Which Gio's Oc are you?

A colorful illustration of diverse original characters (OCs) in a fantasy setting, showcasing a variety of personalities and activities that relate to the quiz questions.

Discover Your Gio's OC Personality!

Are you curious about which original character (OC) from the Gio universe resonates with you the most? This fun and insightful quiz will take you through a series of thought-provoking questions designed to reveal your true Gio's OC identity.

  • Explore your interests, preferences, and personality traits.
  • Find out how you relate to the different characters.
  • Share your results with friends!
22 Questions6 MinutesCreated by CreativeFox312
In your spare time, you like to:
Hang out with friends
Craft something/make art
Play video games
Do nothing, just chill
Sing/play an instrument
Exercise/practice sports
Ideal place for Vacations?
Small town
Big city
I care more about who's with me, not the place
You're interested in someone. What do you do?
Try to befriend them/know them better
Accidentaly act like an idiot/clumsy whenever they get close
Pretend you're not/ignores it till it passes
Straigh up tell them
"Bold of you to assume I have interest in people"
Do you consider yourself more:
Depends on the circumstance
How are/were you at school?
Good grades. Many friends
Good grades. Few (or no) friends
Bad grades. Many friends
Bad grades. Few (or no) friends
Average grades. Many friends
Average grades. Few (or no) friends
Choose accordingly to your priorities order, from most to least:
Friends, family, me
Friends, me, family
Family, friends, me
Family, me, friends
Me, friends, family
Me, family, friends
Someone will compliment you: they'll probably say you're:
Inteligent (academically)
Inteligent (emotionally)
A flaw people say you have:
Too cold
To critic/nothing pleases you
Over dramatic
Self destructive
Dependant on others
You have a fight with someone important to you. The next day you:
Dont talk to them until they talk to you
Try to act normally as if nothing happened
Keep fighting/would fight again if the topic is mentioned
Apologize first/take the first step to get along again
Completely ignore them
Try to show you're sorry through actions
Do you consider yourself a good or a bad person?
Neutral. Just living my life
How is your relationship with your parents?
Great! They're like my bestfriends
Good enough, we get along well most of time
Kinda neutral
Its... complicated
The more far away I'm from them, the better.
Your room is:
Disorganized - heavily decorated
Organized - not many decorations
Disorganized - not many decorations
Organized - heavily decorated
You need to sit still and quiet for a long time for any reason. How hard is that?
Easy. Dont take effort at all.
Boring but I cant do it.
I can do it with some effort.
If I struggle I may suceed, but I'll be dying inside
Being social and dealing with strangers is:
A pleasure. I love to meet and interact with people
Fine. I don't crave for it but it can be fun sometimes
Neutral. I do with no problems if needed
Makes me anxious. But I can handle
Makes me extremely uncomfortable. Will avoid it if I can.
You're arguing with someone and you know you're right, but the person refuses to see your point:
You just agree with them so they finally shut up.
You gives up, walking away and letting them talking alone
You keep insisting. You wont give up until they accept you're right
You keep insisting: if they still don't agree, you're not afraid to use violence to change their mind
You usually impose yourself physically before you need to argue
When you're choosing your outfit for the day, you focus on?
Needs to be something that represents my current mood.
Accordingly to the place I'll go/people I'll meet
I really dont care
When your'e over your limits, you:
Shut down physically and emotionally.
Hit things
Fight everyone that gets close to you
Cry nonstop
Harm/damage yourself
Take life changing decisions completely impulsively
How is your work flow when you have a deadline?
Finish things as soon as I can so I can relax
Work a bit everyday so I can finish things with tranquility
Procrastinate until the last minute and then work like hell to finish in time
Are you a morning person or a night Owl?
Morning person
Night Owl
Do you consider yourself mentally stable?
Yes, very
Yes, somehow
More or less...
I'm kinda unstable
What the f* is mental stability
Do you follow orders?
Only if I respect the person giving them
Only if theres a good reason behind it, that I agree with
Only if I'm threatened
I may even agree in doing something, but if someone ORDERS me, I'm not doing it.
Usually yes, unless it's something too absurd
I'm the one who gives the orders.
Do you welcome changes?
Yes! They make life feel refreshed!
Yes, but give me some time to adapt to them.
More or less. Not the big ones.
Not really, they make me feel so unsafe/insecure.
{"name":"Which Gio's Oc are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you curious about which original character (OC) from the Gio universe resonates with you the most? This fun and insightful quiz will take you through a series of thought-provoking questions designed to reveal your true Gio's OC identity.Explore your interests, preferences, and personality traits.Find out how you relate to the different characters.Share your results with friends!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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