Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 14 Apr 22
[2204.06004] Georgios Varnavides, Adam S. Jermyn, Polina Anikeeva et al.: Probing carrier interactions using electron hydrodynamics
[2204.06006] Jinkang Guo, Paolo Glorioso, Andrew Lucas: Fracton hydrodynamics without time-reversal symmetry
[2204.06017] Zhengyan Darius Shi, Vedika Khemani, Romain Vasseur et al.: Many body localization transition with correlated disorder
[2204.06019] Cristian Zanoci, Brian Swingle: Near-Equilibrium Approach to Transport in Complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Models
[2204.06041] Jin-Su Oh, Xiaotian Fang, Tae-Hoon Kim et al.: Multi-modal electron microscopy study on decoherence sources and their stability in Nb based superconducting qubit
[2204.06058] Saran Vijayan, Fei Zhou: An Interaction Bulk-Boundary Relation and its Applications Towards Symmetry Breaking and Beyond
[2204.06065] T. Hernández Yanes, M. Płodzień, M. Mackoit Sinkevičienė et al.: One- and two-axis squeezing via laser coupling in an atomic Fermi-Hubbard model
[2204.06072] Jaron Kent-Dobias, Jorge Kurchan: Analytic continuation over complex landscapes
[2204.06087] M. Bruderer: Clusters determine local fluctuations of random walks on graphs
[2204.06089] Milos Knezevic, Holger Stark: Collective motion of active particles exhibiting non-reciprocal orientational interactions
[2204.06103] Vrishank Jambur, Manel Molina-Ruiz, Tom Dauer et al.: Temperature effects on the structure and mechanical properties of vapor deposited a-SiO2
[2204.06126] Banzragch Tsednee, Tsogbayar Tsednee, Tsookhuu Khinayat: An excess chemical potential for binary hard-sphere mixtures from integral equation theory
[2204.06129] Isabel M. Klein, Hanzhe Liu, Danika Nimlos et al.: Ab Initio Prediction of Excited State and Polaron Effects in Transient XUV Measurements of $α$-Fe$_2$O$_3$
[2204.06140] Karunakaran M, Rudra Banerjee: Influence of Co and Mn on Electronic and Magnetic properties of Ni2MnGa Heusler alloy
[2204.06144] Kiyu Fukui, Yasuyuki Kato, Joji Nasu et al.: Feasibility of Kitaev quantum spin liquids in ultracold polar molecules
[2204.06146] Oğuz Türker, Kun Yang: Multi-critical point and unified description of broken-symmetry phases in spin-1/2 anti-ferromagnets on a square lattice
[2204.06152] Y. C. Liu, H. B. Niu, V. Wang et al.: Group theory analysis of phonons in Y$_3$-Cr$_2$-X$_3$ with (X,Y) $\in$ {F,Cl,Br,I}
[2204.06163] H. Shakeripour, M.A.Tanatar, C. Petrovic et al.: Sub-Phases in the Superconducting State of CeIrIn$_5$ Revealed by Low Temperature $c$-axis Heat Transport
[2204.06174] Zhi Shiuh Lim, Amy Khoong Hong Khoo, Zhou Zhou et al.: Oxygen Octahedral Tilt Controlled Topological Hall Effect in Epitaxial and Freestanding SrRuO3/SrIrO3 Heterostructures
[2204.06177] Naoto Nakatsuji, Mikito Koshino: Moiré disorder effect in twisted bilayer graphene
[2204.06197] Tetiana Haidamak, Jaroslav Valenta, Jiří Prchal et al.: Tricritical fluctuations and elastic properties of the Ising antiferromagnet UIrSi$_3$
[2204.06222] Huijia Dai, Runyu Ma, Xiao Zhang et al.: Quantum Monte Carlo study of superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene under an electric field
[2204.06229] Pernilla Ekborg-Tanner, J. Magnus Rahm, Victor Rosendal et al.: Computational Design of Alloy Nanostructures for Optical Sensing: The Limits of Tuning Hydrogen Sensitivity via Composition and...
