POBC Practice Quiz (2)

Create an image depicting a police officer engaging with citizens in a community setting, emphasizing themes of public order and justice. Include elements like a police car, community members, and a peaceful interaction.

Public Order and Criminal Law Quiz

Test your knowledge on public order and criminal law with this engaging practice quiz! Designed for law enforcement officers and those interested in the legal framework, this quiz covers various scenarios involving public safety, criminal conduct, and police procedures.

Key Features:

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Real-life scenarios
  • Enhance your understanding of the law
33 Questions8 MinutesCreated by MonitoringWolf374
Ong, a secret society member, went to a hawker stall and demanded $20/- as protection money from a hawker. The money is to be paid monthly, failing which the hawker would be assaulted. Frightened by the threat, the hawker submitted to the demand. Ong has committed an offence of :
Criminal intimidation
Attempted robbery with hurt
Ah Beng approaches a hawker manning his cooked food stall and demands for 'protection money'. Ah Beng threatens to smash up the stall if the hawker refuses to pay and gives him 3 days to pay up. Fearing for his safety, the hawker paid Ah Beng a sum of money when he visits the stall again on the 3rd day. What offence has Ah Beng committed?
Verbal Threat
Criminal Intimidation
Three men, carrying knives, entered a shop and threatened to kill the shopkeeper if he refused to hand over $10,000.00. Out of fear, the shopkeeper immediately handed over the money to them. The three men have committed an offence of:
Armed robbery
Gang robbery
Criminal intimidation and theft
Cpl Ng conducted a check on Christopher in a public park. Cpl Ng found that Christopher was carrying a knife with a 15 cm blade. Christopher explained that the knife was for his self protection as he had earlier been threatened by some 'Ang Soon Tong' members with physical assault. What action should Cpl Ng take?
Place Christopher under arrest for possession of an offensive weapon in a public place and seize the knife
Take no further action as Christopher has a lawful reason to carry the knife and has not committed any offence
Seize the knife, record down the particulars of Christopher and advise him to lodge a report about the threat
Record down the particulars of Christopher and lodge a report against him for summon action to be taken
Cpl Ong observes Ah Keong behaving suspiciously in a public place. Ah Keong is carrying a bag. Cpl Ong has reasonable grounds to believe that Ah Keong may be hiding an offensive weapon in his bag. Which one of the following statements is correct?
Cpl Ong has the power to stop and search Ah Keong and his bag for the offensive weapon
Cpl Ong can only stop and take down the particulars of Ah Keong. He must seek a search warrant from the court to search Ah Keong's bag
Cpl Ong can only stop and take down the particulars of Ah Keong. Only a police officer of the rank of Sergeant or above can conduct the search.
Cpl Ong must seek approval from an ASP or above before he can conduct a search on Ah Keong and his bag
If there are reasonable grounds for believing that scheduled weapons are being conveyed for unlawful purpose in a car along a road, who may stop and search the vehicle?
Any police officer with a court warrant only
A police officer of the rank of Sergeant or above only
A police officer of the rank of ASP or above only
Any police officer
Tom, Dick and Harry were seen loitering suspiciously at Ang Mo Kio Garden. A police corporal checking them discovered that Tom had a kitchen knife tucked in the waistband of his trouser. Upon interviewing, both Dick and Harry admitted that they were aware that Tom was carrying a knife. The police corporal should :
Confiscate the knife, record their particulars and warn them not to loiter at the garden
Seize the knife and place all 3 subjects under arrest for the same offence of possession of offensive weapon
Seize the knife and arrest Tom for possession of offensive weapon. Dick and Harry should be arrested for consorting with Tom.
Seize the knife and arrest Tom only for possession of offensive weapon. Dick and Harry did not commit any offence
In the course of searching John for offensive weapon, Cpl Heng found a controlled drug hidden on his body. What action should Cpl Heng take?
Record the particulars of John, seize the drug and submit them to CNB for follow-up action
Seek authorisation from a police officer of ASP or above before placing John under arrest and seizing the drug
Place John under arrest for possession of controlled drug and seize the drug
Seize the controlled drug and record the particulars of John to take summon action against him
Ah Seng is the leader of a gang. He and his gang members (Ah Tan, Kok Leong and David) gathered at a place for the purpose of 'taking drug'. Before they can do so, they were checked by ASP Ong and his officers. The officers searched all 4 subjects and controlled drugs were found on Ah Seng and Ah Tan. Which one of the following statements is CORRECT?
As the gang leader, only Ah Seng is liable for the offence of possession of controlled drug
All the 4 persons are liable for the offence of possession of controlled drug
Ah Seng and Ah Tan are liable for possession of controlled drug while Kok Leong and David are liable for abetment
Only Ah Seng and Ah Tan are liable for the offence of possession of controlled drug
A urine test on Johnny's urine show 'positive' for controlled drug. Under the Misuse of Drugs Act, Johnny is presumed to have:
Dealing in a controlled drug
In his possession a controlled drug
Consumed a controlled drug
Traffic in a controlled drug
