Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 19 Apr 22
[2204.07585] Zhengyan Darius Shi, Hart Goldman, Dominic V. Else et al.: Gifts from anomalies: Exact results for Landau phase transitions in metals
[2204.07591] Faranak Bahrami, Xiaodong Hu, Yonghua Du et al.: First demonstration of tuning between the Kitaev and Ising limits in a honeycomb lattice
[2204.07598] Izabella Lovas, Roberta Citro, Eugene Demler et al.: Many-body parametric resonances in the driven sine-Gordon model
[2204.07607] D. Torres-Amaris, A. Bautista-Hernandez, Rafael González-Hernández et al.: Anomalous Hall conductivity control in Mn$_3$NiN antiperovskite by epitaxial strain along the kagome plane
[2204.07608] Chenxing Luo, Jeroen Tromp, Renata M. Wentzcovitch: Ab initio calculations of third-order elastic coefficients
[2204.07635] M. P. Smylie, Kaya Kobayashi, J. Z. Dans et al.: Full superconducting gap in the candidate topological superconductor In$_{1-x}$Pb$_x$Te for x = 0.2
[2204.07645] Swapnil M. Mhatre, Ngoc Thanh Mai Tran, Heather M. Hill et al.: Timescales for Nitric Acid Desorption in Epitaxial Graphene Devices
[2204.07647] Ngoc Thanh Mai Tran, Swapnil M. Mhatre, Cristiane N. Santos et al.: Spectroscopic assessment of short-term nitric acid doping of epitaxial graphene
[2204.07650] Bharti Matta, Philipp Rosenzweig, Olaf Bolkenbaas et al.: Momentum microscopy of Pb-intercalated graphene on SiC: charge neutrality and electronic structure of interfacial Pb
[2204.07656] C.A. Paz de Araujo, Jolanta Celinska, Chris R. McWilliams et al.: Universal Non-Polar Switching in Carbon-doped Transition Metal Oxides (TMOs) and Post TMOs
[2204.07687] Atsushi Togo, Hiroyuki Hayashi, Terumasa Tadano et al.: LO-mode phonon of KCl and NaCl at 300 K by inelastic X ray scattering measurements and first principles calculations
[2204.07708] S. Satoori, S. Mahdavifar, J. Vahedi: Entanglement and quantum correlations in the XX spin-$1/2$ honeycomb lattice
[2204.07712] Shraddha Sharma, Simon B. Jaeger, Rebecca Kraus et al.: Quantum critical behavior of entanglement in lattice bosons with cavity-mediated long-range interactions
[2204.07717] Yang Yang, Zhi Chao Zhang, Tian Hui Zhang: Emergence of Self-dual Patterns in Active Colloids with Periodical Feedback to Local Density
[2204.07737] Nassima Benchtaber, David Sánchez, Llorenç Serra: Trivial and topological bound states in bilayer graphene quantum dots and rings
[2204.07739] Peigeng Zhong, Tao Wang, Shijie Hu et al.: Quantum phase diagram for two species hardcore bosons in one dimensional optical lattice with resonantly driven Rabi frequency
[2204.07740] J. F. Landaeta, A. M. Leon, S. Zwickel et al.: Conventional type-II superconductivity in locally non-centrosymmetric LaRh$_2$As$_2$ single crystals
[2204.07744] Pierre Mergny: An explicit example for the high temperature convolution: crossover between the binomial law $B(2,1/2)$ and the arcsine law
[2204.07755] Di Lu, Lu Liu, Yaozhenghang Ma et al.: Unique electronic state in ferromagnetic semiconductor FeCl$_{2}$ monolayer
[2204.07801] J. Khatua, M. Pregelj, A. Elghandour et al.: Magnetic properties of triangular lattice antiferromagnets Ba3RB9O18 (R = Yb, Er)
[2204.07806] Linfeng Yu, Ailing Chen, Xiaoxia Wang et al.: Softened sp2-sp3 bonding network leads to strong anharmonicity and weak hydrodynamics in graphene+
[2204.07809] Othmene Benazieb, Lisa Berezovska, Fabrice Thalmann: Interbilayer lipid friction coefficient from equilibrium canonical simulations
[2204.07829] Bingbing Guo, Runchen Lai, Sijie Jiang et al.: Efficient and ultra-stable perovskite light-emitting diodes
[2204.07847] R. Prozorov, S. L. Bud'ko: On the analysis of the tin-inside-H3S Mössbauer experiment
[2204.07857] Masaki Kato, Hiroyasu Matsuura, Masafumi Udagawa et al.: Flux roughening in spin ice with mixed $\pm J$ interactions
[2204.07910] Bo-Wen Yu, Bang-Gui Liu: Possible structural and bond reconstruction in 2D ferromagnetic semiconductor VSe2 under uniaxial stress
[2204.07925] Mário H. Figlioli Donato, Sérgio R. Muniz: Josephson-like oscillations in toroidal spinor Bose-Einstein condensates: a prospective symmetry probe
[2204.07954] Miriam Aquaro, Francesco Alemanno, Ido Kanter et al.: Recurrent neural networks that generalize from examples and optimize by dreaming