[2204.06231] Y. Okamura, H. Handa, R. Yoshimi et al.: Terahertz lattice and charge dynamics in ferroelectric semiconductor Sn$_x$Pb$_{1-x}$Te
[2204.06235] Mohamed Ali Khaled, Donna C Arnold, Brahim Dkhil et al.: Anti-polar state in BiFeO3/NdFeO3 superlattices
[2204.06262] Fulong Dong, Jie Liu: Analytical explanation of attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy in graphene
[2204.06268] Guodong Jiang, YingKang Chen, Rudro R Biswas: Gravitational Response of Topological Quantum States of Matter
[2204.06269] Song-Bo Zhang, Md Shafayat Hossain, Jia-Xin Yin et al.: Two-dimensional sliding charge density waves and their protected edge modes
[2204.06276] Silvia Vitali, Paolo Paradisi, Gianni Pagnini: Anomalous diffusion originated by two Markovian hopping-trap mechanisms
[2204.06278] Eldad Bettelheim, Naftali R. Smith, Baruch Meerson: Full Statistics of Nonstationary Heat Transfer in the Kipnis-Marchioro-Presutti Model
[2204.06279] Sergey Trishin, Tobias Müller, Daniela Rolf et al.: Resolution of intramolecular dipoles and push-back effect of individual molecules on a metal surface
[2204.06287] Nathan Ronceray, Yi You, Evgenii Glushkov et al.: Liquid-activated quantum emission from native hBN defects for nanofluidic sensing
[2204.06296] Euihwan Do, Jae Whan Park, Oleksandr Stetsovych et al.: Z3 Charge Density Wave of Silicon Atomic Chains on a Vicinal Silicon Surface
[2204.06306] Shruti Agarwal, Shreekant Gawande, Satoshi Nishimoto et al.: First Order Topological Phase Transitions and Disorder Induced Majorana Modes in Interacting Fermion Chains
[2204.06314] V. L. Tsymbalenko: Observation of a Jump Like Transition from Fast to Normal Kinetics of Facets for Free Growing Helium Crystals
[2204.06332] Tongshuai Zhu, Huaiqiang Wang, Haijun Zhang et al.: Axionic surface wave in dynamical axion insulators
[2204.06333] Olfa Dani, Robert Hussein, Johannes C. Bayer et al.: Temperature-dependent broadening of coherent current peaks in InAs double quantum dots
[2204.06334] Subhadeep Roy, Takahiro Hatano, Purusattam Ray: Modeling crack propagation in heterogeneous materials: Griffith's law, intrinsic crack resistance and avalanches
[2204.06346] Liangjing Ge, Maolin Bo: Atomic bonding and electrical characteristics of metal and semimetallic elements via binding energy and bond-charge model
[2204.06361] Evgeny Moerman, Felix Hummel, Andreas Grüneis et al.: Interface to high-performance periodic coupled-cluster theory calculations with atom-centered, localized basis functions
[2204.06381] Peter Hannaford, Krzysztof Sacha: A Decade of Time Crystals: Quo Vadis?
[2204.06394] Arad Lang, Iryna Polishchuk, Giorgia Confalonieri et al.: Tuning the Magnetization of Manganese (II) Carbonate by Intracrystalline Amino Acids
[2204.06400] Setatira Gorji, Marie Krecmarova, Alejandro Molina et al.: Donor-acceptor discrete optical emission in 2D perovskites
[2204.06409] I. V. Iorsh, D. A. Zezyulin, S. A. Kolodny et al.: Floquet engineering of excitons in semiconductor quantum dots
[2204.06412] Sumit Ghosh, Yuriy Mokrousov, Stefan Blügel: Infusing nontrivial topology in massive Dirac fermions with scalar potential: Emergence of Scalar Hall Effect
[2204.06417] Jürgen Belz, Johannes Haust, Marius J. Müller et al.: Adamantanes as white-light emitters: Controlling arrangement and functionality by external Coulomb forces
[2204.06421] Mikhail Mamaev, Thomas Bilitewski, Bhuvanesh Sundar et al.: Resonant dynamics of strongly interacting SU($n$) fermionic atoms in a synthetic flux ladder
[2204.06426] Matteo Vandelli, Josef Kaufmann, Mohammed El-Nabulsi et al.: Multi-band D-TRILEX approach to materials with strong electronic correlations
[2204.06434] Ancel Larzul, Steven J. Thomson, M. Schiro: Are fast scramblers good thermal baths?
[2204.06456] Apoorva Hegde, Robert Ott, Andy Xia et al.: Non-equilibrium dynamics of fluctuations in an ultra-cold atomic mixture
[2204.06463] Robert Ott, Torsten V. Zache, Jürgen Berges: Equal-time approach to real-time dynamics of quantum fields
[2204.06465] Alberto Carta, Claude Ederer: Evidence for Jahn-Teller-driven metal-insulator transition in strained SrCrO3 from first principles calculations
[2204.06466] Ginestra Bianconi: Grand canonical ensembles of sparse networks and Bayesian inference
[2204.06467] A.I. Bezuglyj, V.A. Shklovskij, B. Budinska et al.: Vortex jets generated by edge defects in current-carrying superconductor thin strips
[2204.06468] Marine Le Blay, Alexandre Morin: Repulsive torques alone trigger crystallization of constant speed active particles
[2204.06488] Jiangnan Ding, Martin van Hecke: Sequential Snapping and Pathways in a Mechanical Metamaterial
[2204.06510] Roni Kroll, Yoav Tsori: Phase lines in mean-field models with nonuniform external forces
[2204.06542] G. Del Pace, K. Xhani, A. Muzi Falconi et al.: Imprinting persistent currents in tunable fermionic rings
[2204.06551] Dipti Jasrasaria, Daniel Weinberg, John P. Philbin et al.: Simulations of nonradiative processes in semiconductor nanocrystals
[2204.06553] Cai Dieball, Aljaž Godec: Coarse Graining Empirical Densities and Currents in Continuous-Space Steady States
[2204.06557] Ilya Fedorov, Vladimir Stegailov: Exciton nature of plasma phase transition in warm dense fluid hydrogen
[2204.06559] Pok Man Tam, Martin Claassen, Charles L. Kane: Topological Multipartite Entanglement in a Fermi Liquid
[2204.06561] Anne-Sophie Walter, Zijie Zhu, Marius Gächter et al.: Breakdown of quantisation in a Hubbard-Thouless pump
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 14 Apr 22","img":""}
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