Radpro aduche

Create an informative and visually engaging illustration that depicts various radiographic techniques and equipment related to medical imaging, featuring a clinical setting with diverse medical professionals discussing x-ray images.

Radiographic Examination Quiz

Test your knowledge and skills in radiography with our comprehensive quiz! This quiz consists of 100 multiple-choice questions covering various techniques, projections, and anatomical considerations in radiographic procedures.

Topics include:

  • Hip Fractures
  • Cervical Spine Projections
  • Barium Enema Techniques
  • Esophageal Examination
  • Contrast Studies
100 Questions25 MinutesCreated by RadiatingKnowledge425
Select the radiographic method employed in performing an examination of a patient with suspected hip fracture
Chassard Lapine
Choose the radiographic position/ projection for the wrist to demonstrate the scaphoid fat stripe
Determine the wrist bones that will be shown in a Clements-Nakayama method in posteroanterior axial oblique projection
Scaphoid bones free of superimposition
Trapezium and articulations with adjacent carpal bones
Dorsal surface of the metacarpals
Carpal canal and carpal tunnel
Distinguish the anatomic structures demonstrated in a submentovertical axial projection Kemp Harper method
Cross section of each optic canal
Hypoglossal canal profile inferior to petrous bones
Jugular foramina projected at/or near the level of the angles of mandible
Mastoid cells, external auidtory meatus, labyrinth area, carotid canal
96 Determine the importance of a 90-degree flexion of the elbow in a lateral position as cited by Griswold. I. Ensure that the elbow fat pads are least compressed II. Ensure that the humeral epicondyles are perpendicular to the cassette III. Ensure that the olecranon process can be seen in profile
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II, and III
Choose the method employed in a radiographic procedure that would best demonstrate posterior hip dislocation
Select the degree of angulations and direction of the central ray in a Stenvers examination of the temporal bones to demonstrate the petrous portion in a posterior profile position.
10 degrees caudad
5 degrees cephalad
12 degrees cephalad
Distinguish the radiographic position/projection that would best demonstrate acromioclavicular separation.
Anteroposterior erect, both shoulders
Anteroposterior erect, affected shoulder
Anteroposteriopr recumbent, both shoulders
Anteroposterior recumbent, affected shoulder
Choose the anatomic structures of the cervical spine that are demonstrated in an anteroposterior projection. I. Intervertebral disk spaces II. C3-7 cervical bodies III. Apophyseal joints
I and II
I and III
II and III
I, II, and III
Distinguish the statements that are attributed to a craniocaudal projection of the breast. I. The radiograph will demonstrate only the medial fibroglandular breast tissue II. Pectoral muscle is demonstrated in approximately 30% of all craniocaudal images III. Slight medial skin reflection at the cleavage ensures inclusion of posterior medial tissue
II and III
I and III
I and I
I, II, and III
Point out the resultant outcome in performing the radiographic examination of the foot in an anteroposterior (dorsoplantar) projection. I. Used for localizing foreign bodies II. Localizing fragments in fractures of metatarsals and anterior tarsals III. As general surveys of the bones of the foot
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II and III
Distinguish the patient part positioning to demonstrate the coracoid process in an anteroposterior axial projection. I. Patient is placed in the supine position II. Arm of the affected side slightly abducted III. Hand is supinated and immobilized with sandbag
I, II, and III
I and II
II and III
I and III
Choose the maneuvers/techniques that will demonstrate esophageal reflux in the examination of the esophagus. I. Water test II. Compression III. Toe touch
I, II, and III
I and II
I and III
II and III
Etermine the degree of obliquity required to shift the gallbladder away from the vertebral column for sthenic patient when performing a left anterior oblique position.
Determine the mandatory preliminary radiographic image performed to localize swallowed foreign bodies for infants and young children.
