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New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 23 Jun 21
[2106.11316] Marta Zonno, Fabio Boschini, Andrea Damascelli: Time-resolved ARPES on cuprates: Tracking the low-energy electrodynamics in the time domain
[2106.11328] Robin Huber, Max-Niklas Steffen, Martin Drienovsky et al.: Brown-Zak and Weiss oscillations in a gate-tunable graphene superlattice: A unified picture of miniband conductivity
[2106.11329] Kaustuv Manna, Nitesh Kumar, Sumanta Chattopadhyay et al.: Three-dimensional quasi-quantized Hall insulator phase in SrSi2
[2106.11332] M.-Y. Yao, J. Noky, K. Manna et al.: Observation of chirality-neutral Fermi surface in Weyl semimetal candidate SrSi2
[2106.11333] Nikhil Tilak, Xinyuan Lai, Shuang Wu et al.: Flat band carrier confinement in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
[2106.11377] Farshad Azizi, Hamed Rezania: Spin structure factors of doped monolayer Germanene in the presence of spin-orbit coupling
[2106.11402] Shobha Gondh, Manju Mishra Patidar, Kranti Kumar et al.: Large exchange bias and low temperature glassy state in frustrated triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Ba$_3$NiIr$_2$O$_9$
[2106.11412] Nicolò Riva, Frederic Sirois, Christian Lacroix et al.: The eta-beta model model: an alternative to the power-law model for numerical simulations of REBCO tapes
[2106.11439] Marc A. Gali Labarias, Karl-H. Muller, Emma E. Mitchell: Modelling the transfer function of two-dimensional SQUID and SQIF arrays with thermal noise
[2106.11468] Nannan Ma, Jiangbin Gong: Unsupervised identification of Floquet topological phase boundaries
[2106.11477] Jian-Feng Zhang, Kai Liu, Zhong-Yi Lu: First-principles study on the double-dome superconductivities in kagome material CsV$_3$Sb$_5$ under pressure
[2106.11511] Miranda D. Louwerse, David A. Sivak: Information Thermodynamics of the Transition-Path Ensemble
[2106.11523] Y. Y. Peng, I. Boukahil, K. Krongchon et al.: Observation of van der Waals phonons in the single-layer cuprate (Bi,Pb)$_2$(Sr,La)$_2$CuO$_{6+δ}$
[2106.11530] P. A. Krachkov, I. S. Terekhov: To the problem of electron-hole bound state in transition-metal dichalcogenides
[2106.11550] Chunyuan Bai, Hongfei Li, Zun Xie et al.: Au12@Au30: Core-Shell Molecule Constituted of an Icosahedron and an Icosidodecahedron
[2106.11571] Ca Bernard, D George, S Ahzi et al.: A generalized mechanical model using stress-strain duality at large strain for amorphous polymers
[2106.11583] K. Somesh, Y. Furukawa, G. Simutis et al.: Universal fluctuating regime in triangular chromate antiferromagnets
[2106.11584] Anoop Thomas, Prachi Telang, Kshiti Mishra et al.: Role of spin-phonon and electron-phonon interactions in phonon renormalization of (Eu$_{1-x}$Bi$_x$)$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ across the metal-insulator...
