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A whimsical and slightly eerie illustration of a dark room with hidden dangers, doors labeled with various survival challenges, and symbols of logic puzzles.

The Ultimate Survival Challenge

Are you ready to put your wits to the test? Dive into our intriguing quiz that challenges you to navigate treacherous situations, solve puzzling riddles, and uncover clues. Each question tests your logic and reasoning skills while keeping you engaged and entertained.

Join us to:

  • Challenge yourself with unique scenarios.
  • Sharpen your critical thinking skills.
  • Discover interesting facts about survival and logic.

17 Questions4 MinutesCreated by SolvingShadow731
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Check Point No 01
One of the spirals here consists of 2 separate parts. Can you tell which one? (Left or Right)
Check Point No 08
You are locked up in the house of a mad insectologist. He knows a lot about insects. There are 3 exits in the house, but each one is trap.
Door A - Invisible venomous spiders.
Door B - A dozen beetles infected with a disease which there is almost no vaccine from.
Door C - Hundreds of furious hornets.
Which door should you choose?
Door A
Door B
Door C
Check Point No 02
A Photojournalist entered the dangerous caves to take some pictures. Suddenly the cave started shaking. The journalist had to run out, but he forgot which way he got there. There are 4 tunnels.

Tunnel A - Poisonous Bats will kill you immediately

Tunnel B - Heat from underground will burn anyone

Tunnel C - Toxic gas will kill any kind of animal

Tunnel D - Radioactive plants will kill you with one touch
Which way is safe?
Tunnel A
Tunnel B
Tunnel C
Tunnel D
Check Point No 03
George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen and Dave are drinking soda. Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda?
None of the above
Check Point No 09
What number is missing?
Check Point No 11
Which letter replaces the question mark?
Check Point No 12
Insert the missing number.
Check Point No 10
Find the missing letter?
Check Point No 13
An adventurer found a chest with treasures in a cave guarded by a pirate. He had 3 keys that were golden, silver and black. But only one of them could open the chest. The pirate would give the adventurer only one chance to reach the treasure.

If he chose the right key, he would take the chest. If he was wrong, the pirate would kill him right there.

The only clue was this cipher: TGK HOE ELY DEN.

Which is the right key?
Golden Key
Silver Key
Black Key
Check Point No 04
Your town blacked out and power supply cut off after a massive earthquake. Exploiting this mess, some criminals kidnapped you from ransom. They keep you in a room with 4 doors.

Door A - A Death Trap will crush you

Door B - Electric Chain saws will cut you into pieces

Door C - A professional killer is waiting for you

Door D - The acid will burn you at once

Which way is safe?
Door A
Door B
Door C
Door D
Check Point No 05
What number should replace the question mark?
Check Point No 14
One morning, little Mary got trapped in a castle. There were 4 doors, but only one led to freedom. The doors opened up to the following:

Door 1: Lava that would immediately melt anyone

Door 2: A killer clown that would beat any person to death

Door 3: A deadly frost that would freeze her at once

Door 4: Policeman that would shoot any man or woman indiscriminately

Which door should she choose?
Door 1
Door 2
Door 3
Door 4
Check Point No 06
How many pairs of hearts intertwined in each other among these hearts?
Check Point No 15
How many perfect 4-point stats are hidden among these squares and triangles?
Check Point No 07
James was found dead in his room. The room had no window and the door was locked. The only 4 people who had a key to the room were questioned.

Sophia the maid: “I came to wake up Mr. James; when I saw him dead, I screamed!”

John the butler: “When I heard the scream, I ran into the room, turned on the light and saw Mr. James with a knife in his neck.”

Sarah the governess: “I rushed up alongside John; when he turned on the light, the room was all bloody.”

Jack the cook: “I was prepping breakfast and didn’t see anything.”

Who did it?
John (the butler)
Sophia (the maid)
Sarah (the governess)
Jack (the cook)
{"name":"", "url":"","txt":"Are you ready to put your wits to the test? Dive into our intriguing quiz that challenges you to navigate treacherous situations, solve puzzling riddles, and uncover clues. Each question tests your logic and reasoning skills while keeping you engaged and entertained.Join us to: Challenge yourself with unique scenarios.Sharpen your critical thinking skills.Discover interesting facts about survival and logic.","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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