Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 30 Jul 21
[2107.13553] Chen-Hsuan Hsu, Peter Stano, Jelena Klinovaja et al.: Helical Liquids in Semiconductors
[2107.13556] Frank Schindler, B. Andrei Bernevig: Non-Compact Atomic Insulators
[2107.13563] Zhao-Yu Zhou, Guo-Xian Su, Jad C. Halimeh et al.: Thermalization dynamics of a gauge theory on a quantum simulator
[2107.13570] Max Hering, Francesco Ferrari, Aleksandar Razpopov et al.: Distorted kagome antiferromagnet: Phase diagram and application to Y-kapellasite
[2107.13572] Byungmin Kang, Junggi Yoon: Sign-Problem-Free Variant of Complex Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model
[2107.13574] Benedikt Schneider, Jad C. Halimeh, Matthias Punk: Projective symmetry group classification of chiral $\mathbb{Z}_2$ spin liquids on the pyrochlore lattice: application to the spin-$1/2$ XXZ He...
[2107.13598] Eugen Kammerloher, Andreas Schmidbauer, Laura Diebel et al.: Sensing dot with high output swing for scalable baseband readout of spin qubits
[2107.13604] M. Khalid Hossain, T. Yamamoto, K. Hashizume: Isotopic effect of proton conductivity in barium-zirconates for various hydrogen-containing atmospheres
[2107.13612] Jonas Richter, Arijeet Pal: Anomalous hydrodynamics in a class of scarred frustration-free Hamiltonians
[2107.13618] Nicole Creange, Ondrej Dyck, Rama K. Vasudevan et al.: Towards Automating Structural Discovery in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
[2107.13645] S. Liu, G. Esteban-Manzanares, J. LLorca: First principles prediction of the Al-Li phase diagram
[2107.13664] Andre Saraiva, Wee Han Lim, Chih Hwan Yang et al.: Materials for Silicon Quantum Dots and their Impact on Electron Spin Qubits
[2107.13700] Adam G. Kline, Stephanie E. Palmer: Gaussian Information Bottleneck and the Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group
[2107.13705] Yongjia Zheng, Akihito Kumamoto, Kaoru Hisama et al.: One-dimensional van der Waals Heterostructures: Growth Mechanism and Handedness Correlation Revealed by Non-destructive TEM
[2107.13710] Mei Wu, Xiaowei Zhang, Xiaomei Li et al.: Engineering of Atomic-Scale Flexoelectricity at Grain Boundaries
[2107.13711] Chenxi Sui, Yao-Yu Li, Xiuqiang Li et al.: Bio-inspired vascularized electrodes for high-performance fast-charging batteries designed by deep learning
[2107.13728] Hao Gao, Cong Liu, Jiuyang Shi et al.: Superionic silica-water and silica-hydrogen compounds under high pressure
[2107.13744] Xiangxin Dang, Fan Feng, Huiling Duan et al.: A Theorem on the Compatibility of Spherical Kirigami Tessellations
[2107.13762] Wei-Han Hsiao: Thermoelectric properties and Wiedemann-Franz like relations in mixed-dimensional QEDs from particle-vortex dualities
[2107.13769] Hiroyuki Hidaka, Yoshihiko Ihara, Tatsuya Yanagisawa et al.: Possible Magnetic Structure with a Titled Helical Plane in SmBe13 Probed by 9Be-NMR Study
[2107.13770] Arkadiusz Kuros, Rick Mukherjee, Florian Mintert et al.: Controlled preparation of phases in two-dimensional time crystals
[2107.13771] Hong Liu, Anny Pau, Dmitry K. Efimkin: Hybrid dark excitons in monolayer $\hbox{MoS}_2$
[2107.13778] Muthusamy Omprakash, Saurabh Singh, Keisuke Hirata et al.: Synergetic enhancement of power factor and suppression of lattice thermal conductivity via electronic structure modification and nan...