Right anterior oblique position of the esophagus
Anteroposterior projection of the abdomen
Left posterior oblique position of the chest
Lateral projection of the neck and nasopharynx
Determine the normal time period from intravenous contrast injection to the greatest concentration in the renal co0llecting system during an examination of the urinary system
45 to 60 minutes
20 to 40 seconds
15 to 20 minutes
30 to 60 seconds
Point out the contraindication for sialography examination for salivary ducts
Severe inflammation
Duct strictures
Determine the special radiographic examinations for non gravid patient. I. Vaginography II. Placentography III. Hysterosalpingography
I and III
I and II
Ii and III
I, II, and III
Determine the movement of the gallbladder in an oral cholecystography if the patient is instructed to exhale during the radiographic exposure
Inferiorly and near the midline
Downward and near the midline
Upward and away from the midline
Laterally and near the midline
Select the method which introduced a technique for double-contrast enema that reveals even the smallest intraluminal lesion
Ettinger and Elkin
What is the structure demonstrated in an oblique position of the cervical spine?
Apophyseal joint
Intervertebral foramina
Intervertebral joints
Spinous process
Which of the following statements refers to reverse Waters?
Head is extended to position the mentomeatal line perpendicular to cassette
Central ray is directed perpendicular entering the mental point
Patient is placed in prone position with the head hyperextended
Patient is placed in lateral recumbent position
Schuller method in a submentovertical projection to demonstrate the cranial base requires placing as nearly as parallel with the plane of the cassette as possible the ______ line?
Glabelloalveolar line
Infraorbitomeatal line
Orbitomeatal line
Acanthiomeatal line
What is the average degree of angulation of the central ray in an AP Axial projection to demonstrate the lumbosacral and sacroiliac joints?
What is the central ray direction in an axial (plantodorsal) projection for the demonstration of the calcaneus?
Enters at the base of the fifth metatarsal
Directed 25 degrees cephalad
Directed 40 degrees cephalad
Directed perpendicular
Which of the following methods are recommended for the inclusion of a dorsoplantar axial projection for congenital clubfoot examination?
In typical clubfoot, what is the deviation resulting in the elevation of the medial border of the foot?
Which of the following statements is/are true regarding lower extremity venography? I. Patient is often examined in the semi-erect position II. Tourniquets are used to force contrast medium into the deep veins III. All radiographs are taken in anteroposterior projections
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II, and III
Which of the following positions would best demonstrate a double contrast of the hepatic and splenic flexures during a barium enema examination?
Right lateral decubitus
Antero-posterior recumbent
Antero-posterior erect
Left lateral decubitus
Which of the following is best demonstrated if a patient is placed in a right posterior oblique position during a barium enema examination?
Right colic flexure
Hepatic flexure
Splenic flexure
Transverse colon
Which of the following statements refer to an oblique position (Wolf method) for the stomach in an upper gastrointestinal series examination? I. Patient in left posterior oblique position II. Will demonstrate possible hiatal hernia III. Central ray directed 10-20 degrees caudad
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II and III
Which of the following is true in a lateral projection of the stomach during an upper gastrointestinal series examination? I. Anterior and posterior aspect of stomach is visualized II. Best projection for the pylorus and duodenal bulb for asthenic patients III. Best demonstrate the retrogastric space
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II, and III
In an interventional pyelography examination, which of the following organs is demonstrated in an erect position?
Renal structure
Bladder neck
Kidney mobility
In radiographic studies of stomach and duodenum, the patient is generally positioned in ______?
Which of the following are considered the most common allergic reaction to contrast media? I. Metallic taste in the mouth II. Temporary hot flush III. Itching
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II and III
Which of the following is referred to as a condition that is often the result of ureteral obstruction or stricture?
The preferred site for an arterial puncture for angiographic studies is?
Routine excretory urography usually includes a post-micturation radiograph of the bladder to demonstrate? I. Residual urine II. Hypoplasia III. Tumor masses
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II and III
Which of the following structure is best demonstrated in a postero-anterior axial projection in a barium enema examination?
