History 1A S1

Who commanded the ‘Northern Expedition’?
What was the United States’ policy towards foreign concessions in China?
Whose role in Japanese decision making in the 1930s and 1940s is still controversial?
Who was President of Czechoslovakia at the beginning of 1938?
What country was incorporated into Germany in March 1938?
Where did the European Leaders meet to resolve the issues surrounding the Sudetan Germans
What event took place on 17 September 1939?
Soviet Invasion of Poland
Signing of Anti-Comitern Pact
Operation Sealion
Miracle of Dunkirk
What country, besides Germany, invaded Poland in September 1939?
What was the name of the Nazi strategic plan for the invasion of Poland?
What was the name of the German general who proposed the ‘Sickle Cut’ Plan?
On what date did the Battle of France begin?
360,000 Allied soldiers were evacuated by sea from which port?
Who was French head of state from 1940 to 1944?
Which power set out to build a two ocean navy in 1940?
Which state signed the Tripartite Pact in September 1940?
What name did the British give to the night time bombing of Britain from October 1940 to May 1941?
Who headed the German air force in 1940?
What code name was given to the planned German invasion of Britain?
What country did Italy invade on 28 October 1940?
What kind of war did Mussolini intend Italy to pursue?
What key strategic resource was Germany protecting in Operation Marita?
What were the Neutrality Acts?
Britain's attempt to stay out of the war in 1938
Legislation that prohibited the US from providing aid to any belligerents
Legislation that prohibited the US from providing aid to any invading forces
Legislation that prohibited the US from providing aid to any of the axis powers
What was the Cash and Carry bill?
Legislation which allowed for the creation of a wartime currency in Britain
A bill that forced Allied nations to pay any existing debts to the US before they would approve any further loans
A policy passed by congress that approved monetary loans to countries that had not paid their wartime debts
Policy requested by Roosevelt that replaced the neutrality acts and allowed US the sale of material to belligerents under certain conditions
What was the name of the joint defence agreement between the US and Canada in 1940?
What were the Destroyers for Bases agreement?
An agreement between the US and Britain where 50 US destroyers were traded for land rights on British possessions
An agreement between the US and China where 50 US destroyers were traded for land rights on Chinese possessions
An agreement between the Italy and Germany where 50 Italian destroyers were traded for land rights on German possessions
An agreement between the US and Britain where 50 US destroyers were traded for land rights on British possessions
What was the name of the joint defence agreement between the US and Canada in 1940?
What was the US’s strategy for staying out of the war in 1940 and 1941?
Who became Minister of Labour in 1940?
What was the W.V.S. An abbreviation of?
In 1941, what percentage of National Spending was spent on the War effort
What year did food rationing begin in Britain?
Who became Germany’s Minister of Armaments in 1940?
Who was plenipotentiary for the Four Year Plan?
Who headed Aktion T-4?
Bouhler and Brandt
Bouhler and Todt
What was Aktion T-4?
Program of forced Euthanasia in Nazi Germany
Germany's Nuclear Program
Germany's Destroyer Program
Germany's Luftwaffe Development Program
What were Gauleiters?
German Executioners
Regional Nazi Party Leaders
Einsatzgruppen Commanders
Jewish Russian Leaders
What was the name of the first major battle fought in the Sino-Japanese war, in August to November 1937?
Name one major power that originally supported China in the war?
What kind of warfare did both China and Japan rely on in WW2
Hand to Hand
Short Order
Warfare of the 42 Horses and the Rising Sun with the Lotus Jade Crown
What transport system did the Japanese Logistical system rely on in the Sino-Japanese War?
How many civilians were killed (approximately) in the Rape of Nanjing/Nanking?
What was the name of the river whose dikes were destroyed in June 1938 (the biggest act of environmental warfare in history)?
What year did Soviet Aid to the Chinese Nationalists end?
What battle in the Sino-Japanese war began in Oct 1938?
What was the size of the German invasion force in the invasion of the Soviet Union?
What was the Lend-Lease program?
Programme under which US lend money to Allied nations in return for base leases
The program under which the Britain supplied allied nations with food and materials from 1941 to 1945
The program under which the US supplied allied nations with food and materials from 1941 to 1945
The program under which the US supplied Britain with food and materials from 1941 to 1945
What was the name of the German plan for the colonisation of Central and Eastern Europe?
What was the most common form of entertainment or escape for people on the Home front in Britain and Germany?
On what date did Operation Barbarossa begin
Where were 1,523 industrial enterprises moved between July and November 1941?
All of the Above
How many additional soldiers did the soviet’s raise by the end of June 1941?
How many armies does the Soviet Union eventually raise in 1941?
What was the name of the battle which saw the largest encirclement in History?
Which major German operation in October 1941 aimed to seize Moscow?
Some 660,000 Soviet POWs were seized in which double encirclement in October 1941?
What explanation was employed by the German generals to explain their defeat in the east in 1941?
What/Who was Rasputisa?
