What fediverse user are you?

A vibrant and colorful illustration depicting different archetypes of internet users in a surreal, digital landscape, showcasing diversity and community in the fediverse.

Discover Your Fediverse Identity

Have you ever wondered what kind of fediverse user you are? This quiz will help you explore your online persona based on a series of thought-provoking questions.

Engage with intriguing topics and see how your beliefs and choices align with various user archetypes.

7 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ExploringMind42
A witless young woman makes an account on your instance, and asks for a book recommendation. This is your chance to illuminate her mind, what book do you recommend?
The Turner Diaries
Your favourite book
Reading is not an efficient form of sharing information. Link a Contrapoints video but warn her that Contrapoints has expressed harmful enbyphobic opinions in the past.
I Can't Believe My Little Sister Has Grown Up So Much Since Starting Middle School!!!!!!
How to Hide a Body, and Other Quick Tips
You don't read but you will keep careful watch over what people recommend her, to ensure nobody recommends anything degenerate or immoral
Durr durr I'm ar etard durrr
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
You are offered a well-paying stable job by your local federal government. Do you accept, yes or no? Why or why not?
Of course. I can help the federal government stop dangerous extremists.
I have no interesting in working for the J*wish Cabal
Yes, I must ensure that the many "MAP's" on the fediverse are known.
No, I already have a decent enough job.
Yes, but only so I can ensure people follow the proper COVID-19 restrictions.
Yes, working for the government allows me to work outside of the law and grants me greater freedom.
I didn't get offered the job because I'm on a federal list already.
As a public figure I have no need for the job. I am only on the fediverse to enjoy intellectual discussion of niche topics.
As all responsible fediverse members do, you believe that protection of minorities is important. What minority needs the most protection?
The Jewish people, who face much undeserved scorn for their success and intelligence.
Minors, who are not given the same respect and agency that adults are.
The European peoples, who are being rapidly replaced by UN's "Replacement Migration."
Shrimps, an intelligent and beautiful sea species who suffer being eaten far too often.
The immunocompromised, who are in great danger and live in a society that does not care for their lives.
Women, who not only suffer sexual oppression but great social oppression as they are replaced by "transgenders."
LGBTQ+ people, whose rights are in danger in many U.S. states.
Me, someone who is constantly treated unfairly by the systems of society.
You log onto the fediverse and are ready to roll. What kind of posting do you do?
I start posting crime statistics.
I talk about my niche interests and try to be down to Earth, but everyone hates me and accuses me of cruel things. Why?????
I have stimulating philisophical, theological, and psychological discussions with other people.
Just start shooting the shit with and sending memes to my buds.
I discuss problematic behaviour that is common on the network.
I patrol the known network, searching for any immoral behaviour that I may call out and challenge.
Post art of my favourite anime characters.
I discuss scientific articles and studies with people who clearly don't understand science.
You are an instance admin. A new user joins your instance, but their behaviour and posts don't fit the instances culture. What do you do?
I hit the reply button and type up "Say n*****" and then post a wojak suicide epilepsy gif.
I ban them, and if they join another instance I defederate them. That kind of problematic behaviour is unacceptable in our society.
I have a respectful discussion and suggest that it may not be the instance for them.
There is no such thing, anyone can join as long as they don't break any laws.
My instance is curated to ensure the culture stays consistent and productive.
I begin to ask them probing personal questions in order to determine the potential moral danger.
I send them some memes and make some jokes to see what kind of a person they are. Then I'll decide what to do.
Nobody would do that because my instance is considered morally unacceptable by the vast majority of people.
Your ideal life?
Helping young lost men find their way and live a meaningful life.
I just want to live with my wife and kids.
Advancing my field of work through research and discovery.
A life of luxury and comfort.
A hedonistic life, in which I fulfill my deepest desires.
An unbound life, where I can do precisely what is best for me.
A normal but enjoyable life. I want to have good time.
I want an influential life where I improve the world through my creations.
What is the highest purpose?
To actualise the self.
That is to be determined by each individual.
To leave the world better than you entered it.
To move the world forward, with a rational mind.
To protect and nourish my people.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You know.
To ensure that others, and I, contribute to a proper and orderly society.
To live the best life I can :D
{"name":"What fediverse user are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Have you ever wondered what kind of fediverse user you are? This quiz will help you explore your online persona based on a series of thought-provoking questions.Engage with intriguing topics and see how your beliefs and choices align with various user archetypes.","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}
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