FirstEngage Q&A - Opower SA Training Program

Create an engaging, professional image illustrating a training session on the FirstEngage platform, featuring diverse participants engaged in learning, with a focus on energy conservation and utility management.

FirstEngage Training Quiz

Test your knowledge of the FirstEngage platform with this comprehensive quiz designed for Opower SA Training Program participants. This quiz consists of 27 questions that cover the core functionalities, features, and deployment strategies of FirstEngage.

Whether you're a beginner or more experienced, this quiz will help reinforce your understanding of FirstEngage and prepare you for real-world applications.

  • Assess your knowledge
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Gain insights into FirstEngage functionalities

27 Questions7 MinutesCreated by EmpoweringEnergy101
What is your name?
What is included in the FirstEngage 'CORE' package
(1) Customer Facing Web Portal, (2) Outbound Communications, (3) Utility Admin Tools
(1) Customer Facing Web Portal
(1) Customer Facing Web Portal, (2) Outbound Communications, (3) e-Billing Tools
(1) Customer Facing Web Portal, (2) Outbound Communications
Can a client buy individual components of FirstEngage
Yes, each component of the core package can be sold separately based on client needs
The client must buy at least two of the three core components
Only the CSR tools can be sold separately
No, the FirstEngage core package represents the base level of functionality available
What kinds of outbound communications does FirstEngage offer today?
FirstEngage has a multi-channel outbound communication engine, including e-mail, SMS, paper (via Opower), and IVR
FirstEngage outbounds communications include e-mail only
FirstEngage outbound communications include e-mail and SMS
FirstEngage outbound communications include e-mail and paper (via Opower)
What types of outbound e-mails are including in the core package?
FirstEngage 'core package' does not include e-mails
Site Profile, Monthly Energy Reports, High Usage Alerts
Site Profile, Monthly Energy Reports, High Bill Alerts
FirstFuel will work with the client to design up to three custom e-mails for their customer base
How does a CSR access Bill Advisor and FirstEngages’s CSR tool to field calls from both residential and non-residential customers?
FirstFuel and Opower have designed a single CSR tool that is used for both residential and non-residential customers
FirstEngage does not offer single sign on for CSRs. Separate log-in is required if they receive a non-residential inbound
These are different tools, and require two levels of authentication. CSR Single Sign On authentication is the suggested approach for easiest access to both tools.
FirstEngage does not offer a CSR too
What fuel types does FirstEngage support?
Electric, gas, water
Electric only
Electric and gas
None of the above
Does FirstEngage work for both monthly and interval metered customers? Are there any exceptions?
Interval data customers only
Interval data and monthly customers. All functionality is available for both
Interval data, monthly, and real-time sub metered data
Interval data and monthly customers. Some functionality not available for monthly customers
How does FirstEngage determine Energy Conservation Measure (ECMs) for a building?
FirstFuel building engineers analyze every building and customize recommendations
Proprietary analytics and rules engines leverage building and load attributes to pull most relevant recommendations from in-house ECM library developed by FirstFuel building engineers
Using outside databases like CBECs to develop recommendations based on building type
Proprietary analytics and rules engines leverage building and load attributes to pull most relevant recommendations from outside database
Does FirstEngage offer rate engine integration and rates modeling as default for features like High Bill Alert and Bill Forecasting?
Yes, FirstFuel has an in-house rate engine
Yes, FirstFuel will work with any utility home-grown or third-party rate engine
Yes, FirstEngage offers rate engine integration to all prospects at a professional services fee
No, FirstEngage uses blended rates as default
What type of coverage does FirstEngage provide for the non-residential customer segment?
FirstEngage is only applicable for the SMB segment
FirstEngage is only applicable for the LCI segment
FirstEngage currently supports 50 building types, with many more coming online in 2017
FirstEngage currently supports over 125 building types, with more coming online in 2017
Does FirstFuel support widgets like Opower's Next Web platform?
Yes, FirstEngage has 4 widgets that are currently in production. Up to 5 more coming in 2017
No, however, FirstFuel has incorporated widgets into their Product Roadmap for delivery in Jan 2017
Yes, FirstEngage sells widgets to enterprise level clients on a professional services basis
No, FirstFuel is directionally aligned with Opower on their approach to UX, UI and widgets; however, FirstFuel has not yet incorporated widgets into their Product Roadmap
What are the integration options available for FirstEngage?
Standalone or SSO
Standalone, SSO, embedded
Standalone only
None of the above
Can a Residential user access their Business account(s) under the same utility log-in when Utility is IdP?
No. They must log-out, and then log back in to their other utility account
Yes, but an end-user must navigate back to the utility-hosted website (e.g., My Account) before navigating to Opower or FirstEngage hosted-environments
Yes, a residential user can navigate between Opower and FirstEngage hosted-environments without navigating back to utility-hosted website
No, this is only available when Opower is the IdP
Does FirstEngage support SSO for Utility users (e.g., CSR)?
No. Standalone only
Yes, this is available for all utility CSRs, no user assignments required before initial log-in
Yes, but CSR SSO is only available when Opower is the IdP
Yes, but FirstEngage utility users are controlled with role-based access, and must be assigned before their initial log-in
Can FirstEngage SSO be configured with Opower as the IdP?
Yes, first deployments will be Exelon and SCE Phase 2
No. SSO only available with Util as IdP
Yes, but this will not be available until 2018
FirstEngage is available via standalone integration only
What is the general launch timeframe for FirstEngage?
Standard deployment timeline is 10 weeks
