Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 9 Sep 21
[2109.03232] Jérémie Vidal, David Cébron: Kinematic dynamos in triaxial ellipsoids
[2109.03238] Antonio Racioppi, Jürgen Rajasalu, Kaspar Selke: Multiple point criticality principle and Coleman-Weinberg inflation
[2109.03239] Emma R. Beasor, Ben Davies, Nathan Smith: The impact of realistic red supergiant mass-loss on stellar evolution
[2109.03240] M. Sten Delos, Tim Linden: Dark Matter Microhalos in the Solar Neighborhood: Pulsar Timing Signatures of Early Matter Domination
[2109.03241] Tom Rose, Alastair Edge, Sebastian Kiehlmann et al.: The variability of brightest cluster galaxies at high radio frequencies
[2109.03249] Annalisa De Cia, Edward B. Jenkins, Andrew J. Fox et al.: Large Metallicity Variations in the Galactic Interstellar Medium
[2109.03250] Shashank Dholakia, Rodrigo Luger, Shishir Dholakia: Efficient and precise transit light curves for rapidly-rotating, oblate stars
[2109.03251] Stacy McGaugh, Federico Lelli, Jim Schombert et al.: The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation in the Local Group and the Equivalent Circular Velocity of Pressure Supported Dwarfs
[2109.03252] Susanna Bisogni, Elisabeta Lusso, Francesca Civano et al.: The Chandra view of the relation between X-ray and UV emission in quasars
[2109.03253] C. S. Mangat, J. P. McKean, R. Brilenkov et al.: PS J1721+8842: A gravitationally lensed dual AGN system at redshift 2.37 with two radio components
[2109.03255] Jonathan Squire, Romain Meyrand, Matthew W. Kunz et al.: The helicity barrier: how low-frequency turbulence triggers high-frequency heating of the solar wind
[2109.03256] Maria Berti, Marta Spinelli, Balakrishna S. Haridasu et al.: Constraining beyond $Λ$CDM models with 21cm intensity mapping forecast observations combined with latest CMB data
[2109.03257] Ellen L. Sirks, Kyle A. Oman, Andrew Robertson et al.: The effects of self-interacting dark matter on the stripping of galaxies that fall into clusters
[2109.03261] Júlia Sisk Reynés, James H. Matthews, Christopher S. Reynolds et al.: New constraints on light Axion-Like Particles using Chandra Transmission Grating Spectroscopy of the powerful cluster-hosted qu...
[2109.03262] Tamara Bogdanovic, M. Coleman Miller, Laura Blecha: Electromagnetic Counterparts to Massive Black Hole Mergers
[2109.03272] Marian Douspis, Laura Salvati, Adélie Gorce et al.: Retrieving cosmological information from small-scale CMB foregrounds I. The thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect
[2109.03282] R. N. Markwick, A. Frank, J. Carroll-Nellenback et al.: Cooling and Instabilities in Colliding Flows
[2109.03286] Ramandeep Gill, Merlin Kole, Jonathan Granot: GRB Polarization: A Unique Probe of GRB Physics
[2109.03287] P. Lundqvist, N. Lundqvist, Yu. A. Shibanov: Kinematics, structure and abundances of supernova remnant 0540-69.3
[2109.03296] Hayden Smotherman, Andrew J. Connolly, J. Bryce Kalmbach et al.: Sifting Through the Static: Moving Object Detection in Difference Images
[2109.03305] A. Mercurio, P. Rosati, A. Biviano et al.: CLASH-VLT: Abell~S1063. Cluster assembly history and spectroscopic catalogue
[2109.03313] Alexei Baskin, Ari Laor: Radiation pressure confinement -- V. The predicted free-free absorption and emission in active galactic nuclei
[2109.03318] Rebecca Jensen-Clem, Daren Dillon, Benjamin Gerard et al.: The Santa Cruz Extreme AO Lab (SEAL): Design and First Light