Hepatic flexure
Splenic flexure
Transverse colon
Which of the following would be best visualized in a trendelenburg position in an upper gastrointestinal series examination?
Greater and lesser curvature
Pyloric canal
Diaphragmatic hernia
Fundic portion of the stomach
How many degrees cephalad angulation of the beam is used in an antero-posterior axial projection (Taylor method) for anterior pelvic bones in male patients?
Which of the following would demonstrate "bow" leg and "knock" knee?
Weight-bearing AP projections
AP axial intercondyloid fossa projection
Medial oblique position of the knee
PA axial projection of the knee
Which of the following central ray directions is employed to demonstrate the outlet view of the pelvis of male patients?
Perpendicular to cassette
30-45 degrees cephalad
Horizontal to the cassette
20-35 degrees cephalad
Which of the following methods is an antero-posterior axial projection to best demonstrate the scapulohumeral dislocations of the shoulder?
Which projection opens the intervertebral disk spaces of the cervical spine?
PA with 15-20 degrees cephalad
AP with 15-20 degrees cephalad
RPO with 15-20 degrees caudad
LPO with 15-20 degrees caudad
Which line of the skull is used as the baseline in axial projection of the nasal bones?
Glabelloalveolar line
The suprapatellar effusion would be best demonstrated in which of the following knee positions/ projections?
Medial oblique
Lateral oblique
An axial projection of the knee is performed to demonstrate the?
Intercondyloid fossa
Tibial tuberosity
Tibia and fibula
Which of the following statements is not an evaluation criterion in a posteroanterior projection of the hand?
Slightly separate digits with no soft tissue overlap
Clearly demonstrate soft tissue and bony trabeculation
Close metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints
Which of the following methods suggests both antero-posterior and postero-anterior axial oblique projections for suspected acromioclavicular sublaxation or dislocation?
Which of the following examinations will require close-beam restriction?
Facial bones - PA
Sella turcica - Lateral
Lumbosacral spine - AP
Chest PA
When modifying the postero-anterior axial projection of the skull to demonstrate the superior orbital fissure, the central ray is directed
30-35 degrees caudad
20-25 degrees caudad
20-25 degrees cephalad
A lateral projection of the paranasal sinuses will demonstrate which of the following sinuses?
Sphenoid sinuses
Maxillary sinuses
All four paranasal sinuses
Ethmoid sinus
The ribs posterior to the vertebral column should superimpose in which of the following chest projections?
PA projection
Oblique position
AP projection
Lateral position
A dorsoplantar projection of the foot will clearly demonstrate the joint space between the metatarsals and midfoot if the tube is angled ______?
10 degrees posteriorly
20 degrees posteriorly
15 degrees anteriorly
Which of the following positions/projections in an x-ray examination of the foot would best demonstrate the cuboid, sinus tarsi, and the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal?
Lateral oblique
Medial oblique
Fluoroscopic imaging of the ileocecal valve is generally part of?
An endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
An upper gastrointestinal series
A small bowel series
A barium enema procedure
What is the action that the Radiologic Technologist should perform to prevent the stomach or duodenum from pressing against the vertebra which may cause pressure filling defects on thin patients during an upper gastrointestinal series procedure?
Put padding under the thorax and pelvis
Instruct patient to do breathing exercise
Place the patient in head down position
Place the patient in a lateral recumbent position
Which position/ projection would demonstrate the esophagus between the heart and vertebra in a barium swallow examination?
What condition/structure is demonstrated if an erect position is requested as part of intravenous urography?
The adrenal glands
The bladder neck
Renal pelvis
Kidney mobility
Which position will most effectively move the gallbladder away from the vertebrae in a asthenic patients?
Erect right lateral
Right anterior oblique
Left anterior oblique
Right posterior oblique
Which of the following structures are demonstrated in an AP projection of the cervical spine? I. C3-C7 cervical bodies II. Intervertebral disk spaces III. Apophyseal joints
I and II
I and III
II and III
I, II, and III
What position/projection would best demonstrate acromioclavicular separation?
