Tabletale Games Player Archetype Quiz

Your party meets in a tavern. What do you do first?
Arm wrestle the toughest-looking patrons.
Ask the barkeep for rumors.
Get onstage and perform for coin.
Order the local specialty and take in the scene.
You find a board full of “Adventurers Wanted” postings. Which one do you take?
The one we're best equipped to handle.
The one with the coolest reward.
The one that sounds most interesting.
The one my character would choose.
You've picked a mission - now it's time to prepare! How do you get ready?
Haggle down prices on supplies.
Research and gather intelligence.
Figure out the best way my character can support my teammates.
Prepare? Let's go already!
The mission leads you to an ominous, jewel-encrusted door built into a hillside. What do you do?
Open the door to see what's beyond.
Check for traps and disarm them.
Pry out those jewels!
Say "I have a bad feeling about this..."
Monstrous eyes glint in the's an ambush! What are you doing?
Rushing in to defeat our foes.
Finding the monster's weakness and exploiting it.
Provoking the monster with witty repartee.
Using the environment to set us up for success.
A stone guardian blocks the way, bearing a cryptic inscription and a glowing sword. What do you do?
Try to decipher the inscription.
Ask about the sword.
Challenge the guardian.
Parley with the guardian.
You hear a goblin minion grousing about their boss around the corner. What do you do?
Take them out so they don't raise the alarm.
Sneak behind them and eavesdrop.
Try to befriend them.
Capture and interrogate them.
You meet the villain behind it all! What do you want to know most?
Who are they?
Why did they do it?
What's the source of their power?
How can we defeat them?
You've won! What's the best way to celebrate your legendary victory?
With a heroic stunt and a triumphant speech.
Collecting cool treasure and leveling up.
Congratulating my teammates back at the tavern.
Tying up loose ends and finding the next adventure.
When you think of your favorite RPG memories, what do you remember?
The amazing stories we told together.
Discovering an immersive fantastical world.
Building characters and rolling dice.
The zany hijinks with my friends at the table.
{"name":"Tabletale Games Player Archetype Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Your party meets in a tavern. What do you do first?, You find a board full of “Adventurers Wanted” postings. Which one do you take?, You've picked a mission - now it's time to prepare! How do you get ready?","img":""}
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