Are you a Dreamcaster or Dreamsaver?

A dreamy landscape with a sunrise and horizon, depicting a person standing at a crossroad, symbolizing choice and self-discovery.

Are You a Dreamcaster or Dreamsaver?

Discover your true self with our engaging quiz that explores your perspective on life, emotions, and aspirations. Are you a Dreamcaster, full of hope and creativity, or a Dreamsaver, grounded and practical? Take this quiz to find out!

  • 20 thought-provoking questions
  • Reflect on your beliefs and fears
  • Understand your personality type
20 Questions5 MinutesCreated by ReflectiveFlame42
What do you think criminals are a "product" of?
Society. What the world thinks of them is projected into themselves. They are told that they're evil? Of course they'll end up evil.
Themselves. Being a criminal is a choice. It's a choice they consciously chose themselves.
Mental Illness. Something can't be right in their head if they choose to hurt others willingly and make bad choices.
Pressure. They have this expectation weighted on by others to do something they know they shouldn't be doing. Yet they still do it. For validation? Because there is no hope?
Are you a "glass half empty" or "glass half full" person?
Glass half empty. What's there is there, but there is always more that needs to be done.
Glass half full. What's missing is missing, but what's there is enough.
It's not a matter of "glass half empty" or "glass half full." It's a matter of when will the water disappear.
The glass can be fuller, but what if the contents overspill?
What do you feel about people being guided by their emotions?
Emotions are unreliable. They might fall into a pit and not be able to climb out of it.
Emotions are confusing, but if you learn how to manage them and be aware of what you're feeling, they can be the best guiding source available.
Those people are bold. Maybe stupid, but bold. I just hope they don't ignore facts and logic.
They have a good sense of heart. They probably are confident in themselves and aren't doubters. I almost envy them for that.
Do you still have a child-like mind?
I wish I did. You can blame losing it on growing up.
No, I don't. I lost it naturally. That happens to everybody.
I do my best to maintain it. It's an important part of ourselves.
Yes! I love imagining endless possibilities and fantasies. People that lost it weren't ever meant to keep it.
What do you fear the most?
Losing the people I care about. I can't imagine life without friends and family.
War and hate crimes. I dislike violence and will avoid it as much as possible and only use it when it's needed.
My phobia. It creates this fear in me that I am ashamed of myself for. I wish to conquer it someday.
Losing myself. I will never be able to accomplish what I want to accomplish. I wouldn't feel complete anymore and my world will go down with me.
If you could learn what you're meant to do in life this instant, would you take the opportunity?
Yes because it will motivate me that I have a certain purpose. I can look forward to making the best out of it.
No because it will affect my decisions from here on out. Why learn about "your purpose" when you can discover it yourself. It feels like it ruins the feeling you get with discovering your purpose.
Yes but I won't let my answer affect me in what I want to do. What if my purpose is not what I actually want to do? That won't leave me happy.
No because I will lose the drive to work hard towards this purpose. It is pointless in knowing what it is destined to be because you'll lose the persistence to accomplish it.
What personality is the complete opposite from yours?
Lazy and unmotivated. I am unsure of what to do most of the time.
Cowardly and uncompromising. I appear to be afraid of everything.
Emotional and illogical. I don't know anything and I can't control my feelings.
Stone-hearted and apathetic. I couldn't care less about others.
Which photo invokes the most inspiration in you?
What particular thing stresses you out the most?
There is no particular thing. I don't get stressed easily and when I am, I try to fight it or rather ignore it.
What's going on in the world. I get stressed out when I don't know what's happening or if I am missing out on something.
Being overwhelmed with work. I'm best when I am free to do what I want to do.
When other people are stressed. I want to help them out so much but sometimes it makes me unsure.
Dreamsavers and Dreamcasters only gather at night, but what time do you feel most productive?
Early morning. My mind is clearest when the sun is about to rise.
In the late afternoon. This is when my mind works best.
Midnight. Past midnight. It's when my drive is strongest and it's quiet so I don't get distracted by anything.
Before sunset. It's calming during this time and everybody is settling down.
If you were to have a theme song, what would the sound be like?
Pop rock with a killer drum beat. Something that I can head bop to.
A melodic piano that's perhaps like classical. I want something that sounds peaceful.
Pop music with a hint of indie feelings. Acoustic instruments also sound nice.
Epic orchestral music that may have repeating loops. Bring out the cellos and cymbals.
Where would you like to spend vacation (even when we're in a crisis for now)?
What are your biggest pet peeves?
It's the little things. Wet socks, chewing noises....
Hearing certain words. Like "moist."
The actions of other people. When they use improper grammar, walk slowly, and other annoyances.
When stupid things happen to me. I hate when I'm interrupted or if I forget some common sense thing.
What aesthetic catches your eye the best?
Which quote speaks to you the loudest?
Which color palette do you like the most?
If your friend appears to be in distress, what would you do?
Nothing. I don't want to poke into their business. They deserve privacy.
I would ask them what's going on and emotionally support them.
I would ask them what's going on and help them solves their problem.
I would reassure them that I've noticed their behavior and then remind them that I will always be there for them.
What is your dream career?
I'd like to work in the business industry and be an investor, CEO, banker, etc.
I'd like to work in the humanitarian and medical field and be a vet, doctor, therapist, etc.
I'd like to work in the creative field and be a movie director, writer, artist, etc.
I'd like to work in science and technology field and be a biologist, web developer, astrophysicist, etc.
Which animals catch your eye?
If you had to live in one of these dangerous environments, which one would you pick?
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