Standard deployment timeline is 25 weeks. This is for core package functionality and SSO. Client-specific deployment factors may delay the timeline
Standard deployment timeline is 52 weeks
Standard deployment timeline is 25 weeks. This represents all available functionality, including add-on modules and professional services. Client-specific deployment factors may delay the timeline
What is the general launch timeframe for FirstEngage when deploying with Opower?
Timeline dependent on whether Opower is already installed at the account. If Opower is installed, timeline is truncated to 10 weeks. If it is a new client, timeline is 20 weeks. Both schedules are outlined on teamgantt
Standard deployment timeline is 20 weeks, key activities are outlined in a joint deployment timeline on teamgantt. Client-specific deployment factors may delay the timeline
Standard deployment timeline is 52 weeks
Standard deployment timeline is 20 weeks, key activities are outlined on the Opower Wiki. Client-specific deployment factors do not impact the timeline.
Are FirstEngage and Opower currently in production at any utilities?
No, our first joint deployment is going live Jan, 2017
Yes, PG&E and SCE with 8 more going live in next 12 months, including SMUD, Portland General, Exelon Utilities and Duquesne Power & Light
Yes, PG&E and SCE with 4 more going live in next 12 months, including SMUD, and Portland General, and National Grid
None of the above
What is the preferred file format for data transfer from Util -> Opower -> FirstFuel across new and existing clients
New and existing: Single file, residential and non-residential data combined in single file
New and existing: Two file, separate files for residential and non-residential data
For existing client where Opower is already installed, match current format
For new clients, one file format is preferred as Opower ETL is faster than Util
A and D are correct
B and C are correct
Are utility clients able to see FirstEngage data via Inside Opower or any other tools?
Yes, FirstEngage sends daily batch files to Inside Opower
No, FirstEngage is not yet integrated with Inside Opower. Further discovery and scoping is required
FirstEngage provides an Engagement Dashboard to view customer web portal impressions, including basics around log-ins, clicks, time-on-site etc.
B and C are correct
A and C are correct
Does FirstEngage require any additional data fields beyond Opower's Residential data spec?
Yes, as outlined in the 'Opower Non-Residential Billing and Interval Data Transfer Standards' document
Yes, as a result, FirstFuel works directly with utility to set up separate data feed for non-residential data
No, Opower's standard residential data specification document contains all necessary data fields
Dependent on the features that are being purchased by the client
Does a Residential user with Opower get the same exact view if they have a business account and access to FirstEngage?
No, the FirstEngage user experience is designed specifically for non-residential customers, and therefore is substantially different from Opower
Yes, FirstFuel and Opower have worked to completely align UX/UI across residential and user experiences
Yes, a user with both residential and business accounts can see Opower and FirstEngage insights on the same web page
The UI/UX for residential and non-residential are closely aligned, but not exactly the same. Opower and FirstFuel share joint product strategies, but have also designed our products, and the associated chart/insights, to meet the specific needs of the segments we serve
When is the appropriate time in a sales cycle for Opower SAs to deliver a FirstEngage demo?
Opower SAs should never demo FirstEngage. Always consult your FirstFuel SA counterpart.
The Opower-specific FirstEngage demo script should be used in an early-stage prospect meeting to introduce Opower's digital engagement solution for non-residential customers. Subsequent demos should be conducted by FirstFuel SAs
Upon completion of the FirstFuel training program, Opower SAs should demo FirstEngage during all stages of the sales cycle
None of the above
What is/are the key benefit(s) of FirstEngage's data pre-population capability?
Non-residential customers are able to receive relevant insights on their first interaction, without having to complete profile questions
FirstEngage is able to pre-populate a customer's entire profile before they log-in
FirstEngage is able to pre-populate key non-usage attributes (e.g., Gross Square Footage, Primary Activity) without customer input. This drives a more accurate energy analysis and savings recommendations. In the case of inaccuracies or incomplete data, customer's can make make modifications/additions via the site profile.
A and C are correct
What is/are the key benefit(s) of FirstEngage's meter-to-building capability?
FirstFuel's proprietary meter mapping schema connects service delivery points (SDPs) to buildings so that non-residential customers can see data displayed in an intuitive manner (buildings) vs. A list of meters
Non-residential customers with multiple sites are able to see a 'Portfolio view' of all of their buildings within a single view, allowing for easy self-benchmarking and energy management. A key advantage over other non-residential solutions that require individual log-ins for each building
FirstFuel's derived 'Building ID' can be sent back to Utility for incorporation into their CRM, as a new way of communicating/understanding their customers
All of the above
What are available delivery options for FirstEngage outbound communications?
FirstEngage does not send outbound communications. E-mails must be sent by Opower or the Utility via data extract from FirstEngage
FirstEngage can send e-mails directly via AWS Simple Messaging Services
FirstEngage can send a data extract file to Utility, and Utility sends e-mail
B and C are correct
{"name":"FirstEngage Q&A - Opower SA Training Program", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of the FirstEngage platform with this comprehensive quiz designed for Opower SA Training Program participants. This quiz consists of 27 questions that cover the core functionalities, features, and deployment strategies of FirstEngage.Whether you're a beginner or more experienced, this quiz will help reinforce your understanding of FirstEngage and prepare you for real-world applications. Assess your knowledgeIdentify areas for improvementGain insights into FirstEngage functionalities","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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