Does Bento Think You're a Punish?

A humorous illustration depicting a diverse group of people taking a fun quiz together, with elements representing various social stereotypes, in a vibrant and cartoonish style.

Are You a Punish?

Take this fun and engaging quiz to find out if your habits and opinions align with those of a "punish." Answer a series of entertaining questions that reveal your personality and beliefs.

  • Discover your social tendencies
  • See how you measure up against your peers
  • Have a laugh while learning more about yourself!
22 Questions6 MinutesCreated by ChillinDude42
Do you think outdoor festivals are ~kewl~?
Oh yes, Burning Man looks like so much fun
Coachella is okay, I guess?
Hell no. Festivals are for stupid dweebs.
You're merging on to a freeway. Traffic is going 100km/h. At what speed do you complete the merge?
100km/h or more.
Less than 100km/h.
Do you play in a band?
Yes, you should come to our gig!
Yes, but I won't tell you about us unless you ask
Is your Followers to Following ratio on Instagram:
More Followers
More Followings
Instagram is for dweebs.
Do you have a project on the go right now, and are you going to tell me all about it?
Yes, currently writing my 12th FB status about it right now.
Yes, but I complete things before I tell everyone about it.
Have you ever reposted a 'news' article on Facebook based on the title, without reading the actual article?
Yes, guilty as charged
Hell no. I fact check the shit out of everything to stop signal boosting bullshit.
Did you believe Jussie Smollett was beat up by guys in MAGA hats straight away?
Which Australian political party do you most align with?
Do you think it's okay that I make straight up racist jokes about asians when I'm only 1/4 Asian?
Yes, of course. It's funny as shit and deep down I agree with you.
Maybe/sometimes, but there's definitely a line you shouldn't cross.
No. You're being racist.
Have you ever noticed Bento's eyes glazing over as you've talked to him?
Yes. OMG am I a punish?
No. But his eyes are so squinty I couldn't tell anyway.
Have you ever been on a road trip (8hrs +) or plane flight (2 hrs +)with Bento?
Yes, and we're still mates.
Yes, it was a horrible experience.
Did you wear make up / have emo hair during the mid-2000's 'fashion core' trend?
Fashion-what? That sounds shit.
Yes. Guilty.
No. That shit was lame.
Are you vegan?
Yes, we've dined on vegan food many times together!
Yes, but we've never dined together.
No. That shits for losers.
Do you think wind turbines cause cancer?
Do you like Englands 'Royal Family'?
No, they suck.
Yes, aren't they just amazing.
Death to the Royals.
Have you ever read a Jordan Peterson book and thought, 'wow, this is some great stuff'?
Yes. That was some great stuff.
Do you get upset when you see companies actively recruiting women or minorities?
They shouldn't do that, thats sexist/racist!! Whatever happened to 'best man for the job'?
Do you think people should have the right to own weapons for self defence?
Yes! Self defence is my right.
Do you have a Southern Cross tattoo?
Yes. Love my Aussie Swazi tatty.
No. I'm a normal person.
Do you 'ask' a question, or 'axe' a question?
Do you dislike El Presidente Trump because he's a nasty orange goblin?
Yes!! Orange man is bad.
No, I love the leader of the free world.
I dislike him for many reason, ethical and otherwise.
Do you own an Australian flag neck pillow
No way!
{"name":"Does Bento Think You're a Punish?", "url":"","txt":"Take this fun and engaging quiz to find out if your habits and opinions align with those of a \"punish.\" Answer a series of entertaining questions that reveal your personality and beliefs.Discover your social tendenciesSee how you measure up against your peersHave a laugh while learning more about yourself!","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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