Hogwarts House Sorting

When a task is difficult but important to you, how often do you finish it?
Most of the time
Sometimes if it's really important to me, but a lot of the time I find things too hard
Rarely, I find it very difficult to continue when things get difficult
When someone doesn't get what you're explaining after explaining it twice already, how do you usually react?
I explain it again. You don't always know the reasons people don't understand the first few times.
I usually get stressed because I know I'm explaining it well, but I usually always explain again calmly because everyone is different.
I get a little moody with them sometimes, but I'll usually explain it again.
If it's not that important, forget it. I'm not explaining a third time.
If someone attacked your friend or family member in the street, what do you think you're likely to do?
Try to defend them.
Land a blow on the attacker to hopefully free your friend, and run away inside a public place
Panic but probably try to help them.
Call for help and help myself if I see a way I can definitely free my friend.
Run away and hope that my friend is okay.
If someone who doesn't know much english asks for directions, what are you likely to do?
Try my best to give directions with my hands and speaking recognisable phrases.
Get out my phone to show them on a map and if they still don't understand, translate my directions with a translator.
Tell them I don't know, even if I do, to spare myself the interaction.
Try many different things to help them.
When I've been given homework in the past, what have I usually done?
Tried my best to complete it.
Done it myself, until it gets too hard or too time consuming at which point I cheat.
Got someone smarter to do it, so I know I'll get it right.
Do it all to the best of my ability and make sure to review the marking closely to learn the bits I didn't know before.
If my friend or family member gets caught in the act of doing something they shouldn't have, but you also did it the day before, what would you do?
Reveal you did it too.
Take the blame. Say you told them to do it.
Don't tell anyone you did it.
If you notice your friend cheating at a sports game, what would you do?
I don't know. Cheating is wrong but they're my friend.
Tell someone but make sure they are nice to my friend.
Keep it to myself.
Rat them out, cheating isn't right, even if you're my friend.
Do people think you're funny and intelligent?
They say they don't but I know they're joking.
Do you pick up new skills easily?
I don't know
I pick them up at a normal rate.
Do you lie or hide the truth to get what you want?
In groups and group activities, are you good at taking charge?
Neither good or bad.
No, not really.
Do you have lots of ambition for your life?
Not really. I don't mind quite a simple life.
Yes, there's loads of things I want to do and achieve.
A moderate amount.
{"name":"Hogwarts House Sorting", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QOBI09JDD","txt":"When a task is difficult but important to you, how often do you finish it?, When someone doesn't get what you're explaining after explaining it twice already, how do you usually react?, If someone attacked your friend or family member in the street, what do you think you're likely to do?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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