Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 25 Mar 21
[2103.12756] Debmalya Chakraborty, Tomas Löfwander, Mikael Fogelström et al.: Disorder-robust phase crystal in high-temperature superconductors from topology and strong correlations
[2103.12758] DinhDuy Vu, Rui-Xing Zhang, Zhi-Cheng Yang et al.: Superconductors with anomalous Floquet higher-order topology
[2103.12765] Yirui Zhang, Marek Litniewski, Karol Makuch et al.: Continuous non-equilibrium transition driven by the heat flow
[2103.12775] Francesco Delodovici, Paolo Barone, Silvia Picozzi: Trilinear coupling driven ferroelectricity in HfO$_2$
[2103.12783] Jin Ming Koh, Tommy Tai, Yong Han Phee et al.: Stabilizing multiple topological fermions on a quantum computer
[2103.12792] Jean-Hughes Fournier-Lupien, Frédéric Sirois, Christian Lacroix: Concepts of Static vs. Dynamic Current Transfer Length in 2G HTS coated conductors with a Current Flow Diverter Architecture
[2103.12794] Isaac Reid, Bruno Bertini: Entanglement Barriers in Dual-Unitary Circuits
[2103.12800] T. Chakraborty, K. J. Sankaran, K. Srinivasu et al.: Enhancement of concentration of XeV and GeV centers in nanocrystalline diamond through He+ irradiation
[2103.12869] Abdulqader Mahmoud, Frederic Vanderveken, Florin Ciubotaru et al.: Spin Wave Based Approximate Computing
[2103.12873] Yaofeng Xie, Lebing Chen, Zhiping Yin et al.: Magnetic flat band in metallic kagome lattice FeSn
[2103.12907] Paul C. Lou, Anand Katailiha, Ravindra G. Bhardwaj et al.: Large Magnetic Moment in Flexoelectronic Silicon at Room Temperature
[2103.12927] Hanzhen Liang, Huiwen Xiang, Rui Zhu et al.: Structural Stability and Defect-Tolerance of Ionic Spinel Semiconductor for High-Efficiency Solar Cells
[2103.12948] Mengke Liu, Joshua Leveillee, Shuangzan Lu et al.: Monolayer 1T-NbSe2 as a 2D correlated magnetic insulator
[2103.12950] Andrey O. Leonov, Catherine Pappas, Ivan I. Smalyukh: Field-driven metamorphoses of isolated skyrmions within the conical state of cubic helimagnets
[2103.12952] Yang Jiao: Hyperuniform Density Distributions of Brownian Particles via Designer External Potentials
[2103.12956] Hidemaro Suwa, Shang-Shun Zhang, Cristian D. Batista: Exciton condensation in bilayer spin-orbit insulator
[2103.12966] Yuguang Yang, Michael A. Bevan, Bo Li: Hierarchical deep reinforcement learning controlled three-dimensional navigation of microrobots in blood vessels
[2103.12973] Di Tian, Zhiwei Liu, Shengchun Shen et al.: Manipulating Berry curvature of SrRuO3 thin films via epitaxial strain
[2103.12974] Haiyang Pan, Xiaobo Wang, Qiaoming Wang et al.: Proximity Effect of Epitaxial Iron Phthalocyanine Molecules on High-Quality Graphene Devices
[2103.12979] Xiang Chen, Yu He, Shan Wu et al.: Structural and Magnetic Transitions in the Planar Antiferromagnet Ba$_4$Ir$_3$O$_{10}$
[2103.13000] Mohammadamin Safdari, Roya Zandi, Paul van der Schoot: Effect of Electric Fields on the Director Field and Shape of Nematic Tactoids
[2103.13008] Nicolas P. Mauranyapin, Erick Romero, Rachpon Kalra et al.: Tunnelling of transverse acoustic waves on a silicon chip
[2103.13035] Shan Guan, Jun-Wei Luo: Hidden persistent spin texture in bulk crystals
[2103.13036] H. T. Wu, X. C. Hu, K. Y. Jing et al.: Skyrmion size in skyrmion crystals
[2103.13038] Feng Xiong, Xingjie Han, Carsten Honerkamp: Spin susceptibilities in magnetic type-I and type-II Weyl semimetals
[2103.13069] Wang Peipei, Cho Chang-woo, Tang Fangdong et al.: Large Nernst effect and field enhanced transversal ZT in ZrTe5
[2103.13072] Sreemayee Aditya, Diptiman Sen: Bosonization study of a generalized statistics model with four Fermi points
[2103.13078] Christine Linne, Daniele Visco, Stefano Angioletti-Uberti et al.: Direct visualization of superselective colloid-surface binding mediated by multivalent interactions
[2103.13079] Peipei Wang, Fangdong Tang, Peng Wang et al.: Quantum transport properties of beta-Bi4I4 near and well beyond the extreme quantum limit
[2103.13083] Alexis Poncet, Aurélien Grabsch, Pierre Illien et al.: Generalised density profiles in single-file systems
[2103.13085] Patrick Serafini, Alberto Milani, Davide M. Proserpio et al.: Designing all graphdiyne materials as graphene derivatives: topologically driven modulation of electronic properties
[2103.13093] Giancarlo Franzese, Joan Àguila Rojas, Valentino Bianco et al.: Water Contribution to the Protein Folding and its Relevance in Protein Design and Protein Aggregation
