Quiz (1)-Second time

A detailed illustration of a diode circuit with labeled components, an oscilloscope showing waveforms, and a fun<wbr>ction generator in a laboratory setting.

Diode Experiment Quiz

Test your knowledge on diode characteristics and circuit implementations with our interactive quiz! This quiz is designed for students and enthusiasts who are exploring the fundamentals of electronics and rectifier circuits.

Join us and enhance your understanding of:

  • Voltage and current relationships
  • Rectifier circuit configurations
  • Signal measurements and analysis
18 Questions4 MinutesCreated by TestingDiode42
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From the figure shown:
Average value of electricity = 233.5V
Peak value of electricity = 233.5V
RMS value of electricity = 165.6 V
Peak value of electricity = 329.2 V
To implement the experiment of (V I) characteristic of Diode we need:
Resistor - Regulator - capacitor - Diode - Function generator
Resistor - Diode - capacitor - Function generator - Power supply
Resistor - Digital multimeter - Diode - Power supply
Resistor - Digital multimeter - Bridge - Power supply
 We got the signal shown in figure from the Function generator. If we measure the RMS value for the same signal and find it equal 4.25V, then the Volt/div of the oscilloscope will be:
We can implement the HWR circuit using 1, 2,3 or 4 diodes connected in series in the same direction
In Bridge FWR circuit, We can get the output shown in figure when we:
Invert the function generator terminals
Invert the bridge terminals
Invert the oscilloscope terminals
All of them correct
Half wave rectifier circuit that resulted the output signal shown in the figure is:
For the signal shown: If the time/div=5ms and the volt/div= 2V, then the peak to peak value of signal=
10 V
20 V
25 V
50 V
For the Transformer available in the lab, We can use terminals .................. To feed in circuits.
A and B
A and C
B and C
All answers are true
For the circuit shown: The voltage difference between point A and point C=
8.7 V
0.9 V
1 V
9 V
In the lab we consider:
Function generator is input device and Oscilloscope is output device
Function generator and Oscilloscope are output devices
Function generator and Oscilloscope are input devices
Oscilloscope is input device and Function generator is output device
IF we connect circuit shown in the figure, the maximum peak value of output voltage will be:
9.90 V
6.39 V
14.87 V
31.84 V
The correct number of regulator taken in the lab:
In FWR circuits, The general shape of output signal is the same either we use center tap or Bridge FWR
In the circuit shown. If we replace AC source with 12V DC power supply, what do you expect?
The circuit will work normally as rectifier circuit
The current will pass through D3 and D4 only
The frequency of output signal will be zero
All answers are true
In V I characteristic curve of diode experiment. Practically, there is no current passing in the circuit when the power supply be 0.4V
{"name":"Quiz (1)-Second time", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge on diode characteristics and circuit implementations with our interactive quiz! This quiz is designed for students and enthusiasts who are exploring the fundamentals of electronics and rectifier circuits.Join us and enhance your understanding of:Voltage and current relationshipsRectifier circuit configurationsSignal measurements and analysis","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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