First Grade - Interdisciplinary Questions

In his theory, Max Weber defines “social actions” as:
Rational actions in that the agent associates an objective and its meaning with social facts.
Actions without any emotional nor subjective meaning.
A dominant set with the ideals and virtues of a society.
Actions from individuals which take into account actions and reactions of others.
Complete the following sentence with the proper relative pronoun: “Alice was searching for her dad,_______ had said that he was going to buy cigarettes but ran away instead.”
€�It was an urn in the shape of a woman, with its insides full of metal needles. The prisoner was obligated to enter in the urn, and when he did it, the doors were closed, pressing the needles against his body, what caused painful wounds” The text above was a reference to a certain torture method used during the Inquisition. This method was called:
The Pear of Anguish.
The European Scalp.
The Wheel Torture.
The Iron Maiden.
The biological method in which the mother-cell duplicates itself into two other cells with the same DNA is called:
A book is on the table, in rest. What forces are acting over it?
Gravity and normal force
Gravity and friction
Traction and friction
Gravity and traction
The plasma membrane marks off the cell, allowing the selective passage of material from external to internal environment. If this substances are transported with energy cost, so the engaged mechanism is:
Gas exchange
Active transport
Simple difusion
Eased difusion
What are the characteristics of Padre Anchieta's poetry?
The theme, aiming to teach the young jesuits arrived in Brazil
Comic language, aiming to entertain the indians
Expression in redondilhas, facilitating the memorization
Various themes, developed without any concern to teach or to catechizing
What is necessary to Sulphur and Potassium atoms acquire the same electronic configuration of the noble gases?
Ulphur receives 2 electrons and potassium gives 1 electron
Sulphur receives 2 electrons and potassium receives 7 electrons
Sulphur gives 2 electrons and potassium gives 1 electron
Sulphur receives 6 electrons and potassium gives 1 electron
By forming a covalent bond with hydrogen, the silicon electron cloud gets noble gas configuration. Considering that, the resulting molecule is:
Match the alternative that most approaches to the Max Weber concept of Ideal Type.
Idea that the social scientist has about organization of society.
Ideas and values which are dominant in a society.
Method to evaluate cultural ideals in a society.
Definition of a set of characteristics that define the object to be investigated.
Which of these wasn't a Church practice prior to Reformation?
Neglect of Celibacy
Doctrine of the Trinity
It is a characteristic of the Counter Reformation.
Council of trent redefined doctrines
Jesuits taught spirituality and service, and worked to bring reform.
The church regained support of catholics in many European countries .
Most Europeans remained catholics
What happened to the Church after the Crusades?
The Church lost power.
The split between Rome and Byzantium was healed.
The attendance to the church was considered an obligation.
The Church gained power.
What is the main difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
Aerobic uses sugar, Anaerobic doesn't.
Aerobic makes 2 ATP, Anaerobic makes 36 ATP.
Aerobic uses oxygen, Anaerobic doesn't.
Anaerobic uses oxygen, Aerobic doesn't.
Photosynthesis uses sunlight to dissolve carbon dioxide and water into:
Sugars and starches
Oxygen, sugars and starches
ATP and Oxygen.
Cellular respiration is responsible for the production of energy in our bodies. This process is divided into 3 steps: Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and the Electron Transport Chain. What transformations take place during Glycolysis?
Glycolysis produces citric acid and pyruvate.
Glycolysis produces pyruvate, ATP, and NADH.
Glycolysis produces carbon dioxide, NADPH, and ATP.
Glycolysis produces only NADH and ATP.
El Niño refers to the large-scale climate interaction linked to a periodic warming in sea surface temperatures across Pacific. El Niño can cause climatic alterations in the South of Brazil. What are those alterations?
Reduction of rainfall and increased problems with forest fires.
Increased temperatures during the winter and intensification of rainfall.
Increased rainfall during summer and intensive rise in temperatures in the second semester of the year.
Increased rainfall and rising of temperatures.
Surplus value is a central concept in Karl Marx's critique of political economy. What is the definition of this critique?
The over profit produced by the labor of workers over the wages they are paid.
