Area leader exam A

What is the holding time for beef products in the UHC?
20 minutes
60 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
How much ketchup is dispensed on a Quarter Pounder with Cheese
How many Regular buns are in a tray?
What is the minimum shelf life on arrival at the store of all ambient buns?
48 hours
4 days
3 days
5 days
What is the stack height of cases of regular meat?
How many pieces of regular meat are in a case, according to the QRG, inventory cards and MBSYNC?
What is the tempering time of McDonald’s cheese slices?
2 hours
4 hours
24 hours
5 hours
What is the dress build of a Spicy Signature?
10 ml of spicy sauce on crown, 8 jalapeno slices, 10g seasonal lettuce bacon, spicy relish on heel
Spicy relish on crown, 20 ml of spicy sauce on heel, 8 jalapeno slices, 15g seasonal lettuce spicy cheese on heel
Spicy relish on crown, 10 ml of spicy sauce on heel, 6 jalapenos, 10g seasonal lettuce, spicy cheese on heel
10 ml of spicy sauce on crown, spicy relish, 6 jalapenos, 10g shredded lettuce spicy cheese on heel
What is the cooking temperature of Chicken McNuggets?
182 degrees c
168 degrees c
181 degrees c
218 degrees c
How many sweet and sour dips in a case?
What is the fill level on a vat?
Oil is filled to oil level line
Oil is filled 1-2 cm above oil level line
Oil is filled 1-2 cm below oil level line
It doesn’t matter – any of the above are fine
What is the defrost time for premium brown rolls in the defrost rack?
12 hours
48 hours
2 hours
4 hours
What is the maximum stack height for trays of regular buns?
It depends on your stockroom
How long does Beechwood bacon temper for?
20 minutes
2 hours
1 hour
30 minutes
Buns are burnt; what could be the cause?
A) Teflon is in poor condition
It is too hot in the kitchen
Toaster is on wrong setting
A & C only
What is the cooking temperature of fries?
What is the case size of fries?
The fries are stuck together. What could be the cause of this?
Low oil level
Not shaken
Baskets overfilled
All of the above
How long does grilled chicken defrost for?
12 hours
2 hours
24 hours
16 hours
How long is the defrost time on large tortillas?
24 hours
48 hours
12 hours
4 hours
What is the build on a BBQ Chicken and bacon wrap?
3 lines of bbq sauce, 3 lines of mayo, seasonal lettuce, bacon, tomato, chicken
3 lines of mayo, 3 lines of bbq sauce, seasonal lettuce, tomato, bacon, chicken
Zig zag of mayo, zig zag of bbq sauce, seasonal lettuce, tomato, chicken, bacon
3 lines of mayo, zig zag of bbq sauce, seasonal lettuce, tomato, bacon, chicken
How many eggs in a case?
How should BBQ sauce be placed on a legend
25g in 7 zig zag lines
25g in a ‘no entry’ sign
20g in a ‘no entry’ sign
20g from a triple nozzle bottle
What is the secondary shelf life of liquid egg?
1 hour ambient
4 hours ambient
2 hours ambient
24 hours chilled
How long do English Muffins take to defrost in the defrost rack?
12 hours
4 hours
8 hours
24 hours
What is the minimum cook time for round eggs?
150 seconds
120 seconds
230 seconds
180 seconds
What is the build for a grilled chicken and bacon salad?
½ bag of salad base, 3 cherry tomatoes, 3 cucumber, 2 beechwood bacon, 80g grilled chicken
½ bag of salad base, 4 cherry tomatoes, 3 cucumber, 3 beechwood bacon, 80g grilled chicken
Full bag of salad base, 3 cherry tomatoes, 3 cucumber, 2 beechwood bacon, 80g grilled chicken
Full bag of salad base, 4 cherry tomatoes, 4 cucumber, 2 beechwood bacon, 80g grilled chicken
What is the secondary shelf life of open pancakes? You can give the answer from the 2018 QRG OR the Feb 2018 tempering poster
Discard at end of breakfast shift
Use first next day
24 hours
36 hours
How many regular buns in a tray
What temperature should the DCFT or HEBT toaster be set at for breakfast?
How many saver chicken patties in a bag?
What is the warm up time for the fry vat?
15 minutes
45 minutes
20 minutes
1 hour
What is the holding time of cooked fries?
7 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
3 minutes
How many Cheese slices are in a case?
6 sleeves of 168
8 sleeves of 168
6 sleeves of 144
8 sleeves of 144
The fries are light in colour. What could be the causes of this?
New oil
Changed variety of potato
All of the above
A & b only
How long does seasonal lettuce temper for?
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
20 minutes
Tortilla wraps are sticking together, what is the possible cause?
Still frozen
Stacked incorrectly to defrost
Out of date
All of the above
A & B only
When should oil be changed in vats?
When the ebro reading is 25 or above
When the ebro reading is 24 or above
When the ebro reading is above 25
Once per week
What could be the cause of meat cooking incorrectly?
The meat is dehydrated
The grill settings are incorrect
The spatula isn't sharp
All of the above
A & B only
How many McNuggets can you hold in a ½ size UHC tray?
What is the temper time for liquid butter? You can give the answer from the 2018 QRG OR the Feb 2018 tempering poster
30 minutes
20 minutes
No tempering required
1 hour
What is the cooking temperatures for rostis?
168 degrees
182 degrees
175 degrees
210 degrees
What is the temperature of the UHC for holding eggs?
71 degrees
93 degrees
85 degrees
79 degrees
How long does 1 set of pancakes microwave for?
30 seconds
55 seconds
85 seconds
95 seconds
What ratio water to syrup should soft drinks be?
5.2 water to 1 syrup
2.5 water to 1 syrup
1 water to 5.2 syrup
5 water to 2 syrup
How often should the water filters be changed for the soft drinks system?
When your business manager does it
Every 6 months
Every 12 months
When the drinks go flat
What is the volume of a medium fizzy drink?
300 ml
380 ml
400 ml
420 ml
What is the draw temperature of ice cream?
-8 to -9
-7.7 to -8.8
-8.8 to -9.9
-8 to -10
€�The drink has a layer of light brown to white milk foam on top. Underneath, the drink is milky brown in colour’ Which drink does this describe?
Flat white
White coffee
What condiments should be handed out with a happy meal that has oj as the drink?
Ketchup, napkin, straw
Napkin, straw, wet wipe
Wet wipe, straw
2 napkins, straw
{"name":"Area leader exam A", "url":"","txt":"What is the holding time for beef products in the UHC?, How much ketchup is dispensed on a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, How many Regular buns are in a tray?","img":""}
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