Pastor FLO's Mountain of Influence Test

Create an inspiring and vibrant image of diverse individuals engaging in various spheres of influence such as ministry, entrepreneurship, arts, family, and community, all connected by threads of creativity and purpose.

Pastor FLO's Mountain of Influence Test

Discover your unique Mountain of Influence with Pastor Mrs. Funmilola Omobowoje's engaging quiz. This quiz is designed to help you identify the areas where God has called you to make an impact, whether in ministry, business, arts, or other influential spheres.

Take a moment to reflect on the questions, select the responses that resonate most with you, and find out how you can channel your passions for greater purpose.

  • Identify your calling
  • Explore different fields of influence
  • Share your results to inspire others
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by InspiringJourney743
This test was created by Pastor Mrs. Funmilola Omobowoje (FLO) to give an idea of what Mountain of Influence God has called you to. Do well to be as honest with yourself as possible. You can select multiple options depending on which answers resonate the most with you or none at all as the case may be.
I am particularly inspired by leaders in the five-fold ministry
I believe I have a call in the banking industry
I love creativity and I am very involved in showcasing in ways not related to fashion
I strongly believe that the family is the smallest unit in the society and change begins there.
Question 2
I have interest in Government and Public Service.
I am particularly inspired by stalwarts in Entrepreneurship
As a child, I always loved dismantling household items, toys, electrical appliances and fixing them.
As a child, I had always been considered a bookworm
Question 3
I wish to have a bank of my own for kingdom purpose
I can't think of anything better to do with my life than to win souls and serve God in the ministry
I believe technology helps us explore the creativity of God to a large extent
I personally feel bad for sick people and rejoice when they are well
Question 4
I have a unique fashion sense that is tailored to me.
I am disheartened by election malpractice and ineffective governance.
I am fully persuaded that small and medium scale businesses/enterprises are a tool of nation building.
I am always surfing the web, seeking more knowledge on the nitty gritty of technology
Question 5
I believe technology will bring about a huge change in the state of a nation.
I am a very good marketer. I can sell anything
I use my mind well and I am very creative with designs
I hate to see the effect of dysfunctional homes, children raised in such homes or by divorced parents
Question 6
I am interested in alternate types of currency, as it saddens my heart to see the downsides of holding the fiat currency
I have always imagined myself in a hospital or health care setting, without any external pressure from family or friends to be in that sector
I have always been very agile, like to work out and enjoy training for sports
I enjoy reading, attending training, conferences, seminars and increasing my knowledge.
Question 7
I believe that increase in knowledge is highly beneficial to a nation/people.
I love to care for the sick
I believe giving sportsmen an opportunity will go a long way in nation building
Anything related to Arts comes naturally to me
Question 8
I really don't mind resigning my job to raise my children.
I don't believe politics is a dirty game, and I'm willing to make the difference.
I wish to have a clothing line or carve a niche for myself in the Fashion world.
I have always excelled the most in the sciences and I would love to be an inventor or scientist and I have interest in how Science can explain the Bible
Question 9
I believe I'm sent to bring a revolution to fashion and beauty
I believe I can be a kingdom financier as I engage my skills and gifts in entrepreneurship with tangible results following
I have always loved fighting for the rights of people and ensuring the voice of the voiceless is heard
I am particularly interested in going all out for my family more than anything else
Question 10
I like to watch sports and practice what I learn
I have always loved listening to my voice being played or watching myself on a video
I sense a call of God for being in the five-fold ministry, by virtue of my journey so far
I don't mind seeing urine, blood, and other body fluids that irritate other people
Question 11
It breaks my heart to see incompetence in educational systems
I love to study revivals and read books on God's generals
As a child, I imagined myself casting news, being on television or radio.
I don't mind sponsoring sporting activities just to foster unity, team spirit and fulfilment in people
Question 12
I am particularly inspired by model marriages
My passion lies in seeing the political terrain being cleaned out and the light of God shining
I use every opportunity I have to sell or market something in return for money.
I didn't opt for the science class because of pressure or any sort of influence, I did it with all my heart. If I didn't choose it, however, I'd have chosen sciences over and over if given the opportunity.
Question 13
I sense I have a call in the health sector
God has spoken to me through His Word and His Spirit about being in ministry
I enjoy movies, outings, paintings and aesthetics generally
I love anything related to the media, television, radio, social media, blogs, e.t.c
Question 14
It will be my joy to see the innate creativity of everyone expressed bringing about fulfilment in the hearts of people
I believe clothing is for glory and beauty and I have a role to play in ensuring this
I love to share knowledge through mentoring, tutoring, e.t.c
I believe money is a means of promoting the kingdom of God here on earth and I wish to be in the forefront of this sphere, without necessarily being an entrepreneur
Question 15
My passion lies in dealing finance, in all levels
I would rather listen to Scriptures or watch a video with Scriptures being read.
I believe I have a calling in sports
I enjoy speaking on stages and I do this with no fear.
{"name":"Pastor FLO's Mountain of Influence Test", "url":"","txt":"Discover your unique Mountain of Influence with Pastor Mrs. Funmilola Omobowoje's engaging quiz. This quiz is designed to help you identify the areas where God has called you to make an impact, whether in ministry, business, arts, or other influential spheres.Take a moment to reflect on the questions, select the responses that resonate most with you, and find out how you can channel your passions for greater purpose.Identify your callingExplore different fields of influenceShare your results to inspire others","img":""}
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