MCRP Rules Knowledge Test
Test your knowledge of the MCRP rules and regulations with this engaging quiz! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, this quiz will help you understand the essential guidelines for gameplay.
Prepare yourself with questions about looting, fear RP, metagaming, and more:
- Multiple choice questions
- Learn the dos and don'ts of MCRP
- Enhance your roleplaying experience
When is it acceptable to loot during a fight?
Quickly take their weapon to gain an advantage in the fight.
Behind cover with no immediate threat..
Move the body to a safer location before looting.
Immediately after fire has ceased.
Quickly before tending to your wounded allies.
After you witnessed a fight in which you did not participate and see an unlooted individual in a safe place after the shooting has stopped.
After leaving the scene and later coming back.
How often should you conceal?
Every day when you fly in.
Once every 48 hours.
Only from 6am-10pm.
Before a big fight or weed sale.
Which would not be an example of breaking fear RP?
Jumping from a bridge to avoid being arrested by PD/SD.
Running away once someone has pointed a gun at you, but not yet fired it.
Going to a fight unarmed, but only to pick up fallen comrades.
Sitting in a vehicle with your engine on, then driving away when someone outside the vehicle holds you at gunpoint.
Rp'ly commiting suicide.
Calling for help on your radio whilst being help at gunpoint.
Which of the following terms is not considered mixing?
Left Eye (chat)
Flex you 'x' muscle
Gods (When referring to staff)
Official Group/ Tiers
Lucky Number
When is it allowed to raid another player's property? (sorry Tiger :| )
When you see someone enter their property with a weapon.
You follow an enemy gang member to their home.
You are at war with another gang and you follow them home.
You rob a key off of someone and match the number on the key to the property ID.
Which is not considered a violation of the Metagaming rule?
Asking someone to send you the frequency via payall.
Asking for freq via Discord.
Sending a PM to a fellow gang member IC asking for freq.
Using the property number in the B menu to match a key to a house.
Sending a ping to someone after seeing their ID above their head.
Which is an example of proper demands?
Waiting until an enemy has slowed their vehicle to a near stop before stepping out of your vehicle and giving demands.
Boxing in the enemy's vehicle to immobilize it before stepping out of your vehicle, drawing your weapon fully and then giving demands.
Rolling up on an enemy vehicle and, while both vehicles are stopped, giving demands while in the process of stepping out of the vehicle. The other vehicle drives off before your weapon is fully drawn.
You are driving next to an enemy's car, you bust the window open, point your Uzi in the other driver's face and give your demands while driving with the gun pointed at him.
Which does not require Mod+ Approval?
Kidnapping an enemy gang's leader.
Kidnapping an enemy gang member.
Taking a hostage.
Raiding an enemy gang's HQ.
Attempting a prison break (from the inside or outside).
Robbing a bank.
Clearing out PD's evidence locker.
Where is it appropriate to cook cocaine?
Fort Zancudo.
Inside your home garage.
In the garage of the unused hospital.
Under a tree in the hills.
At the airport.
Which knowledge is acceptable to use IC?
Information obtained via Discord DM's
Information obtained via the MCRP discord's #ingameevents.
Information obtained via IC PM's
Information obtained via streams.
In which area is it okay to commit crimes with proper concealment?
In front of a small business.
At a Black Market during the day.
The central bank.
The Del Perro Pier.
The hospital.
At a server run event in a bad neighborhood.
Which is an example of an immersive way to operate a vehicle?
Waiting until an enemy is low health and they tapping them with your vehicle to finish them off.
Taking a rental up a steep hill to retrieve your personal vehicle.
Driving up a somewhat steep hill with a Kamacho.
While being chased by PD, driving your vehicle off a cliff or into a lake to avoid being arrested.
Launching your vagrant off a steep hill.
Which of these would not prevent you from rejoining a fight?
Being downed during a fight, then being treated at MD.
Being executed at the fight.
Taking cover to treat your injuries on your own.
Which of these is not considered a breach of the Immersion rule?
Going in /b chat after being downed and repeatedly letting the other player know they are going to be reported.
Aliasing someone by an event. Example "Q's Carbine Thief".
Going into /b chat to attempt to pause the RP after a rule has been broken.
Shooting an enemy down with no demands after they walked onto your turf with a gun in a populated area at 2pm.
Robbing someone in a populated area during the daytime because you saw they had a special carbine.
Continuing running from someone after crashing without properly RP'ing your injuried because the other party did not RP their injuries either.
Which of the following does not grant you KOS on a person?
You have an induvidual at gunpoint and they do not instantly comply with your demands.
Witnessing someone seriously harm a person you have a close personal relationship with or a group tie to.
The individual is part of a group that has recently contested your group's Turf.
The individual has shown that they are armed and are showing hostile intent around a groups Turf
{"name":"MCRP RULES", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of the MCRP rules and regulations with this engaging quiz! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, this quiz will help you understand the essential guidelines for gameplay.Prepare yourself with questions about looting, fear RP, metagaming, and more:Multiple choice questionsLearn the dos and don'ts of MCRPEnhance your roleplaying experience","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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