[2107.13784] Yuhi Tanikawa, Hosho Katsura: Fine structure of the nonlinear Drude weights in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain
[2107.13798] Julia Tielke, Marc Avila: Statistical Analysis of Thermal Conductivity Experimentally Measured in Ethylene Glycol - Based Nanofluids
[2107.13805] Kazunari Ochi, Hiroyuki Tajima, Kei Iida et al.: Resonant pair-exchange scattering and BCS-BEC crossover in a system composed of dispersive and heavy incipient bands: a Feshbach analogy
[2107.13810] Ryutaro Okuma, Clemens Ritter, Gøran J. Nilsen et al.: Magnetic frustration in a van der Waals metal CeSiI
[2107.13818] Andreas Costa, Jaroslav Fabian: Superconducting triplet pairings and anisotropic tunneling-magnetoresistance effects in ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet double-barrier junctions
[2107.13830] Martin Fränzl, Frank Cichos: Hydrodynamic Manipulation of Nano-Objects by Thermo-Osmotic Flows
[2107.13836] Yumino Hayase, Hitoshi Aonuma, Satoshi Takahara et al.: Fold analysis of crumpled sheet using micro computed tomography
[2107.13840] Christopher H. Zenk, Longsheng Feng, Donald McAllister et al.: Shearing Mechanisms of Co-Precipitates in IN718
[2107.13841] Aurèle Goetz, Ali Riza Durmaz, Martin Müller et al.: Addressing materials' microstructure diversity using transfer learning
[2107.13859] Peng Sheng, Zhengyang Zhao, Onri Jay Benally et al.: Thermal Contribution in the Electrical Switching Experiments with Heavy Metal / Antiferromagnet Structures
[2107.13883] R. Fantoni, M. A. G. Maestre, A. Santos: Finite-size effects and thermodynamic limit in one-dimensional Janus fluids
[2107.13884] Francisco Peña-Benitez: Fractons, Symmetric Gauge Fields and Geometry
[2107.13914] S. Raymond, W. Knafo, G. Knebel et al.: Feedback of superconductivity on the magnetic excitation spectrum of UTe$_{2}$
[2107.13927] Jie Zheng, Yi Xing, Ye Yuan et al.: Influence of Roughness on Granular Avalanches
[2107.13928] Keiko Takase, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Yamato Ashikawa et al.: Parity-dependent shot noise and spin-flip relaxation process in a hybrid superconductor-nanowire quantum dot
[2107.13929] Sihan Zhao, Ryo Kitaura, Pilkyung Moon et al.: Interlayer interactions in one-dimensional van der Waals moiré superlattices
[2107.13941] Daniel Bauernfeind, Xiaodong Cao, E. Miles Stoudenmire et al.: Minimally Entangled Typical Thermal States Algorithms for Finite Temperature Matsubara Green Functions
[2107.13948] Sam Mardazad, Yihe Xu, Xuexiao Yang et al.: Quantum dynamics simulation of intramolecular singlet fission in covalently linked tetracene dimer
[2107.13961] Reza Rabani, Mohammad Hassan Saidi, Laurent Joly et al.: Enhanced local viscosity around colloidal nanoparticles probed by Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations
[2107.13970] F.A Buot, G. Maglasang, A.R.F. Elnar et al.: On Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE): A Chern-Simons and nonequilibrium quantum transport Weyl transform approach
[2107.13971] Amnon Aharony, Ora Entin-Wohlman: Two universality classes for the displacive phase transitions in perovskites
[2107.13974] A. M. Marques, R. G. Dias: $2^n$-root weak, Chern and higher-order topological insulators and $2^n$-root topological semimetals
[2107.13996] Seher Karakuzu, Steven Johnston, Thomas A. Maier: Superconductivity in the bilayer Hubbard model: Are two Fermi surfaces better than one?
[2107.14005] Satoru Tokuda, Seigo Souma, Kouji Segawa et al.: Unveiling quasiparticle dynamics of topological insulators through Bayesian modelling
[2107.14045] Vinicius Gonçalves Lopes, João Victor L. L. Peterson, Americo Cunha Jr: The nonlinear dynamics of a bistable energy harvesting system with colored noise disturbances
[2107.14080] Mobolaji Williams: Large N limit of the knapsack problem
[2107.14083] Kangle Li, Hoi Chun Po: Higher-dimensional Jordan-Wigner Transformation and Auxiliary Majorana Fermions
[2107.14098] Constantine Yannouleas, Uzi Landman: Exact closed-form analytic wave functions in two dimensions: Contact-interacting fermionic spinful ultracold atoms in a rapidly rotating trap
[2107.14105] Janis Erdmanis, Arpad Lukacs, Yuli Nazarov: Drastic effect of weak interaction near special points in semiclassical multiterminal superconducting nanostructures
[2107.14106] Bruno Ventejou, Hugues Chaté, Raul Montagne et al.: Susceptibility of Orientationally-Ordered Active Matter to Chirality Disorder
[2107.14119] Patrick Pietzonka, Jules Guioth, Robert L. Jack: Cycle counts and affinities in stochastic models of non-equilibrium systems
[2107.14145] Felice Appugliese, Josefine Enkner, Gian Lorenzo Paravicini-Bagliani et al.: Breakdown of the topological protection by cavity vacuum fields in the integer quantum Hall effect
[2107.14148] Tharathep Plienbumrung, Michael Schmid, Maria Daghofer et al.: Character of Doped Holes in Nd$_{1-x}$Sr$_x$NiO$_2$
[2107.14157] Lane E. Schultz, Benjamin Afflerbach, Carter Francis et al.: Exploration of Characteristic Temperature Contributions to Metallic Glass Forming Ability
[2107.14164] Allen Scheie: Quantifying uncertainties in crystal electric field Hamiltonian fits to neutron data
[2107.14167] Colin-Marius Koch, Michael Wilczek: The role of advective inertia in active nematic turbulence
[2107.14186] Miguel Ángel López-Castaño, Alejandro Márquez-Seco, Alicia Márquez-Seco et al.: Fast measurement of angular velocity in air-driven flat rotors with periodical features
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 30 Jul 21","img":""}