[2106.11591] Bahram Maleki, Hamed Rezania: Optical properties of biased bilayer graphene due to gap parameter effects
[2106.11599] Yang Song, Kai Qian, Lei Tao et al.: Intrinsically Honeycomb-patterned Hydrogenated Graphene with Spin Polarized Edge-states
[2106.11600] J. Ebad-Allah, S. Rojewski, M. Vöst et al.: Pressure-induced excitations in the out-of-plane optical response of the nodal-line semimetal ZrSiS
[2106.11605] Alexandra Nicoloiu, Florin Ciubotaru, Claudia Nastase et al.: Room And Cryogenic Temperature Behaviour of Magnetic Sensors Based on Gan/Si Single Saw Resonators
[2106.11619] Maor Siboni, Pavel Sasorov, Baruch Meerson: Fluctuations of a swarm of Brownian bees
[2106.11623] Gaëtan J. Percebois, Dietmar Weinmann: Deep neural networks for inverse problems in mesoscopic physics: Characterization of the disorder configuration from quantum transport properties
[2106.11634] Naoto Shiraishi: Optimal thermodynamic uncertainty relation in Markov jump processes
[2106.11636] Jovana Vlahović, Ana S. Dobrota, Natalia V. Skorodumova et al.: Aluminium storage using nitrogen-doped graphene nanoribbons from first principles
[2106.11643] Paolo Malgaretti, Jens Harting: Phoretic colloids close to and trapped at fluid interfaces
[2106.11645] Ruixiao Cao, Synge Todo: Fast-update in self-learning algorithm for continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo
[2106.11662] Tom Dvir, Ayelet Zalic, Eirik Holm Fyhn et al.: Planar graphene-NbSe$_2$ Josephson junctions in a parallel magnetic field
[2106.11665] Emanuele Penocchio, Riccardo Rao, Massimiliano Esposito: Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of light-induced reactions
[2106.11670] Tomohiro Tanogami, Shin-ichi Sasa: Minimal Model of Turbulent Cascade
[2106.11681] Prince Sharma, Yogesh Kumar, V.P.S. Awana et al.: Probing the Topological Surface States through Magnetoresistance and Ultrafast Charge Carrier Dynamics in (Bi/Sb)2Te3
[2106.11682] N.K. Karn, M.M. Sharma, Prince Sharma et al.: Superconductivity with Topological non-trivial surface states in NbC
[2106.11694] M.I. Tsindlekht, V.M. Genkin, I. Felner et al.: AC losses in macroscopic thin-walled superconducting niobium cylinders
[2106.11697] A.K. Pankratova, P.A. Igoshev, V.Yu. Irkhin: Incommensurate magnetic order in rare earth and transition metal compounds with local moments
[2106.11709] Giovanni Marini, Matteo Calandra: Lattice dynamics of photoexcited insulators from constrained density-functional perturbation theory
[2106.11738] M. F. C. Martins Quintela, J. C. G. Henriques, N. M. R. Peres: Theory of third-order polarizability of interlayer excitons due to intra-excitonic energy level transitions
[2106.11761] Josep Planelles: The $k\cdot p$ model: a short overview for beginners
[2106.11774] Raphael Blumenfeld: The disc random packing problem: a disorder criterion and an explicit solution
[2106.11777] Grzegorz Wilk, Zbigniew Włodarczyk: Beyond the relaxation time approximation
[2106.11787] S. Timmermann, V. Starostin, A. Girelli et al.: Automated matching of two-time X-ray photon correlation maps from protein dynamics with Cahn-Hilliard type simulations using autoencoder networks
[2106.11792] Ning-Ning Zhao, Peng-Jie Guo, Xiao-Qin Lu et al.: Topological properties of Mo$_{2}$C and W$_{2}$C superconductors
[2106.11826] Tomasz M. Stawski, Glen J. Smales, Ernesto Scoppola et al.: Seeds of imperfection rule the mesocrystalline disorder in natural anhydrite single crystals
[2106.11832] Martina Teruzzi, Christian Apostoli, Davide Pini et al.: Evolution of static and dynamical density correlations in a one-dimensional soft-core gas from the Tonks-Girardeau limit to a cluster...
[2106.11834] Aleksandra Petković: Local spectral density of an interacting one-dimensional Bose gas with an impurity
[2106.11837] Zhihao Xu, Xu Xia, Shu Chen: Exact Mobility Edges and Topological Phase Transition in Two-Dimensional non-Hermitian Quasicrystals
[2106.11839] Julian Klein, Jakob Wierzbowski, Pedro Soubelet et al.: Electrical control of orbital and vibrational interlayer coupling in bi- and trilayer 2H-MoS$_2$
[2106.11843] Oliver Niggemann, Udo Seifert: The Two Scaling Regimes of the Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation for the KPZ-Equation
[2106.11848] Anton V. Khvalyuk, Mikhail V. Feigel'man: Distribution of the order parameter in strongly disordered superconductors: analytic theory
[2106.11893] Lennart Sobirey, Hauke Biss, Niclas Luick et al.: Comparing fermionic superfluids in two and three dimensions
[2106.11910] Evgenii Barts, Maxim V. Mostovoy: Magnetic particles and strings in iron langasite
[2106.11947] Churna Bhandari, Michael E. Flatté, Durga Paudyal: Quantum-confined charge transfer that enhances magnetic anisotropy in lanthanum M-type hexaferrites
[2106.11954] Trithep Devakul, Valentin Crépel, Yang Zhang et al.: Magic in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers
[2106.11957] Luca Giomi, John Toner, Niladri Sarkar: Hydrodynamic theory of $p-$atic liquid crystals
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 23 Jun 21","img":""}
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