
Solicitation involves the intent ton induce another to commit a crime.
Most States consider burglary at nighttime to be _______________.
A requirement
A mitigating factor
An aggravating factor
The inchoate crime of conspiracy is a crime of agreement.
Criminal acts not considered mala in se may be considered mala prohibita based on which of the following?
Strict liability
Social attitudes
Transferred intent
Gravity of the offense
Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is the prosecution's burden of proof in a criminal case.
After losing a case in a state court of last resort, what is the next level of appeal?
Federal Intermediate Appellate Court
State intermediate appellate court
US Court of Appeals
The criminal process begins either with the filing of a complaint or _______________.
An appearance
An information
An arrest
The booking process
Assuming good behavior, Justices of the United States Supreme Court serve terms _______________.
For life
6 years
10 years
12 years
Who has the authority to remove federal judges found to be guilty of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors?
Governors Council
Fellow judges
What are the two ways that formal charges can be filed against a defendant in a felony case?
Complaint or Indictment
Indictment or Information
Complaint or Arrest
Arrest or Arraignment
All cases are first heard in courts of _______________.
Appellate jursidiction
Original jurisdiction
Primary jurisdiction
Limited jurisdiction
Which of the following is a type of defense attorney that is selected and paid for by the criminal defendant?
Public defender
Panel attorney
Appointed counsel
Retained counsel
In which state courts are warrants typically issued?
Trial courts of general jursidiction
Intermediate appellate courts
Trial courts of limited jurisdiction
Courts of last resort
If an offender successfully completes a drug court program, the criminal charges against him or her are _______________.
The Red Hook Community Justice Center opened in 2000 and is part of a broader _______________ movement.
Juvenile courts
Restorative justice
Drug courts
Problem-solving courts
The best known community court is the _______________ which was opened in 1993 and is located in the Times Square area of Manhattan.
NY Community Court
Times Square Community Court
Manhattan Community Court
Midtown Community Court
The purpose of the Red Hook Community Justice Center in Brooklyn, New York, is to transform the neighborhood by cleaning up violent felony crime and offering defendants treatment for the drug addictions and other social dislocations believed to fuel their criminal behavior.
The first drug court program in the United States started in 1989 in _______________.
Miami-Dade County, FL
Fairfax County, Virginia
Franklin County, OH
Evidence that tends to favor (or favors) the defendant is called _______________.
Impeachment evidence
Direct evidence
Indirect evidence
Exculpatory evidence
In the federal court system, the government is represented in criminal matters by the _______________.
State's Attonrey
Prosecuting Attorney
US Attorney
Prosecutorial misconduct will always result in sanctions.
Which of the following is the most common result if a prosecutor deliberately fails to hand over Brady evidence and/or other required evidence to the defense?
The prosecutor is held in contempt of court
The court dismisses the charges against the defendant
The prosecutor is charged with obstruction of justice
The evidence is handled over and the case retired
What must be at the core of the prosecutor's role in the criminal justice system?
Prosecutorial conduct
Legitimate conduct
Appropriate conduct
Ethical conduct
Prosecutors work under a great deal of judicial oversight.
Which of the following is not one of the elected prosecutor's daily duties?
Make regular court appearances
Manage the organization of the office
Set policies and priorities for the office
Manage the long-term planning for the office
Impeachment evidence is any evidence that _______________.
Damages the defendant's case
Damages the prosecution's case
Damages the credibility of a witness
Damages the credibility of an alibi
{"name":"Criminal Courts 1", "url":"","txt":"Van Cleve's (2016) book Crook County is about the criminal courts located in what city?, According to Van Cleve (2016), police officers are not part of the courtroom workgroup, but are instead viewed by prosecutors as accessories to their work because _______________., True or false: According to Van Cleve (2016), prosecutors are often aware of police abuses of power, egregious acts of police misconduct, and routine lying by some police officers while testifying in court. She argues that prosecutors become complicit in these practices when they are enmeshed in a code of silence.","img":""}
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