Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 17 May 21
[2105.06483] Gianpaolo Torre, Vanja Marić, Domagoj Kuić et al.: An odd thermodynamic limit for the Loschmidt echo
[2105.06495] Giulia L. Celora, Matthew G. Hennessy, Andreas Münch et al.: The dynamics of a collapsing polyelectrolyte gel
[2105.06497] Gu Zhang, Valentin Kachorovskii, Konstantin Tikhonov et al.: Heating of inhomogeneous electron flow in the hydrodynamic regime
[2105.06502] Arvind Shankar Kumar, Chieh-Wen Liu, Shuhao Liu et al.: Interaction Effects and Viscous Magneto-Transport in a Strongly Correlated 2D Hole System
[2105.06518] Shuqiu Wang, Peayush Choubey, Yi Xue Chong et al.: Scattering Interference Signature of a Pair Density Wave State in the Cuprate Pseudogap Phase
[2105.06525] David J. Abramovitch, Wissam A. Saidi, Liang Z. Tan: Carrier localization induced by dynamic disorder in MAPbI3 described by first-principles based tight binding
[2105.06538] C. W. Sinclair, R. Edinger, W. Sparling et al.: Vibratory Powder Feeding for Powder Bed AdditiveManufacturing using Water and Gas Atomized MetalPowders
[2105.06549] Anjana M. Samarakoon, Qiang Chen, Haidong Zhou et al.: Static and dynamic magnetic properties of honeycomb lattice antiferromagnets Na$_{2}M_{2}$TeO$_{6}$, $M$ = Co and Ni
[2105.06578] P. L. Pekh, P. V. Ratnikov, A. P. Silin: Phase diagram of electron-hole liquid in monolayer heterostructures based on transition metal dichalcogenides
[2105.06588] Guodong Yu, Yunhua Wang, Mikhail I. Katsnelson et al.: Interlayer hybridization in graphene quasicrystal systems
[2105.06601] Junhong Goo, Younghoon Lim, Yong-il Shin: Defect saturation in a rapidly quenched Bose gas
[2105.06606] Yuta Nogi, Yoshio Teki, Eiji Shikoh: An energy harvesting technology controlled by ferromagnetic resonance
[2105.06610] K.L. Galloway, E.G. Teich, X-g Ma et al.: Relationships among structure, memory, and flow in sheared disordered materials
[2105.06621] Shujie Cheng, Gao Xianlong: Majorana zero modes, unconventional real-complex transition and mobility edges in a one-dimensional non-Hermitian quasi-periodic lattice
[2105.06629] Eric McCalla, Emily E. Levin, Jason E. Douglas et al.: Understanding Magnetic Phase Coexistence in Ru$_2$Mn$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$Sn Heusler Alloys: A Neutron Scattering, Thermodynamic, and Phenomenolog...