Cpl Ong conducts a check on John. Cpl Ong suspects that John has consumed a controlled drug as he shows the characteristics such as having 'watery eyes and slurred speech'. Which one of the following statements is correct?
Cpl Ong must get a police officer of the rank Sergeant or above to the scene to place John under arrest
Cpl Ong has the power to place John under arrest for consumption of a controlled drug
Cpl Ong can only record down John's particulars and submit them to CNB for follow-up action
Cpl Ong must seek authorisation from a police officer of the rank ASP or above before he can place John under arrest
You respond to a dispute case. You learnt that Roger had punched John during the dispute. John suffered bruises on his face. John wants you to take action against Roger. Which of the following actions will you take?
Advise John to lodge a complaint before a magistrate and issue him the necessary forms to do so
Arrest Roger for the offence of Using Criminal Force since he punched John and John did not fight back
Arrest Roger for the offence of Voluntarily Causing Hurt, which is an arrestable offence
Advise John to get a lawyer to take legal action against Roger as police has no power to intervene
W/Sgt Jocelyn is passing by a coffee-house when she comes across a lady who is drunk and incapable of taking care of herself. However, her sister is also present to look after her. W/Sgt Jocelyn should :
Record the particulars of the lady and lodge a report against her for being drunk and incapable
Allow the sister to take care of the lady if she can manage her
Warn the sister to bring the lady home immediately or the lady will be arrested for being a nuisance in a public place
Arrest the lady for being drunk and incapable and bring her back to station
Which one of the following mental models should a police officer attending to a case of 'drunk and incapable person' adopt?
The subject should be treated as a nuisance to society and should be removed from the scene as soon as possible.
The subject had committed an offence and must be arrested and brought back to station as soon as possible.
The subject should be treated as a sick person in the first instance for purpose of ascertaining his condition.
The subject should be left on his own as he has the right to drink and has not committed any offence.
Cpl Ong comes across a male person sleeping on the pavement, causing inconvenience to passer-by. Cpl Ong tries to wake him up but is unsuccessful. The male subject smells strongly of alcohol and no documents suggesting that he is diabetic could be found on him. He has no visible injuries. Cpl Ong assesses that the male subject is drunk. No next-of-kin is around and his identity card shows he stay far away. What action should Cpl Ong take?
Arrest the subject for being drunk and incapable and bring him back to station for safe custody
Allow the subject to continue sleeping on the pavement since he is not causing any trouble except blocking the path
Send the subject home in the patrol car even if he stays far away and inform DOR that you are crossing into another Division's boundary
Stand-by at the scene till the subject sober up to prevent anything from happening to him
A victim of diabetic coma may show symptoms similar to a person suspected to be drunk and incapable. If an officer is unsure whether a person is drunk or suffering from diabetic coma, he should:
Convey the person to hospital to assess the person's condition and give appropriate treatment
Wait for arrival of next-of-kin (NOK) to establish his medical history
Convey the person to station for safe custody and further observation
Call for an ambulance to assess the person's condition and give appropriate treatment
You attended to a case of insane person causing nuisance at the market. On arrival, you found the insane person shouting at passer-by to get away. He was not armed and was not trying to hurt anyone. His brother was trying to calm him down. Your FIRST action would be to:
Find out from the brother the insane person's mental illness background and determine how best to handle him.
Nform DOR to send reinforcement in case the insane person turns violent.
Try to arrest the insane person to stop him from causing further trouble
Warn the insane person to stop shouting or he can be arrested for breach of the peace.
Sgt Beng and Cpl Seng are escorting a PIC to the hospital for medical examination. Before starting their escort, Sgt Beng should report to DOR the details of the escort. During the escort, Sgt Beng should report sit-reps to DOR every:
30 minutes
45 minutes
15 minutes
60 minutes
When performing ward duties at the hospital, ward duty officers must report sit-reps to DOR
Only when taking over and handing over duty
Every one hour
Every half hour
Every two hour
When a PIC is hospitalised in an open ward in a hospital, how should the ward duty officers secure the PIC to prevent him from trying to escape?
Secure one wrist and both legs to the bed using the wrist and ankle restraints.
Ensure that the PIC is properly secured with the grip-restraint and lying on the bed. There is no need to secure him to the bed.
Secure both wrists to the bed. Both legs need not be restrained
Secure both wrists and both legs to the bed using the wrist and ankle restraints.
There are three levels of physical person search that may be conducted at the Person Access Control point set-up during a major event. The three levels are:
Frisk search, strip search and intrusive search
Cursory search, quick search and detailed search
Fast search, quick search and detailed search
Cursory search, detailed search and strip search
There are 4 types of crowd. A group of people who assemble to watch a soccer game at the stadium will be is known as a
Expressive Crowd
Cohesive Crowd
Aggressive Crowd
Casual Crowd
According to the Public Order Act 2009, what is the minimum number of person required in order for a public procession to take place?