[2204.07960] Sandeep Sugathan, Krishnamohan Thekkepat, Soumya Bandyopadhyay et al.: A phase field model combined with genetic algorithm for polycrystalline hafnium zirconium oxide ferroelectrics
[2204.07975] J. F. Landaeta, P. Khanenko, D.C. Cavanagh et al.: Field-angle dependence reveals odd-parity superconductivity in CeRh$_2$As$_2$
[2204.07979] Jan Schultheiß, Fei Xue, Erik Roede et al.: Confinement-driven inverse domain scaling in polycrystalline ErMnO3
[2204.07993] Yupeng Pan, Xiaobo He, Binjie Zhou et al.: Elastic properties of a Sc-Zr-Nb-Ta-Rh-Pd high-entropy alloy superconductor
[2204.08015] Jin-Fu Chen: Optimizing shortcut Brownian heat engine
[2204.08034] Mahsa Khoshkhou, Afshin Montakhab: Optimal reinforcement learning near the edge of synchronization transition
[2204.08047] Angelo Russomanno, Michele Fava, Rosario Fazio: Weak ergodicity breaking in Josephson-junctions arrays
[2204.08050] Mengwu Huo, Zengjia Liu, Hualei Sun et al.: Synthesis and Properties of La$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$NiO$_3$ and La$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$NiO$_2$
[2204.08060] Habib Rostami: Giant Shear Displacement by Light-Induced Raman Force in Bilayer Graphene
[2204.08066] Robert G. Moore, Satoshi Okamoto, Haoxiang Li et al.: Topological Electronic Structure Evolution with Symmetry Breaking Spin Reorientation in (Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)Sn
[2204.08082] Christopher Lane, Jian-Xin Zhu: Identifying Topological Superconductivity in 2D Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides
[2204.08087] Sun-Woo Kim, Sunam Jeon, Moon Jip Park et al.: Replica Higher-Order Topology of Hofstadter Butterflies in Twisted Bilayer Graphene
[2204.08133] Yi Cui, Lu Liu, Huihang Lin et al.: Deconfined quantum criticality and emergent symmetry in SrCu2(BO3)2
[2204.08148] Yanhao Tang, Kaixiang Su, Lizhong Li et al.: Frustrated magnetic interactions in a Wigner-Mott insulator
[2204.08151] Haoyan Huo, Christopher J. Bartel, Tanjin He et al.: Machine-learning rationalization and prediction of solid-state synthesis conditions
[2204.08157] Dillan J. Chang, Colum M. O'Leary, Cong Su et al.: Deep Learning Coherent Diffractive Imaging
[2204.08165] Xueyan Zhu, Cheng Shao: Effect of anharmonicity on the thermal conductivity of amorphous silica
[2204.08174] C. Wang, X. R. Wang: Linear level repulsions near exceptional points of non-Hermitian systems
[2204.08212] Stefano Bosco, Daniel Loss: Hole spin qubits in thin curved quantum wells
[2204.08216] Wanying Li, Yimeng Guo, Zhaoping Luo et al.: A gate-programmable van der Waals metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor memory
[2204.08223] Pascal M. Vecsei, Jose L. Lado, Christian Flindt: Lee-Yang theory of the two-dimensional quantum Ising model
[2204.08250] Erik Schroedter, Jan-Philip Joost, Michael Bonitz: Quantum Fluctuations Approach to the Nonequilibrium $GW$ approximation
[2204.08253] Leyla Ramin, M. Hussein N. Assadi, Veena Sahajwalla: High-Density Polyethylene Degradation into Low Molecular Weight Gases at 1823 K: An Atomistic Simulation
[2204.08258] Yuanyuan Yang, Qisi Wang, Shaofeng Duan et al.: Unusual band splitting and superconducting gap evolution with sulfur substitution in FeSe
[2204.08278] Riley J. Preston, Thomas D. Honeychurch, Daniel S. Kosov: Emergence of negative viscosities and colored noise under current-driven Ehrenfest molecular dynamics
[2204.08305] Michael Forrester, Fedor Kusmartsev: Electron quantum optics with beam splitters and waveguides in Dirac Matter
[2204.08321] R. Arjun Varma, Shilpa Paul, Anup Itale et al.: Electron-phonon interaction contribution to the total energy of group IV semiconductor polytypes
[2204.08365] Yoshihiro Michishita, Naoto Nagaosa: Dissipation and geometry in nonlinear quantum transports of multiband electronic systems
[2204.08379] Joeri Defillet, Marina Avramenko, Miles Martinati et al.: The role of the bile salt surfactant sodium deoxycholate in aqueous two-phase separation of single-wall carbon nanotubes revealed by ...
[2204.08421] K. Ptaszynski: Bounds on skewness and kurtosis of steady state currents
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 19 Apr 22","img":""}
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