齊齊坚:Mindset 尝測驗=
Mindset Test!

A thoughtful student pondering over a mathematics problem in a bright classroom, with equations and numbers floating in the air around them, representing the concept of a growth mindset in mathematics.

Test Your Maths Mindset

Are you curious about your approach to learning mathematics? Engage in our quick quiz designed to help you understand your maths mindset. You'll explore your attitudes towards challenges, mistakes, and your journey in the world of maths.

  • Discover your strengths and areas for growth in mathematics.
  • Receive insights on how to foster a positive maths mindset.
  • Challenge conventional beliefs about talent and hard work in maths.
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by ThinkingTree45
Test your maths mindset in a second,
choose with your intuition!
Test your maths mindset in a second,
choose with your intuition!
The most important thing for learning mathematics is...
Ť份 Talent
Ŋ力 Hard Work
I wish my teacher would tell me that...
Ļ次考試有好戝績,你一定係好比心機讀書= You got really high marks in the exam, you must have tried really hard!
Ľ呢個諗法好特別,欣賞= I appreciate your insightful idea!
Ľ好蝰明喎,好有數學天份= You are very smart and talented in maths!
When I encounter maths questions that I don't know, I will...
ƞ斷放棄 Give up directly
Ÿ望耝師指導 Ask teacher for guidance
ȇ己嘗試鑽研 Try to drill on the question
Ɲ學霸抄答案 Copy answers from others
When I did a mathematics problem wrong, I will...
ǝ答案,然後改正 Check answers and correct it
Ɣ棄冝坚更難嘅題目,以後坪完戝簡單題目 Give up the more difficult questions, focus on simpler questions only
Ȋ時間冝去鑽研,覺得坚錯都係一個寶貴經驗 spend more time to work on the problem, doing wrong is also a valuable experience
Ȧ得自己無數學潛質,點都學唔識 think that I am never able to learn as I have no maths potential
Ȧ得自己好蠢,咝都坯以坚錯 think that I am so stupid to have done it incorrectly
When I fail in the maths quiz, I will...
Ŗ耝師面剝撕爛份坷 Tear the quiz into pieces in front of the teacher
ɩ比人知,收埋份坷 Hide the quiz paper as I afraid others will see
Ɲ出自己的丝足冝改正 Locate my weaknesses and improve
Ȧ得自己一無是處,唔會學得識 Think that I am stupid and will never learn maths well
ĸ次出貓,為求坈格 Try to cheat next time to pass
ĸ次努力啲溫書,擺多啲時間= Revise harder, spend more time on revision!
When I see a challenging question in the exercise, I will...
Ǖ睇唔到 Pretend I didn't see it
Ɯ一望,然後放棄 Take a look, and then give up
Ř試研究,相信總會坚到 Give an attempt, believe that I can do it
Ǜ接睇答案點坚,最緊覝坚到答案 Check out the answers, getting the answers is most important
When I see my friend got high marks in maths exam, I will...
Ȧ得佢一定係好彩 think that it is only because of luck
ǂ佢感到開心 feel happy for him/her
Ĺ後坌佢一齊學習 learn with him/her next time
Ŧ忌佢高分靎自己 envy him/her for getting higher scores than me
When there is something that I don't understand during mathematics lesson, I feel that...
ƈ都係唔會學得識架啦... I will never learn this...
ƈ坪係仲未蝽得明,之後好快坯以學識嘅= I just don't understand yet, I will learn in very soon!
Ƀ係死記咗佢算啦... Maybe I should just memorise everything
ɻ解數學咝難架=都唔係人讀嘅= Why is maths so difficult! They are not suitable for humans!
Ŕ明我都覝扮識,唔坯以比人知我唔明 Pretend that I know it, as I have to look smart
ȝ唔明都正常嘅咝難,唔緊覝啦 It is just normal, take it easy~
Most often during maths lesson I...
ş頭自己坚數 work on the exercises on my own
ȸ躝啝啝題 ask questions actively
ŀ頭大睡 lie down and sleep
Ȫ真蝽書抄筆記 listen to teacher and jot notes
ŝ其他嘢 do other stuff
ŝ朋坋傾計 chat with friends
我覺得數學係... (坯多靸)
I think that maths... (Allow multiple answers)
ŝ睾實生活有關 is related to real-life
ɜ覝靋用創愝 requires creativity
ŝ得越快越好 requires speed
Ǿ麗的 is beautiful
ĸ坜坚靋算 is about repeating computation
Ɯ覝律的 is about pattern
Ɯ正確答案 has a correct answer
ɜ覝背誦的 requires recitation
{"name":"齊齊坚:Mindset 尝測驗= Mindset Test!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you curious about your approach to learning mathematics? Engage in our quick quiz designed to help you understand your maths mindset. You'll explore your attitudes towards challenges, mistakes, and your journey in the world of maths.Discover your strengths and areas for growth in mathematics.Receive insights on how to foster a positive maths mindset.Challenge conventional beliefs about talent and hard work in maths.","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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