2020 Calendar - Revision.1

After walking in the rain for hours, I'm ...
Taken a chill pill.
Chilled to the marrow.
Walking on thin ice.
That small boat doesn't ... Of surviving the hurricane.
Have a snowball's chance in hell
Break the ice
Scatter to the four winds
Between wind and water
I think she will apologize ...
The day hell freezes over.
Cool, calm and collected.
In the eye of the wind.
My Dad can be ..., he won't listen.
As cool as a cucumber
As thick as thieves
As stubborn as a mule
As old as the hills
The directions on this map are ...; I have no idea where we are.
As straight as a die
As sure as hell
As clear as day
As clear as mud
I can't believe our team has lost again! I'm really as ...
Cold as marble.
Sick as a parrot.
Sick as a dog.
Flat as a pancake.
Granny would ... If she saw what you did to her once beautiful garden.
Be moneyless
Bury herself in her work
Turn in her grave
Have several irons in the fire
"The package you ordered has finally arrived." "Well, ...
Better late than never.
Money talks.
A race against time.
Can count on the fingers of one hand.
We decided to hold the meeting indoors because ...
Weather permitted.
The rain eased off.
It looked like rain.
It came rain or shine.
A sudden ... Made us run and look for some shelter.
"What's the matter with this house?" "Well, ..., the taps are leaking, the paint is coming off the walls, and the building is ugly."
If all else fails
To name but a few
The last but one
All the while
Well, if you really want to spend all your money on clothes, ...
If and when.
So they say.
So long.
So be it.
However we hate each other, I ... Admire her achievements.
But then again
So long
Cannot but
Strange as it may seem
Last night Jim got really drunk and ran around ...
At the drop of a hat.
In his birthday suit.
On a shoestring.
Fit like a glove.
The new album from the band is so amazing, it will ...
Eat your hat.
Tighten your belt.
Knock your socks off.
Have an ace up your sleeve.
"Oh no, you've scratched the car!" "Hey, ...! The insurance will cover the costs."
Roll up your sleeves
Have ants in your pants
Keep your shirt on
Get shirty
{"name":"2020 Calendar - Revision.1", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"After walking in the rain for hours, I'm ..., That small boat doesn't ... of surviving the hurricane., I think she will apologize ...","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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