[2109.03321] Rebecca Jensen-Clem, Philip M. Hinz, M.A.M. van Kooten et al.: The Planetary Systems Imager Adaptive Optics System: An Initial Optical Design and Performance Analysis Tools for the PSI-Red AO System
[2109.03333] Yi-Xian Chen, Zhuoxiao Wang, Ya-Ping Li et al.: Wide Dust Gaps in Protoplanetary Disks Induced by Eccentric Planets: A Mass-Eccentricity Degeneracy
[2109.03345] Dennis Zaritsky, Richard Donnerstein, Ananthan Karunakaran et al.: Systematically Measuring Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies (SMUDGes). II. Expanded Survey Description and the Stripe 82 Catalog
[2109.03346] A. Castro-González, E. Díez Alonso, J. Menéndez Blanco et al.: The K2-OjOS Project: New and Revisited Planets and Candidates in K2 Campaigns 5, 16 & 18
[2109.03347] Steven M. Kreyche, Jason W. Barnes, Billy L. Quarles et al.: Exploring tidal obliquity variations with SMERCURY-T
[2109.03355] Sherry Chhabra, James A. Klimchuk, Dale E. Gary: Signatures of Type III Solar Radio Bursts from Nanoflares: Modeling
[2109.03359] P.Hoeflich, C. Ashall, S. Bose et al.: Measuring an off-Center Detonation through Infrared Line Profiles: The peculiar Type Ia Supernova SN~2020qxp/ASASSN-20jq
[2109.03367] V. C. Mota, A. J. C. Varandas, E. Mendoza et al.: SiS formation in the interstellar medium through Si+SH gas phase reactions
[2109.03390] Benjamin Metha, Michele Trenti, Tingjin Chu: A geostatistical analysis of multiscale metallicity variations in galaxies [I]: Introduction and comparison of high-resolution metallicity maps to an an...
[2109.03401] Zackery Briesemeister, Steph Sallum, Andrew Skemer et al.: Information Content Approach to Trade Studies for SCALES
[2109.03404] Akira Kouchi, Masashi Tsuge, Tetsuya Hama et al.: Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Morphology of Ices Composed of H2O, CO2, and CO on Refractory Grains
[2109.03420] Taehyun Kim, E. Athanassoula, Kartik Sheth et al.: Cosmic Evolution of Barred Galaxies up to z ~ 0.84
[2109.03450] G. Gururajan, M. Béthermin, P. Theulé et al.: High resolution spectral imaging of CO(7-6), [CI](2-1) and continuum of three high-z lensed dusty star-forming galaxies using ALMA
[2109.03471] Z. Y. Zhao, Y. Y. Wang, Y. C. Zou et al.: Quasi-periodic Eruptions from Helium Envelope of Hydrogen-deficient Stars Stripped by Supermassive Black Holes
[2109.03477] Lars Lund Thomsen, Jane Lixin Dai, Erin Kara et al.: Relativistic X-ray reverberation from super-Eddington accretion flow
[2109.03514] Joana A. Kramer, Nicholas R. MacDonald: Ray-Tracing in Relativistic Jet Simulations: A Polarimetric Study of Magnetic Field Morphology and Electron Scaling Relations
[2109.03515] R. López-Coto, A. Moralejo, M. Artero et al.: Physics Performance of the Large-Sized Telescope prototype of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
[2109.03521] R. López-Coto, A. Mitchell, E. O. Angüner et al.: Galactic Science with the Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory
[2109.03548] Giacomo Principe, Nicola Omodei, Niccolò Di Lalla et al.: Hunting the gamma-ray emission from Fast Radio Burst with Fermi-LAT
[2109.03559] Giacomo Principe, Leonardo Di Venere, Giulia Migliori et al.: Gamma-ray emission from young radio galaxies and quasars: the flaring episode of the peculiar galaxy PKS B1413+135
[2109.03589] Aaron David Schneider, Bertram Bitsch: How drifting and evaporating pebbles shape giant planets II: volatiles and refractories in atmospheres
