Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 4 Nov 21
[2111.01805] Nisarga Paul, Yang Zhang, Liang Fu: Giant proximity exchange and flat Chern band in 2D magnet-semiconductor heterostructures
[2111.01812] Lukas Janssen, Urban F. P. Seifert: Phase diagrams of SO($N$) Majorana-Hubbard models: Dimerization, internal symmetry breaking, and fluctuation-induced first-order transitions
[2111.01824] Harold Berjamin, Chockalingam Senthilnathan: Shear shock formation in incompressible viscoelastic solids
[2111.01829] Diogo E. P. Pinto, Margarida M. Telo da Gama, Nuno A. M. Araujo: Substrate disorder promotes cell motility in confluent tissues
[2111.01833] Muhammad Ghifari Ridwan, Buddha Ratna Shrestha, Nischal Maharjan et al.: Zwitterions Layer at but Do Not Screen Electrified Interfaces
[2111.01836] Saraswat Bhattacharyya, Julia M. Yeomans: Coupling Turing stripes to active flows
[2111.01864] Subrata Das, M. D. I. Bhuyan, M. A. Basith: First-principles calculation of the electronic and optical properties of Gd$_{2}$FeCrO$_{6}$ double perovskite: Effect of Hubbard U parameter
[2111.01886] Lukas Sigl, Mirco Troue, Manuel Katzer et al.: Optical dipole orientation of interlayer excitons in MoSe$_{2}$-WSe$_{2}$ heterostacks
[2111.01890] Tejas S. Fanse: Design and Modification of MEMS Based Micro Cantilever
[2111.01897] Sepideh Hashemi, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, Stephen Casey et al.: Feature engineering for microstructure-property mapping in organic photovoltaics
[2111.01981] Rama Sharma, Tapio Simula: Machine learning classification of two-dimensional vortex configurations
[2111.01991] Feng Xiao, Wen Lei, Wei Wang et al.: Pressure-induced structural transition, metallization, and topological superconductivity in PdSSe
[2111.01995] Suh In Kim, A. John Hart: A spiral laser scanning routine for powder bed fusion inspired by natural predator-prey behavior
[2111.02032] Priya Sharma, J. A. Sauls: Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in Chiral Phases of $^3$He-Aerogel
[2111.02043] Ken-ichi Uchida, Ryo Iguchi: Spintronic thermal management
[2111.02060] Binbin Yue, Wei Zhong, Wen Deng et al.: Insulator-to-superconductor transition in quasi-one-dimensional HfS3 under pressure
[2111.02063] Hung Ba Tran, Hiroyoshi Momida, Yu-ichiro Matsushita et al.: Anisotropic magnetocaloric effect of CrI$_{3}$: A theoretical study
[2111.02081] Johannes Teunissen, Fabiana da Pieve: Molecular Bond Engineering and Feature Learning for the Design of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites Solar Cells with Strong Non-Covalent Halogen-Catio...
[2111.02085] Diana Cholakova, Krastina Tsvetkova, Slavka Tcholakova et al.: Rheological properties of rotator and crystalline phases of alkanes
[2111.02094] Thomas Guérin, Maxim Dolgushev, Olivier Bénichou et al.: Universal kinetics of imperfect reactions in confinement
[2111.02097] Ofek Lauber Bonomo, Arnab Pal, Shlomi Reuveni: Mitigating long queues and waiting times with service resetting
[2111.02126] Daniel Arnold, Michael Marz, Sebastian Schneider et al.: Structure and local charging of electromigrated Au nanocontacts
[2111.02145] Matteo Pezzulla, Dong Yan, Pedro M. Reis: A geometrically exact model for thin magneto-elastic shells
[2111.02158] Alexandr Malijevský, Andrew O. Parry: Capillary Condensation and Depinning Transitions in Open Slits
[2111.02189] Shamim Sk, Sudhir K. Pandey: Investigating the high temperature thermoelectric properties of novel topological semimetal CoSi by using combined experimental and computational approaches
[2111.02190] Daniel Bonilla, Enrique Muñoz, Rodrigo Soto-Garrido: Thermo-magneto-electric transport through a torsion dislocation in a type I Weyl Semimetal
[2111.02203] Sascha Brinker, Felix Küster, Stuart S. P. Parkin et al.: Anomalous excitations of atomically crafted quantum magnets
[2111.02206] Robert Hussein, Jonathan Schmidt, Tomás Barros et al.: Machine-learning correction to density-functional crystal structure optimization
[2111.02214] Nicholas Sedlmayr, Cristina Bena: Instability of Majorana states in Shiba chains due to leakage into a topological substrate
[2111.02223] Ayan Banerjee, Suraj S. Hegde, Adhip Agarwala et al.: Chiral metals and entrapped insulators in a one-dimensional topological non-Hermitian system
[2111.02224] Aoi Hayashi, Suman Mondal, Tapan Mishra et al.: Competing insulating phases of dipolar bosons in a dimerized optical lattice
[2111.02228] E. F. Talantsev: Universal Fermi velocity in highly-compressed hydride superconductors
[2111.02236] S. R. Lake, B. Divinskiy, G. Schmidt et al.: Efficient geometrical control of spin waves in microscopic YIG waveguides
[2111.02263] S. Franca, V. Könye, F. Hassler et al.: Non-Hermitian physics without gain or loss: the skin effect of reflected waves
[2111.02270] Dominik Kurzydłowski, Arkadiusz Gajek, Zoran Mazej: NaZnF3 as a low-pressure analogue of MgSiO3
[2111.02271] N. E. Kopteva, D. Kudlacik, D. R. Yakovlev et al.: Zeeman and Davydov splitting of Frenkel excitons in the antiferromagnet CuB$_2$O$_4$
[2111.02305] L. Malysheva: Influence of chirality on the electron transmission through step-like potential in zigzag, armchair, and (2m,m) carbon nanotubes
[2111.02315] Chuanchang Zeng, Xiao-Qin Yu, Zhi-Ming Yu et al.: Highly tunable spin-polarized nonlinear Nernst effect
[2111.02323] Adrian Ruckhofer, Giorgio Benedek, Davide Campi et al.: Observation of Dirac Charge Density Waves in Bi$_2$Te$_2$Se
[2111.02335] Georgia R. Calvert, Martin R. Evans: Searching for clusters of targets under stochastic resetting
[2111.02346] Grigory A. Starkov, Konstantin B. Efetov: Slowly decaying real-time oscillations in instanton crystal
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 4 Nov 21","img":""}
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