Anteroposterior erect both shoulders
Anteroposterior recumbent, affected shoulders
Anteroposterior erect, affected shoulder
Which positioning method would best demonstrate fovea capitis, particularly the superoposterior walls of the acetabulum?
Which exposure technique should be employed to best visualize lower ribs?
During shallow breathing
During swallowing
What is the structure demonstrated when employing Twining method?
Atlas/axis articulation
Lumbosacral region
Cervicothoracic region
Scapulohumeral joint
Which part of the head is positioned in contact with the image receptor to demonstrate the optic foramen employing Bertel method?
Chin and nose
Forehead and nose
Chin, cheek, and nose
Chin, nose, and forehead
Which functional study is used to demonstrate the degree of anteroposterior motion present in the cervical spine?
Flexion and extension in lateral
Open-mouth projection
Right and left bending in anteroposterior
Anteroposterior weight bearing
What is the position that would best demonstrate the proximal tibiofibular articulation?
45 degrees internal rotation
90 degrees mediolateral axial
45 degrees external rotation
Which skull position the cranial base, sphenoidal sinuses, atlas and odontoid process?
Anteroposterior Axial
Posteroanterior Axial
What are the projections of the abdomen may be used to demonstrate air fluid levels? I. Lateral decubitus II. Anteroposterior trendelenburg III. Dorsal decubitus
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II, and III
Which position will demonstrate the coronoid process in profile?
Anteroposterior scapula
Medial oblique elbow
Scapular Y
External rotation
What are the vertebral groups that form lordotic curves? I. Lumbar II. Cervical III. Thoracic
I and II
I and III
II and III
I, II and III
Which of the following bony landmark is in the same transverse plane as the symphysis pubis?
Anterior inferior iliac spine
Prominence of the greater trochanter
Ischial tuberosity of the spine
Anterior superior iliac spine
Which of the following refers to the radiography of the shoulder in inferosuperior axial projection (nontrauma, Lawrence method)? I. Arm should be in internal rotation II. Coracoid process and lesser tubercle are seen in profile III. Arm is abducted about 90 degrees from the body
I and II
I and III
I, II, and III
II and III
Which of the following statements refers to the demonstration of the pulmonary apices with the patient in the anteroposterior position?
Central ray is directed 15 to 20 degrees cephalad
Patient's shoulders are rolled forward
Central ray is directed 15 to 20 degrees caudad
Patient is in lateral recumbent position
What position/projection would best demonstrate the tarsal navicular free of superimposition?
Lateral weight bearing
Anteroposterior oblique, lateral rotation
Anteroposterior oblique, medial rotation
Which of the following structures are demonstrated in lateral projection of the thoracic spine? I. Apophyseal joint II. Intervertebral foramina III. Intervertebral spaces
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II, and III
Which method is employed to visualize the profile of the olecranon process as well as superimposed outlines of bones of forearm and arm?
Gaynor Hart
Modified stetcher
Clements nakayama
Which of the following procedures can be applied to demonstrate better carpal scaphoid? I. Place the wrist in radial deviation II. Central ray angled 20 degrees toward the fingers III. Elevate the hand and wrist at 20 degrees
I and II
I and III
II and III
I, II and III
What is the position/ projection that will demonstrate the sesamoid bones of the foot free of superimposition with the metatarsals or phalanges.
Dorsoplantar metatarsals/ toes
Tangential projection
30° lateral oblique/foot
Medial oblique/foot
Which of the following principles is applied in a true lateral position of the skull?
Interpupillary line perpendicular to the image receptor
Infraorbitomeatal line perpendicular to transverse axis of image receptor
Midsagittal plane perpendicular to the image receptor
Midcoronal plane is perpendicular to the image receptor
What is the central beam angle and direction in an axial projection of the clavicle with the patient in posteroanterior projection?
