Missed Questions for Astro

Are there stars that never appear to set as seen from Southern California?
Yes, stars near the celestial equator appear to stay up all of the time.
No, all stars appear to rise and set
Yes, all stars appear stationary in the sky.
Yes, stars near the North Star appear to circle around this point without setting.
) In the northern hemisphere, the stars rise in the East, set in the West and spin counter-clockwise around the North celestial pole. In the southern hemisphere the stars rise in the
East, set in the West and spin counter-clockwise around the South celestial pole.
East, set in the West and spin clockwise around the South celestial pole.
West, set in the East and spin clockwise around the South celestial pole
West, set in the East and spin counter-clockwise around the South celestial pole.
A person on Earth sees a total solar eclipse. What would someone else standing on the side of the Moon facing the Earth see at this time? The Earth's
Night side.
Day side, which doesn't change in brightness.
Day side, which becomes completely dark.
Day side, with a dark spot that moves across it.
Which situation does not describe an acceleration?
A car travelling with constant speed on a straight road.
A car travelling with constant speed around a bend.
A planet travelling in its orbit around the Sun.
A car travelling at a decreasing speed on a straight road.
Consider lifting a ball straight up into the air at a constant speed. There are two forces acting on the ball: gravity and the push from your hand. Which force is larger?
The upward force from your hand.
The downward force from gravity
The two forces are the same.
A car moving at 30 miles/hour has roughly 100,000 J of kinetic energy. You need to keep your foot on the gas to maintain your speed (assume a flat road). The gas you burn represents 500 J of chemical energy every second. After 5 minutes, how much kinetic energy does your car have?
More than 100,000 J
Less than 100,000 J
100,000 J
You need more information to tell
The formula E = mc2 tells us that
A large amount of mass can be converted into a small amount of energy.
A small amount of energy can be converted into a large amount of mass.
A small amount of mass can be converted into a small amount of energy
A small amount of mass can be converted into a large amount of energy.
When 2 bodies fall, which hits the ground first?
The heavy one
The light one
Neither – They hit at the same time
If you drop a rock from a great height, about how fast will it be falling after 5 seconds, neglecting air resistance?
50 m/s
It depends on how heavy it is.
It depends on what shape it is.
15 m/s
10 m/s
Why doesn’t the Moon crash into the Earth?
The Moon’s gravity pulls it away from the Earth.
The Sun’s gravity pulls it away from the Earth.
The reaction force from the Earth’s gravity pulls the Moon away from the Earth.
The Moon is moving fast enough to avoid hitting the Earth.
Io orbits Jupiter at the same distance that Titania orbits Uranus. However, Io takes 1.7 day to orbit while Titania takes 8.7 days. What does this tell us?
Io has more mass than Titania
Titania has more mass than Io
Jupiter has more mass than Uranus
Uranus is farther from the Sun than Jupiter
) A comet is captured into a closer orbit around the Sun because of an encounter with Jupiter. What does this do to the orbit of Jupiter (hint: think about orbit energy)?
It gets slightly closer to the Sun.
It gets slightly farther from the Sun.
. It could get closer or farther from the Sun.
Which of the following best describes the origin of ocean tides on Earth?
Tides are caused on the side of the earth nearest the Moon because the Moon's gravity attracts the water.
Tides are caused on the side of the earth nearest the Moon because the Moon's gravity attracts the water.
Tides are caused primarily by the gravitational force of the Sun.
The Moon's gravity pulls harder on water than on land, because water is less dense than rock.
Tides are caused by the difference in the force of gravity exerted by the Moon across the sphere of the earth.
Tides are caused by the 23 1/2o tilt of the earth's rotational axis to the ecliptic plane.
What is the correct order of the planets from largest to smallest mass?
Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, Mercury.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury.
Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury.
Please Specify:
Why aren't small asteroids spherical in shape?
Large asteroids were once molten and therefore became spherical, but small asteroids were never molten.
Small asteroids have odd shapes because they were all chipped off larger objects.
The strength of gravity on small asteroids is less than the strength of the rock.
Large asteroids became spherical because many small collisions chipped off pieces until only a sphere was left; this did not occur with small asteroids.
Which of these would make it easier to see an exoplanet?
Planet is close to its star
Planet is far from its star
Planet is made of gas
Planet is made of rock
We measure the mass of an extrasolar planet by
Using Newton's law of gravity, using the measured distance from the star and its gravitational pull on the star
We cannot make a useful estimate of the mass of an extrasolar planet with present technology.
Using spectra to measure the planet's temperature and photometry to measure its brightness.
Measuring the planet's angular diameter and its size, using spectra to find its composition and hence density.
Which combination of observations would allow you to find the density of an extrasolar planet?
Radial velocity and imaging
Radial velocity and transit
Imaging and transit
Both C and B
Because small-scale accretion is caused by electrostatic forces, it is effective on
Gasses only
Solids only
Both gasses and solids
Neither gasses nor solids
Which new idea has been added into our theory of solar system formation as a result of the discoveries of extrasolar planets?
Some of the "exceptions to the rules" in our own solar system are likely to have been the result of giant impacts.
Jovian planets can migrate inward from the orbits in which they are born.
In addition to the categories of terrestrial and jovian, there must be an "in-between" category of planet that has the mass of a jovian but the composition of a terrestrial planet.
In some star systems, it is possible for jovian planets to form in the inner solar system and terrestrial planets to form in the outer solar system.
What do we mean when we say that the terrestrial worlds underwent differentiation?