The low profit produced by the labor of workers over the wages they are paid.
The bosses had no more profit because of the high salaries of the proletariat.
Lack of government incentive for the companies.
Plant cells are eukaryotic cells or cells with membrane bound nucleus. What part of the cell that traps light energy and converts it to chemical energy by the process of photosynthesis?
Cell Membrane
€�Quinhentismo” is the name of the literary manifestations that arose in Brazil in the early years of the sixteenth century, during the period of discovery of the native characteristics of the country by the European people. What of those literary works are from this period?
Duas viagens ao Brasil
Auto da Compadecida
Auto da Barca do Inferno
O Guarani
Only “the missionary” (sexual position) was allowed in the Middle Age. Why?
Because the woman should subject herself to her husband.
Because the couple should avoid the pleasure.
Because it was considered perfect.
Because it provided less touch.
€�READING BOOKS DOES NOT MAKE YOU BETTER; KNOWING TO INTERPRET THEM DO”. The phrase was said by which sociologist?
The element “Na2O” is an oxide. Choose the alternative that corresponds to the kind of oxide it is.
Basic Oxide
Neutral Oxide
Double Oxide
Acid Oxide
Choose the alternative that corresponds to a characteristic of the Protestant Doctrine.
Hell does not exist.
People can’t read the bible
Respect to the government.
Due to our extended territory, Brasil has developep a big amount of biomes.They are organized into two groups: the forest formations and the shrub formations. Some of them are, respectively:
The Amazon Rainforest and the Atlantic Woods; The Cerrado and the Caatinga.
The Atlantic Woods and the Araucaria Pine Forests; The Amazon Rainforest and the Cerrado.
The Araucaria Pine Forests and the Caatinga; The Cerrado and the Marshlands.
The Marshlands and the Cerrado; the Caatinga and the Amazon Rainforest.
The Marshland is a heterogeneous complex which is located in the South of Mato Grosso and in the northwest of Mato Grosso do Sul. Therefore, it interconnects the Amazon Basin with the Platinum Basin. Thereby we can conclude that:
This does not contribute to the big variety of species that are developed in this area.
This sires an enormous- well developep- fauna and flora, which is sustained by a constant flow of nutrients from the floods.
It sustains the main economical activity of this complex, the livestock, due to the fertile ground.
It increases the extension of this complex to other areas, preventing deforestation.
Some chemical elements can accept more than one oxidation number (ON). The ON of an element is the electric charge that it acquires when doing an ionic bond or the partial load that it acquires when doing a covalente bond. Nitrogen can be found in a lot of different ways in the nature due to its variety on the oxidation number, as: N2, NH3, NO-/2 and NO-/3 The geometry of these compounds are, respectively:
Linear, trigonal flat, linear and trigonal flat
Linear, pyramidal, linear and pyramidal
Linear, trigonal flat, angular and trigonal flat
Linear, pyramidal, angular and trigonal flat
One of the main functions of the plasma membrane is the transport of substances to the inside of the cell. This can be done through passive process or active process. Each one is, respectively, characterized by:
An espontaneous transport, without the spent of energy; the formation of membranous vesicles and the energy spent
Help of ingested substances to transport small molecules; use of inspired gases to transport large molecules
Use of insulin to soak water to the inside of the cells; exploitation of the cells own microvillis to absorb the molecules
(D) Use of ATP to transport molecules with any size; not use energy to transport oxygen
Most of the actual living beings are aerobic, which means that they get the energy needed for the maintenance of their vital process from the aerobic cellular respiration. During that, the energy contained in glucose is released in stages that are:
1- glycolysis; 2- Krebs cycle; 3- respiratory chain
1- photophosphorylation; 2- glycolysis; 3- respiratory chain
1- Krebs cycle; 2- photophosphorylation; 3- glycolysis
1- respiratory chain; 2- Krebs cycle; 3- glycolysis
About the claim to act in the name of God, in 1231, the tribunals of the Holy Office were created. They were responsible for the condemnation, torture and death of thousands of people considered heretics by the Catholic Church. In 1478, their second Incarnation emerged with full force in Spain, having as a priority the persecution of Jews and new Christians. "The justification for this return of the Inquisition was the necessity of supervising the fidelity of these believers,” says another historian, Nachman Falbel, Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP). Based on the statements above, which alternative below really justifies such persecution?
