Neurological and Respiratory critical care

A Glasgow Coma Scale allows you to asses:
Baseline level of consciousness of the patient
Motor response to a stimuli only
Patient education level
Speaking of the conscious patient
All of the above
Which symptom in response to pain stimuli is demonstrated on the photo?
Normal response
Abnormal flexion, decorticate posturing
Abnormal extension, decerebrate posturing
Localization of a stimuli
Clinical death
What type of the pathology demonstrated on CT scan
Ischemic stroke
Gunshot wound of the brain
Hemorrhagic stroke
Normal CT scan
Which help you should provide in case, depictured above?
Do nothing
Call for help
Call for help, be sure that the patient won't hurt himself; administer anticonvulsants according to your hospital protocol
Provide patient with oxygen
Call for help; try to hold the patient
Previous to the use of the paper bag in case of panic attack and hyperventilation, which changes in ABG of the patient you might see?
Respiratory acidosis, pH 7.28, PaCO2 >60 mmHg, HCO3 <10 mmol/L
No changes
Metabolic alkalosis, HCO3 >50 mmol/L, pH 7.55, PaCO2 < 32 mmHg
Metabolic acidosis, PaCO2 35 mmHG, ph 7.30, HCO3 <2 mmol/L
Respiratory alkalosis, PaCO2 <28 mmHg, pH 7.49, HCO3 <20 mmol/L
What are the usual range of O2 flow for nasal cannula?
2-6 L/min
1-3 L/min
10-15 L/min
6-10 L/min
20-25 L/min
Which device you can see on the picture above?
Simple face mask
Face mask with reservoir bag
High-flow oxygenation device
Venturi (Venti) mask
Non-invasive rebreather
Which of the listed ventilation modes totally control the patient breathing without regard to patient-initiated breaths?
Controlled mandatory ventilation (CMV)
Assist control (AC)
Flow-by ventilation
Intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV)
Pressure support (PS)
Which of the measures include in the prevention of ventilator assosiated pneumonia?
Maintain hand hygiene
Keep the head of the bed at 30 ° to 45 ° unless contraindicated
Provide moisture to oral mucosa and lips every 2 to 4 hours
Use a closed ventilation system
All of the above
On CT scan you can see the cases of pulmonary embolism. What may cause such a picture?
Deep vein thrombosis of the legs
Fat embolism
Heart valves
All of the above
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