[2105.06642] Lei Qiao, Ning-hua Wu, Tianhao Li et al.: Coexistence of superconductivity and antiferromagentic order in Er$_{2}$O$_{2}$Bi with anti-Th$_{2}$Cr$_{2}$Si structure
[2105.06651] Felix von Oppen, Katharina J. Franke: Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in real metals
[2105.06662] Nuwanjula S. Samarasingha, Stefan Zollner: Temperature dependence of the optical phonon reflection band in GaP
[2105.06693] Bulat N. Galimzyanov, Anatolii V. Mokshin: Mechanical Response of Mesoporous Amorphous NiTi Alloy to External Deformations
[2105.06695] Ana Najev, Sajna Hameed, Dominique Gautreau et al.: Uniaxial strain control of bulk ferromagnetism in rare-earth titanates
[2105.06704] Dinar T. Yarullin, Bulat N. Galimzyanov, Anatolii V. Mokshin: Direct evaluation of attachment and detachment rate factors of atoms in crystallizing supercooled liquids
[2105.06716] Zhaochu Luo, Stefan Schären, Aleš Hrabec et al.: Field- and current-driven magnetic domain-wall inverter and diode
[2105.06719] Anna N. Morozovska, Eugene A. Eliseev, Sergei V. Kalinin et al.: Flexo-Sensitive Polarization Vortices in Thin Ferroelectric Films
[2105.06720] Jakob Steinbauer, Silke Biermann: Intershell Interactions in Correlated Materials: A Slave Rotor Approach
[2105.06721] José M. P. Carmelo, Tilen Čadež, Pedro D. Sacramento: One-particle spectral functions of the one-dimensional Fermionic Hubbard model with one fermion per site at zero and finite magnetic fields
[2105.06729] Federico Carollo, Igor Lesanovsky: Nonequilibrium dark space phase transition
[2105.06735] G. T. Adamashvili: Two-component nonlinear wave of the cubic Boussinesq equation
[2105.06751] Rifat Onur Umucalilar, Jonathan Simon, Iacopo Carusotto: Autonomous stabilization of photonic Laughlin states through angular momentum potentials
[2105.06760] Xingkun Man, Masao Doi: Swelling Dynamics of a Disk-Shaped Gel
[2105.06780] M. Yu. Levichev, I. Yu. Pashenkin, N. S. Gusev et al.: Voltage controllable superconducting state in the multi-terminal superconductor-normal metal bridge
[2105.06783] David Bauch, Dirk Heinze, Jens Förstner et al.: Ultrafast electric control of cavity mediated single-photon and photon-pair generation with semiconductor quantum dots
[2105.06790] Anagha Sasikumar, Anouar Belhboub, Camille Bacon et al.: Mesoscopic simulations of the in situ NMR spectra of porous carbon based supercapacitors: Electronic structure and adsorbent reorganis...
[2105.06802] Sujun Yun, Werner Dobrautz, Hongjun Luo et al.: Benchmark study of Nagaoka ferromagnetism by spin-adapted full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo
[2105.06815] Gorm Ole Steffensen, Juan Carlos Estrada Saldaña, Alexandros Vekris et al.: Direct Transport between Superconducting Subgap States in a Double Quantum Dot
[2105.06859] Ross Knapman, Davi R. Rodrigues, Jan Masell et al.: Current-induced H-shaped-skyrmion creation and their dynamics in the helical phase
[2105.06865] Jianhua Zhu, Wei Wu, Andrew J. Fisher: Multi-hole models for deterministically placed acceptor arrays in silicon
[2105.06873] Zezhu Wei, V. F. Mitrović, D. E. Feldman: Thermal interferometry of anyons in spin liquids
[2105.06875] S. Biesenkamp, D. Gorkov, W. Schmidt et al.: Chiral Order and Multiferroic Domain Relaxation in NaFeGe$_2$O$_6$
[2105.06891] Ivan Latella, Philippe Ben-Abdallah, Moladad Nikbakht: Radiative thermal rectification in many-body systems
[2105.06928] Nocona Sanders, Emmanouil Kioupakis: Phonon- and defect-limited electron and hole mobility of diamond and cubic boron nitride: a critical comparison
[2105.06936] Johann Ostmeyer, Evan Berkowitz, Stefan Krieg et al.: The Antiferromagnetic Character of the Quantum Phase Transition in the Hubbard Model on the Honeycomb Lattice
[2105.06937] Kridsanaphong Limtragool, Krisakron Pasanai: Large enhancement of Edelstein effect in Weyl semimetals from Fermi-arc surface states
[2105.06953] Matteo Briganti, Fabio Santanni, Lorenzo Tesi et al.: A complete ab initio view of Orbach and Raman spin-lattice relaxation in a Dysprosium coordination compound
[2105.06971] A. Weh, Y. Zhang, A. Östlin et al.: Dynamical mean-field theory of the Anderson-Hubbard model with local and non-local disorder in tensor formulation
[2105.06989] Lingzhen Guo, Vittorio Peano, Florian Marquardt: Phase Space Crystal Vibrations: Chiral Edge States with Preserved Time-reversal Symmetry
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 17 May 21","img":""}