The full convertion of these members of society was necessary for the balance of Papacy.
The fact that these groups formed a powerful urban bourgeoisie that went against the interests of nobility and high clergy.
These groups wanted to impose their religion and dismiss the Catholic Church.
These groups wanted to impose their religion and dismiss the Catholic Church.
According to a theological written document from 1265 to 1273 by St. Thomas Aquinas, there were two types of sin for lust: 1) Sin against reason, that would be Fornication and adultery, for example, and 2) sin against nature, like masturbation, sex with animals, homosexuality and the unnatural practice of intercourse. From reading the passage above, define the RIGHT option on the context of sexuality in the Middle Ages:
In medieval era, life between four walls became more maidenlike because of the influence of Catholic Church
Sexual freedom was major, medieval men could, for example, have as many women as they wanted
The homosexual relationship was accepted, whereas it wasn’t public
Each person could chose how their sex life would be, all their rights were respected
Just like today, prostitution was common and sometimes repressed, sometimes tolerated. From the 14th century, some European towns not only legalized the sale of sex as they organized the business. Brothels directed by the municipal government have appeared throughout Continental Europe. It is noted that this text reports the functioning of prostitution in the Middle Ages. On this text and according to medieval thinking about sexuality it is correct to say that:
Saint Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas argued that the church should stop bothering with brothels because they would be essential to public order.
Prostitutes were considered superior members of societies
The church and the state were totally against brothels, causing severe persecution to them and to the brothels
There was no prostitution in the Middle Ages, because all had been converted to Christianity
In the Middle Ages, during the Inquisition the church had total dominion over people, through torture they could get everything they wanted. ... In addition to physical torment, psychological methods were also used, involving psychotropic drugs, extracted from plants as Mandrake or Jimson weed. These potions provoked terrible delusions, serving to "confirm" that the defendant possessed ties to the demon... Regarding the above text, mark the correct alternative.
The above text is unfanciful, such procedures were never performed in this period
The church did not consider sin to inflict physical punishments on the defendants, a manifested against torture to extract confessions, but in the end of the Middle Ages, he was using the practice without ceremonies to punish heretics and suspected of witchcraft
The fire was the only means of torture permitted, because there was no bloodshed.
It was not considered to be a sin to inflict physical punishment on the defendants, the only recommendation was for the dirty service to remain solely in charge of the priests.
"Gil Vicente" is considered a pioneer of Portuguese theatre, his works mark the historical phase of the passage of the Middle Ages to rebirth. We can affirm that the works of this author are characterized as:
The revolt against Christianity
The work written in prose.
The refined elaboration of the tables and scenarios presented.
Concern for man and religion.
Nowadays only 7% of the biome Atlantic Woods are preserved. What is the main reason for the devastation of the Atlantic Woods, one of the most important biomes in Brazil?
Social Interest.
Cultural interest.
The extraction of Pau-brasil, a typical wood from this biome.
The extraction of gold, very valuable for the Portuguese crown.
A human has in his DNA somatic cells, which are responsible for our genetic information. How many pairs of somatic cells a person without any mutation has in his DNA?
What is the mutation that comes with the Trisomy 21, located in the DNA of humans, which changes a person mainly physically and psycologically?
Down's Syndrome
Turner’s syndrome
The elements A and B present the following electronic configuration: A: 2-8-2 and B: 2-7. What is the formula of the compound and what would be its ligation?
Ca Cl2, metal ligation
Ca2 Cl, ionic ligation
Mg F2, ionic ligation
Mg2 F, ionic ligation
In “Os lusiadas”, written by the well-known Portuguese writer Luis de Camões during the Classicism period (XV Century), there is a creature, called Gigante Adamastor, who represents:
The danger confronted by the Portugueses in their maritime adventure, which goal was to achieve India, emphasizing the heroism of Vasco da Gama, the main character.
