Which Cas are you?

Create an illustration of characters representing different personality types, inspired by a supernatural theme with a hint of fantasy and adventure, featuring elements like angels and demons.

Which Cas Are You?

Have you ever wondered which character from Supernatural you resemble the most? This engaging quiz will take you through a series of fun questions to help you discover your inner Cas! Is it the fierce warrior, the gentle healer, or maybe even the sarcastic friend? Find out now!

  • Answer 10 fun questions
  • Discover your unique personality
  • Share your results with friends
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CuriousHunter987
You're ordered around by a friend. How do you react?
I begrudgingly do what they say, but not without a sarcastic comment or two.
I do what they ask. There must be a reason for the command and I won't disappoint.
Depends on what it's about. If it makes sense, I comply, if it's a stupid order I'll refuse.
I don't take orders. I am the one who makes orders around here.
I stay out of whatever they're trying to do. I'd probably mess up anyway.
How do you respond to being flirted with?
I don't know. I could flirt back, but I'm not sure if I'd follow through. So I'd probably just make an awkward exit.
I'm unsure what to do. I don't want to disappoint them but I'm not really looking for anything romantic or sexual right now.
Oh we're gonna be rolling in the sheets by the end of the night!
I frown at them until they leave me alone.
I have no time or interest for such trivial things as a flirt.
What do you love most about life and this world?
Helping other people. It brings a lot of meaning to my life.
The kindness of strangers. It's amazing how much people who have the least are willing to give.
It is flawed, but I can make it better.
Everything has its own beauty. You just have to look close enough.
I don't know, man, I'm just pulling through.
What's your weapon of choice?
The blade.
I don't fight.
Anything strong enough to rip a big hole into my enemy.
It doesn't matter. I'm stronger than anyone else anyway.
Why would I need a weapon?
What's your favorite movie?
Lord of the Rings
Ella Enchanted
Life of Pie
Lilo and Stitch
If you could have a superpower, which would you choose?
The ability to heal
Time Travel
My own inherent lie detector
Can I have more than one?
Your dream job is...
Yoga teacher.
Police officer or firefighter.
Something where I can earn money without much effort. Like a fake medium. Not that anyone'd know I was fake.
I'd try to get into politics in the hopes of making a real difference.
Nurse or doctor.
Who's your favorite SPN lady?
Charlie Bradbury
Ellen Harvelle
Claire Novak
Anna Milton
Pamela Barnes
Pick an Imagine Dragons song
I Bet My Life
It's Time
Who We Are
If the truth could hurt a friend, would you keep it from them?
I'm torn. On the one hand, telling lies is wrong. On the other hand, isn't the wellbeing of my friend more important? I'd want to ask someone else for advice, someone who's objective.
I wouldn't say anything to them until they'd mention it around me. That way, I wouldn't technically be lying.
No. They need to see the whole picture to think clearly.
I would probably tell them. Not knowing is sometimes worse.
I wouldn't tell them. Protecting someone is more important than giving them all the answers.
{"name":"Which Cas are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you ever wondered which character from Supernatural you resemble the most? This engaging quiz will take you through a series of fun questions to help you discover your inner Cas! Is it the fierce warrior, the gentle healer, or maybe even the sarcastic friend? Find out now!Answer 10 fun questionsDiscover your unique personalityShare your results with friends","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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