15° to 30° cephalad
5° to 15° caudad
5° to 15° cephalad
15 to 30° caudad
Which of the following criteria are required for visualization of the greater tubercle in profile? I. Humerus in anteroposterior position II. Epicondyles parallel to the image receptor III. Arm in external rotation
I and II
II and III
I, II, and III
I only
Which of the following positions/ projections would demonstrate the right axillary ribs?
Left anterior oblique
Which of the following statement refers to a posteroanterior position to better demonstrate the mandibular rami?
Central ray is angled caudad
Head is positioned oblique toward the affected side
Head is tilted toward affected side
Central ray is angled cephalad
Which of the positions can be used to demonstrate the sternoclavicular articulations? I. Posterior oblique II. Right anterior oblique III. Weight bearing
I and III
I and II
II and III
I, II, and III
Which of the following are true regarding waters method (parietoacanthial projection) of the skull? I. Maxillary should be projected above petrous pyramid II. Head is resting on the extended chin III. Orbitomeatal line is perpendicular to the image receptor
I and III
II and III
I and II
I, II and III
What is the position/ projection that would best demonstrate arthritic changes in the knees?
Medial oblique
Anteroposterior recumbent
Anteroposterior erect
Lateral oblique
What is the central ray direction in an anteroposterior projection of the sacrum?
10° caudad
To the pubic symphysis
15° cephalad
At the level of the lesser trochanter
Which of the following are the conditions to perform hypotonic duodenography examination of the stomach? I. For detection of pancreatic diseases II. To evaluate postbulbar duodenal lesions III. To incorporate the advantages of of both single and double contrast UGIS
I and II
I and III
II and III
I, II , and III
What are the rationales of employing the "metallic bead chain technique" in performing cystourethrography to investigate anatomic abnormalities causing stress incontinence in women? I. To delineate anatomic changes that occur in the shape and position of bladder II. To delineate anatomic changes that occur in the position of the proximal urethral orifice III. To delineate anatomic changes that occur in the posterior urethrovesical angle
I and II
II and III
I and III
I, II, and III
Which of the following is the range of the degree of rotation so that the bladder neck and entire urethra are free of bony superimposition?
Not body rotation required
What are the common contraindications for intravenous urography examination? I. Kidneys ability to filter contrast medium from blood II. History of allergies III. Elevated creatinine level
I and III
II and III
I and II
I, II, and III
Which of the following is the recommended technique to better demonstrate contrast-filled distal ureters during an intravenous urography procedure?
Apply compression to the proximal ureters
Apply compression to the distal ureters
Position patient in 15-degree supine trendelenburg
Use fowlers position
Which of the following procedures is employed in the demonstration of the mucosal pattern of the large intestine with residual barium sulphate to show small polyps and other defects?
Right/left obliques
Lateral decubitus
Post evacuation
Lateral recumbent
An orbit radiography requiring no special apparatus that would show whether the foreign body is located within the eyeball is the ______ method?
Sweet localization
Pfeiffer Comberg
Which of the following views would BEST show radiographic demonstration of the filled bladder and mobility of the kidney?
Antero-posterior erect
Post void
What central ray direction is utilized if the patient's body cannot be rotated for a right posterior oblique position for cervical vertebrae?
45 degrees towards the right
45 degrees cephalad
45 degrees caudad
A posterior projection of the wrist in ulnar flexion will demonstrate the ______?
Interspaces between the carpals on the medial side of wrist
Greater multangular free of superimposition
None of the above
Navicular not foreshortened
{"name":"Radpro aduche", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge and skills in radiography with our comprehensive quiz! This quiz consists of 100 multiple-choice questions covering various techniques, projections, and anatomical considerations in radiographic procedures.Topics include:Hip FracturesCervical Spine ProjectionsBarium Enema TechniquesEsophageal ExaminationContrast Studies","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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