Two persons
Three persons
One person
Five persons
SC Cpl Marcus is on sentry duty at the main gate of a Police Division HQ when Mr Tan approaches him and requests to see Sgt Raja, the Investigation Officer in-charge of the police case he reported a few days ago. Mr Tan is carrying a bag. When SC Cpl Marcus requests Mr Tan to open his bag for checking, Mr Tan refuses to comply. SC Cpl Marcus shall:
Immediately place Mr Tan under arrest for failing to comply with the instruction
Inform Mr Tan that he will be refused entry into the station if he do not want his bag to be checked
Record in the station diary that Mr Tan refuses to allow his bag to be checked and then escort him to see Sgt Raja
Warn Mr Tan that he can be summoned for failing to comply with the instruction
Sunny enters the compound of a school through an existing hole in the perimeter fencing. His intention is to take a stroll in the eco-garden inside the school compound. What offence, if any, has Sunny committed?
An offence of criminal trespass
An offence of housebreaking
An offence of wilful trespass
No offence as the hole is already there
Robin visited Sally at her house. He asked her to go out with him but she refused. Robin gets angry and started to scold her. Sally told Robin to leave her house but he refused. He said that he will not leave her house unless she agrees to go out with him. What offence, if any, has Robin committed?
No offence as Sally had allowed Robin into the house in the first instance
Wilful trespass
Criminal trespass
While walking past a house, Jack spots some gold fishes in a pond in its garden. Intending to steal the gold fishes, he climbs into the garden but is immediately caught by the owner. Jack has committed an offence of :-
House trespass
Criminal trespass
Attempted theft
Wilful trespass
Sgt Choon Seng and his partner stopped a car at a road block. The officers request the driver and 2 passengers inside the car to step out of the car. Upon screening, the said car is 'reported stolen'. Sgt Choon Seng should
Place the driver under arrest, take down the particulars of the 2 passengers and inform them to report to the investigation officer in charge to have their statements taken.
Place the driver under arrest and allow the other 2 passengers to leave
Seize the car, take down the particulars of the driver and 2 passengers and submit the particulars to the investigation officer in charge for follow up actions
Place the driver and the 2 passengers under arrest
Sgt Steven was on foot patrol when he checked a main at about 2.00am. The main claimed that he was on his way home after watching a midnight show and produced a cinema ticket as proof. The only document which he could produce for Sgt Steven's inspection was his special pink identity card which identifies him as a Criminal Laws Police Supervisee (CLPS). Sgt Steven should:
Immediately place him under arrest and bring him back to station for referral to SSB/CID
Contact CID Ops Room through DOR to confirm the conditions of the Supervision Orders before taking any further actions
Record his particulars and lodge a report against him for SSB/CID to follow-up
Record his particulars, warn him to return home immediately and take no further action
It is 0200hrs when Sgt Melvin and Sgt Shawn spot a vehicle being handled by a towing crew. Should the officers conduct a check on the vehicle if they feel suspicious about it
Yes, they should check so as to verify if the vehicle is stolen or not
No, they should not. Vehicles can be towed for many reasons and at any time
No, they should not. Towing of vehicle is a legitimate activity
No, they should not. Let the towing crew do their job without being checked.
If a police officer has a general suspicion that a person may try to commit a non-specific offence, the officer shall
Conduct a check on the person
Conduct a screening to the person
Engage in a consensual conversation with the person
Place the person under arrest
Move-on direction is the power to direct a person in writing to move out of a designated are for up to 24 hours. To exercise the move-on power under the Public Order Act, the police officer must be of the rank of or above.
Assistant Superintendant of Police (ASP)
Any police officer
Inspector of Police
Sgt Tay and Sgt Ang are on patrol and come across a subject drinking a can of alcoholic liquor at a public place at 11.00pm in the evening. Subject is by himself and is not causing any nuisance. Sgt Tay advises the subject that no drinking of liquor is allowed at a public place during that hour. However the subject questions Sgt Tay why he cannot drink and retorts (synonym of retort is reply) that he is not causing any nuisance at the place, and refuses to dispose the liquor. Sgt Tay and Sgt Ang
May forcibly dispose the can of liquor at the scene and take down the subject's particulars for follow up actions by the Division Compliance Management Officer.
May seize the can of liquor as and take down the subject's particulars for summon actions to be taken
Can take down the subject's particulars and inform him that summon actions will be taken against him. There is no need to seize can of liquor
Shall place the subject under arrest and may seize the can of liquor as case exhibit under Section 12 of the Liquor Control Act
{"name":"POBC Practice Quiz (2)", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on public order and criminal law with this engaging practice quiz! Designed for law enforcement officers and those interested in the legal framework, this quiz covers various scenarios involving public safety, criminal conduct, and police procedures.Key Features:Multiple choice questionsReal-life scenariosEnhance your understanding of the law","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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