[2103.13099] N. Müsgens, E. Maynicke, M. Weidenbach et al.: Current-induced magnetization dynamics in single and double layer magnetic nanopillars grown by molecular beam epitaxy
[2103.13105] A. Barra, A. Ross, O. Gomonay et al.: Effective strain manipulation of the antiferromagnetic state of polycrystalline NiO
[2103.13116] Alberto Fachechi: PDE/statistical mechanics duality: relation between Guerra's interpolated $p$-spin ferromagnets and the Burgers hierarchy
[2103.13119] A. Tiribocchi, A. Montessori, F. Bonaccorso et al.: Shear dynamics of polydisperse double emulsions
[2103.13139] Theresa P. Ginley, Stephanie Law: Self-assembled nano-columns in Bi2Se3 grown by molecular beam epitaxy
[2103.13161] Jonathan Pelliciari, Kenji Ishi, Lingyi Xing et al.: Fluctuating magnetism of Co- and Cu-doped NaFeAs
[2103.13169] Olivier Coquand, Matthias Sperl: Rheology of granular liquids in extensional flows: beyond the $μ(\mathcal{I})$-law
[2103.13170] Claude Carel, Pierre Vallet: About a first order transformation of magnetite at 1 160 °C
[2103.13172] Ayush Singh, Colin Benjamin: Magic angle twisted bilayer graphene as a highly efficient quantum Otto engine
[2103.13176] Aniruddha Deb, Prerona Gogoi, Sunil K. Singh et al.: Noise Activated DNA Translocation for Faster Screening
[2103.13177] James M. Polson, David R. Heckbert: Polymer translocation into cavities: Effects of confinement geometry, crowding and bending rigidity on the free energy
[2103.13190] Vidur Raj, Hark Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish: Axial vs. Radial Junction Nanowire Solar Cell
[2103.13205] Michiel A.J. van Limbeek, Martin H. Essink, Anupam Pandey et al.: Pinning-induced folding-unfolding asymmetry in adhesive creases
[2103.13210] Berthold Jäck, Yonglong Xie, Ali Yazdani: Detecting and Distinguishing Majorana Zero Modes with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope
[2103.13215] I. Vinograd, R. Zhou, M. Hirata et al.: Locally commensurate charge-density wave with three-unit-cell periodicity in YBCO
[2103.13220] Lorenzo Caprini, Claudio Maggi, Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi: Collective effects in confined Active Brownian Particles
[2103.13244] Jeanne Decayeux, Vincent Dahirel, Marie Jardat et al.: Spontaneous propulsion of an isotropic colloid in a phase-separating environment
[2103.13251] S. Pilati, G. Orso, G. Bertaina: Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of two-dimensional repulsive Fermi gases with population imbalance
[2103.13254] W. Sun, T. Arh, M. Gomilšek et al.: Magnetic ordering of the distorted kagome antiferromagnet Y$_3$Cu$_9$(OH)$_{18}$[Cl$_8$(OH)] prepared via optimal synthesis
[2103.13257] Carles Calero, Giancarlo Franzese: Water under extreme confinement in graphene: Oscillatory dynamics, structure, and hydration pressure explained as a function of the confinement width
[2103.13274] Shang-Shun Zhang, Gábor B. Halász, Wei Zhu et al.: Variational study of the Kitaev-Heisenberg-Gamma model
[2103.13280] Nathan P. Wilson, Kihong Lee, John Cenker et al.: Interlayer Electronic Coupling on Demand in a 2D Magnetic Semiconductor
[2103.13281] Nobuyuki Okuma: Nontrivial interband effect: applications to magnetic susceptibility, nonlinear optics, and topological degeneracy pressure
[2103.13295] Philippe Bourges, Dalila Bounoua, Yvan Sidis: Loop currents in quantum matter
[2103.13310] Elisabeth Josten, David Raftrey, Aurelio Hierro-Rodriguez et al.: Curvature-mediated spin textures in magnetic multi-layered nanotubes
[2103.13323] Nassima Benchtaber, David Sánchez, Llorenç Serra: Scattering of topological kink-antikink states in bilayer graphene
[2103.13325] Bálint Fülöp, Albin Márffy, Simon Zihlmann et al.: Boosting proximity spin orbit coupling in graphene/WSe$_2$ heterostructures via hydrostatic pressure
[2103.13344] Km Rubi, Shengwei Zeng, Femke Bangma et al.: Electronic subbands in the a-LaAlO$_3$/KTaO$_3$ interface revealed by quantum oscillations in high magnetic fields
[2103.13368] B. Stoddart-Stones, X. Montiel, M. G. Blamire et al.: Competition between the superconductor proximity effect and quasiparticle spin-decay in superconducting spin-valves
[2103.13386] Raquel Esteban-Puyuelo, Biplab Sanyal: Role of defects in ultrafast charge recombination in monolayer MoS$_2$
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 25 Mar 21","img":""}
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