[2109.03603] Vishnu Varma, Bernhard Mueller, Martin Obergaulinger: A Comparison of 2D Magnetohydrodynamic Supernova Simulations with the CoCoNuT-FMT and Aenus-Alcar Codes
[2109.03612] R. Bandiera, N. Bucciantini, J. Martín et al.: Revisiting the evolution of nonradiative supernova remnants: A hydrodynamical-informed parameterization of the shock positions
[2109.03619] N. Gianniotis, F. Pozo Nuñez, K.L. Polsterer: Disentangling the optical AGN and Host-galaxy luminosity with a probabilistic Flux Variation Gradient
[2109.03640] S. J. Van der Walt, L. E. Kristensen, J. K. Jørgensen et al.: Protostellar Interferometric Line Survey of the Cygnus X region (PILS-Cygnus) -- First results: observations of CygX-N30
[2109.03642] Valeria Grisoni, Francesca Matteucci, Donatella Romano: Nitrogen evolution in the halo, thick disc, thin disc and bulge of the Galaxy
[2109.03650] Jason Man Yin Woo, Ramon Brasser, Simon L. Grimm et al.: The terrestrial planet formation paradox inferred from high-resolution N-body simulations
[2109.03662] A. Saxena, L. Pentericci, R. S. Ellis et al.: No strong dependence of Lyman continuum leakage on physical properties of star-forming galaxies at $\mathbf{3.1 \lesssim z \lesssim 3.5}$
[2109.03674] Margarida S. Cunha: Diagnostics from solar and stellar glitches
[2109.03683] J. Larsson, J. Sollerman, J. D. Lyman et al.: Clumps and rings of ejecta in SNR 0540-69.3 as seen in 3D
[2109.03689] Iryna Lypova, David Berge, Stefan Klepser et al.: Analysis optimisation for more than 10 TeV gamma-ray astronomy with IACTs
[2109.03691] Thomas Siegert, Roland M. Crocker, Oscar Macias et al.: Measuring the smearing of the Galactic 511 keV signal: positron propagation or supernova kicks?
[2109.03729] Q. Remy, L. Tibaldo, F. Acero et al.: Survey of the Galactic Plane with the CherenkovTelescope Array
[2109.03742] Mathew Owens, Jonathan Nichols: Using in-situ solar-wind observations to generate inner-boundary conditions to outer-heliosphere simulations, 1: Dynamic time warping applied to synthetic observations
[2109.03753] Ryan J. French, Sarah A. Matthews, I. Jonathan Rae et al.: Probing Current Sheet Instabilities from Flare Ribbon Dynamics
[2109.03758] Pedro H. Bernardinelli, Gary M. Bernstein, Masao Sako et al.: A search of the full six years of the Dark Energy Survey for outer Solar System objects
[2109.03763] Mario Ballardini, Roy Maartens: Constraining the neutrino mass using a multi-tracer combination of two galaxy surveys and CMB lensing
[2109.03771] Jiayin Dong, Chelsea X. Huang, George Zhou et al.: TOI-3362b: A Proto-Hot Jupiter Undergoing High-Eccentricity Tidal Migration
[2109.03782] Vikrant V. Jadhav, Kaustubh Roy, Naman Joshi et al.: High Mass-ratio Binary Population in Open Clusters: Segregation of early type binaries and an increasing binary fraction with mass
[2109.03791] Thomas Siegert, Celine Boehm, Francesca Calore et al.: Reticulum II: Particle Dark Matter and Primordial Black Holes Limits
[2109.03801] Davood Rafiei Karkevandi, Soroush Shakeri, Violetta Sagun et al.: Bosonic Dark Matter in Neutron Stars and its Effect on Gravitational Wave Signal
[2109.03816] Silvia Galli, Levon Pogosian, Karsten Jedamzik et al.: Consistency of Planck, ACT and SPT constraints on magnetically assisted recombination and forecasts for future experiments
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