At a time when their interiors were molten, denser materials sank toward their centers and lighter materials rose toward their surfaces.
Their surfaces show a variety of different geological features resulting from different geological processes.
They lost interior heat to outer space.
The five terrestrial worlds are started similarly but ended up looking quite different.
Would you expect a typical impact on the Moon to be more or less energetic than a typical impact on Earth?
More energetic on the Moon
Less energetic on the Moon
This is meaningless. The Moon protects the Earth from all impacts.
Which of the following best describes the geological history of the Moon?
Impact cratering is the only major geological process that has affected its surface.
All four geological processes were important in its early history, but only impact cratering still reshapes its surface today.
Impact cratering shaped the Moon early in its history. Then, during the past few million years, it was reshaped by episodes of volcanism and tectonics.
Early in its history, it suffered many impacts and experienced some volcanism and tectonics, but it now has little geological activity at all.
What drives the motion of the continental plates on Earth?
Convection cells in the mantle
Tidal forces
The earth's magnetic field
Lava flows in trenches along the sea floor
The Coriolis force
If crust and mantle rocks flow at a rate of centimeters per year, how far could they travel in billions of years of Earth’s history? Remember that there are 100,000 centimeters in a kilometer.
More than 10,000 km, part way around the Earth.
About 1000 km, from LA to Portland.
About 10 km, or across a small city.
A kilometer, or across campus.
Deep trenches in the ocean mark places where
Plates slip sideways relative to one another
Plates pull apart, leaving great rifts in the crust.
Plates push together, creating ocean mountain chains
One plate slides under another, returning older crust to the mantle.
Hot mantle material rises upward and spreads sideways, pushing the plates apart.
Which of the following is not caused by the Coriolis effect on Earth?
Earth's global circulation cells are split into three separate cells in each hemisphere.
Water going down a drain swirls in opposite directions in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Hurricanes swirl in opposite directions in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Air or objects moving northward in the Northern Hemisphere are deflected to the east.
Why are there few deserts along the Earth's equator?
There tends to be descending air at the equator which creates clouds and hence rainfall.
There tends to be rising air at the equator which creates clouds and hence rainfall
There is very little wind at the equator to dry the air
Wet air from the poles is carried to the equator causing rain.
What is outgassing?
The way the giant planets made their atmospheres.
The process the Sun uses to make the solar wind.
Escape of an atmosphere to space.
Adding gas to an atmosphere through volcanism.
Consider a planet orbiting a star like ours. This planet has a mass that is 1.2 times the mass of the Earth, and it is 1.5 AU from its star. Which of these is a plausible atmosphere for this planet?
Very thick (500 bars) atmosphere of hydrogen and helium with a surface temperature of 250 K.
Very thin (0.01 bars) atmosphere of carbon dioxide with a surface temperature of 225 K
Thick atmosphere (40 bars) of carbon dioxide with a surface temperature of 450 K.
Moderate atmosphere (1.5 bars) of oxygen and nitrogen with a surface temperature of 150 K.
What do we mean by a runaway greenhouse effect?
A greenhouse effect that keeps getting stronger until all a planet's greenhouse gases are in its atmosphere
It gets its name because it heats a planet like a greenhouse effect, but it involves a completely different mechanism of heating that doesn't actually involve greenhouse gases.
A greenhouse effect that heats a planet so much that its surface rock melts
A greenhouse effect that starts on a planet but later disappears as gases are lost to space
The carbon cycle is a "negative feedback cycle". The "negative feedback" part means
Small changes in the amount of carbon dioxide tend to return to the original equilibrium temperature.
The carbon dioxide cycle produces a lot of annoying noise.
Small changes in the amount of carbon dioxide tend to "runaway" and become big changes in temperature.
The same amount of carbon dioxide enters and leaves the atmosphere.
Consider the following feedback system: the Earth’s polar caps. If they begin to melt, this will change the Earth’s reflectivity. This reflectivity change will affect the temperature. What type of feedback system is this?
Positive feedback
Negative feedback
No feedback here: neither positive nor negative
All the following statements about Mars are true. Which one might have led to a significant loss of atmospheric gas to space?
Mars probably once had a much higher density of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere than it does today.
The axis tilt of Mars is thought to change significantly with time.
Mars lost any global magnetic field that it may once have had.
Most of the water on Mars is now frozen.
Venus may have started with an ocean's worth of water. Where is its water now?
The water changed to carbon dioxide through chemical reactions.
The water was lost when ultraviolet light broke apart water molecules and the hydrogen escaped to space.
Most of the water is frozen beneath the surface.
The original water remains vaporized in the atmosphere due to Venus's intense heat.
Most of the water combined with rocks in chemical reactions.
The habitable zone is the region where water is a liquid on a planet’s surface. How does the greenhouse effect change where this is?
It moves it further from the Sun
It moves it closer to the Sun
It makes it narrower
It doesn’t change where the zone is
Other than Mars, the next most likely candidates for life in the solar system are
Oort-cloud comets.
Kuiper-belt comets.
The icy moons of the jovian planets.
The jovian planets.
{"name":"Missed Questions for Astro", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are there stars that never appear to set as seen from Southern California?, ) In the northern hemisphere, the stars rise in the East, set in the West and spin counter-clockwise around the North celestial pole. In the southern hemisphere the stars rise in the, A person on Earth sees a total solar eclipse. What would someone else standing on the side of the Moon facing the Earth see at this time? The Earth's","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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