The Russian season in October of where all the roads turned to mud
The Italian chief of staff
A famous German destroyer
One of the destroyers bombed in Pearl Harbour
What was the Barbarossa Jurisdiction Decree?
A decree that freed German soldiers from any kind of persecution for war crimes committed in the Soviet Union except for sexual misdeeds
A decree issued by Hitler that Moscow was the primary reason for the invasion of Russia
A decree which stated that Ukraine was under German rule
A decree which allowed all German commanders to shoot Russian political persons without a trial
What was the Commissar Order
An order that German commissars were to enter duma and destroy all villages
An order that allowed for the operation of the einsatzgruppen
An order that forbade Russian soldiers from fleeing the scene of battle
An order that required that upon capture, political commissars be promptly shot
What was the name of the British concession in China that the Japanese blockaded in July 1937?
What was the name of the Pact signed between Germany and Japan in 1940?
What percentage of the 140 German divisions in the east was shown to have carried out the Commissar Order?
Of the first 3.3 million Soviet POWs captured in the war over 60 per cent had died by which month and year?
How many Soviet Jews did the Einsatzgruppen (together with the German Order Police and Wehrmacht) kill over the course of 1941?
What was the scorched earth policy?
Wehrmacht policy of burning farms, buildings and other Russian structures
Russian policy of burning farms, crops and structures to prevent the Germans getting access to them
Italian bombing policy from 1941 - 1942
British bombing policy in Germany from 1940 - 1941
What was the name of the plan that sought to make good occupied Europe’s grain shortfall
When was the Washington Naval Conference held
When was the second naval conference held?
What Island between Hong Kong and Indochina was occupied by Japanese forces in Feb 1939?
What did the Hull Note demand?
That Germany be restricted to the production of no more than 100,000 tonnes of ship hulls per year
That Japan leave the Tripartite pact and withdraw all troops from Indochina and China
That Russian Chief of Staff Vladmir Hullotov be removed from his position and executed
That China stop purchasing ship hulls from German overstock
Name one European Country created by post world war 1 peace settlement
Which US president issued the fourteen points
What is the name usually given to the peace treaty with Germany after World War 1
What year did Japan become part of the Axis
What was the Tangku Truce?
Truce between Japanese and Chinese forces in Tangku
Truce between Tangku and Japanese forces in Manchuria
Cease fire between China and Japan formally ending the Japanese invasion of Manchuria
What year did the Japanese withdraw their forces from Shanghai?
What year did the Marco Polo bridge incident occur?
What was the name of Japan’s puppet state
Which European country broke the Versailles treaty by making deals with Germany
What was the name of the non-aggression pact between USSR and Germany signed August 1939?
What was the name of the Soviet Secret Police in the invasion of Poland?
What was the name of the series of mass executions that the NKVD carried out during the invasion of Poland in 1940?
What was the named of the period between the British/French declaration of war and 10th may 1940 known as?
The Cold War
The Intermission
The Deathless War
The Phoney War
Nazi propaganda claimed that the invasion of Poland was to stop attacks on ethnic Germans in the polish corridor but what was Hitlers real objective?
Who conceived the Dyle Plan
When was the post Battle of France armistice between Germany and France signed?
On what date did Japan attack Pearl Harbour?
How many waves did the Japanese attack in?
Name one of the battleships that were destroyed in the attack on Pearl Harbour
What was the name of the SS Plan from 1940 in which tens of millions of people would be ethnically cleansed in the east?
What was the Open Door Policy
Policy of free trade between all allied countries under Britain's continental blockade
Policy established by the US to keep China open to trade with all countries on an equal basis and to ensure that one European country was not able to gain total control of an area in China.
Greek policy of allowed all refugees to enter the Greece
Policy of Russian support for China in weapons, troops and armaments
What was the ratio fixed at the Washington Naval Conference for the US, Britain and Japan?
Which region voted to rejoin Germany in January 1935?
What was the Maginot Line?
A line of fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations on the French-Austrain border
A line of fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations on the French-English border
A line of fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations on the French-German border
A line of fortifications, obstacles and weapon installations on the French-Italian border
Approximately how many civilians were killed in the Rape of Naking
Besides Germany and Japan, which other state was part of the Tripartite Pact
Which British Colonial possession, nicknamed the 'Gibraltar of the East', fell to the Japanese on February 15 1942?
Which of these Japanese atrocities occurred in the Phillipines, 1942
Sandakan Death March
Bataan Death March
Rape of Nanking
Bangka Island Massacre
What role did General Douglas MacArthur perform?
Commander of the US Army Forces in the Far West
Commander of the British Air Arm
Australian Chief of Staff 1930-1935
Field Marshall of the Philippine Army
What was German military tactic known for its mobile forces and short campaigns?
{"name":"History 1A S1", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Who commanded the ‘Northern Expedition’?, What was the United States’ policy towards foreign concessions in China?, Whose role in Japanese decision making in the 1930s and 1940s is still controversial?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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