What type of wine drinker are you?

When shopping for wine, I look for...
The price
The label
The alcohol content
Cooking wine
The grape
The region
Anything with an Intrigue Label
The Okanagan is the best place for its...
Lake life
Outdoor adventures
4 seasons
Fine Dining
I choose my travel destinations based on...
Proximity to wine
The food scene
Adventures and activities
My favorite part of wine tasting is...
Lunch time
Wine education
Day drinking
Vineyard dogs
Going to Intrigue Wines
Since COVID, my wine consumption has...
Gone up
No boundaries
Gone down
Not changed
Not surpassed my snack consumption
My favorite type of wine is...
Whatever is open
Anything Intrigue
When asked how many wineries I have been to...
This is my first!
I could count on both hands
I'll need to count some toes
Too many to count
I'm not sure but I've been to Intrigue plenty
I prefer to start my day with...
Coffee first
A big breakfast
A solid workout
Skip the orange juice- straight sparkling wine
A few more hours of sleep. I drank too much last night.
{"name":"What type of wine drinker are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"When shopping for wine, I look for..., The Okanagan is the best place for its..., I choose my travel destinations based on...","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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