Dark Souls Boss or Heavy Metal Band?

Choose the band
Flotsam and Jetsam
The Crystal Sage
The Skeleton Lords
Choose the boss
Iron Claw
The Baneful Queen
Choose the band
Host of the Nightmare
Demon of Song
Choose the band
The One Reborn
Choose the boss
Demon in Pain
Mirror of Deception
Mournful Congregation
Choose the boss
Executioner's Chariot
Abated Mass of Flesh
The Lord Weird Slough Fe
Choose the boss
Burial Watchdog
The Old Dead Tree
Choose the band
Putrid Avatar
Ghost Brigade
Headless Ape
Choose the boss
Mad Pumpkin Heads
Iron Monkey
Blind Guardian
Choose the boss
Chaos Witch
Acid Witch
Skeleton Witch
Choose the boss
Morbid Saint
Liege Lord
Choose the band
Devourer of Gods
Squalid Queen
Grave Digger
{"name":"Dark Souls Boss or Heavy Metal Band?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Choose the band, Choose the boss, Choose the band","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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