Death to Portuguese people
Some natural help from Venus, which Portugueses used to receive when crossing the “Cabo das Tormentas”, currently located in South Africa’s coast.
The Portugueses’ conscience, which was guilty because they had left their family to look for honors and richness.
Choose the Brazilian climate which is best described in the following sentences: 1) this climate presents high temperatures, 2) high levels of raining, which is constant, 3) few climate variation during the year, 4) the predominant cool there is the humid and hot one.
A body is pulled to the top, with a force (F) in increasing speed. About the forces that act on this body, we can say:
F is bigger than its weight
F is equal to its weight
F is smaller than its weight
F and its weight are both nulls
Imagine a situation in which a family is travelling by car in a holiday. Then, the father, who is driving, brakes suddenly and everybody is thrown forward. What is the physics’ law that explains this tendency of remaining in movement after a sudden braking:
Action and reaction
Cellular respiration is a set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients in adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Concerning to it, it’s correct to afirm that:
A) During the citric acid cycle, the acetyl-coA join to the oxalacetic acid, resulting in a molecule with six carbons.
B) Glycolysis takes place in the mitochondrial cristal.
C) Oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the cytosol of cells.
D) Glycolysis is an oxygen dependent metabolic pathway.
Biomes are very large ecological areas on the earth’s surface, with fauna and flora adapting to their environment. They are often defined by abiotic factores such as climate, relief, geology, soils and vegetation. In doing so, which are the most devastated brazilian biomes?
A) Pampa and Amazon.
B) Caatinga and Pantanal.
C) Amazon and Cerrado
D) Mata Atlantica and Cerrado.
In the book “Cães da Província”, Qorpo-Santo is a man who is considered intelligent by himself and crazy by others. Which work did he write?
A) The adultery
B) The man who cheated on the Province.
C)The thankless woman
D) The adulterous woman.
The book “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is about a doctor who believes that everyone has two sides, one is good and the other is bad. He believes that people are not one, but two. What was inside the drawer which he asked Dr. Lanyon to “catch”?
A) a book, chemicals and a bottle
B) a notebook, a bottle and chemicals
C) A knife, a bottle with a red liquid and a book.
D) Salt, a candle and a will.
The protestant reform was a movement against the Catholic Church that gave origin to new religions. One of the changes proposed by the protestants was:
A) Intervention of the church in state decisions.
B) Worship of saints.
C) Free interpretation of the bible.
D) Only three sacraments.
The renaissance was a movement of cultural and scientific renewal that happened in Italy (fourteen century). Sandro Botticelli was one of the most famous painters of this movement, one of his masterpiece is:
A) Monalisa
B) The birth of Venus
C) The last judgement
D) Bacchanal of the Andrians.
"The lusiad" is an epic of the Portuguese writer Luiz Vaz de Camões, whose theme is the trip of Vasco da Gama to India. It is considered the greatest epic poem of the Portuguese language, published in 1572 with the support of King D. Sebastião. Mark the correct alternative about this work’s structure:
A) The work is divided into 4 parts.
B) Invocation is the longest part.
C) There is a dedication to the king of France in the introduction.
D) In the invocation, the poet asks inspiration to the Tagus river’s muses.
In literature, most writers use figure of speech to make texts more interesting and meaningful. Personification is a figure of speech which human traces are attributed to irrational beings. The alternative that presents a personification is:
A) The boy was dying of thirst.
B) The birthday was and an expected surprise.
C) The waves kiss the sand of the beach.
D) The boy got rich by illicit means.
{"name":"First Grade - Interdisciplinary Questions", "url":"","txt":"In his theory, Max Weber defines “social actions” as:, Complete the following sentence with the proper relative pronoun: “Alice was searching for her dad,_______ had said that he was going to buy cigarettes but ran away instead.”, “It was an urn in the shape of a woman, with its insides full of metal needles. The prisoner was obligated to enter in the urn, and when he did it, the doors were closed, pressing the needles against his body, what caused painful wounds” The text above was a reference to a certain torture method used during the Inquisition. This method was called:","img":""}
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