Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 8 Jul 21
[2107.02801] Sunghoon Jung, TaeHun Kim: Hubble Selection of the Weak Scale from QCD Quantum Phase Transition
[2107.02803] Asmaa Abada, Nicolás Bernal, Antonio E. Cárcamo Hernández et al.: Gauged Inverse Seesaw from Dark Matter
[2107.02804] Pablo Candia, Giovanna Cottin, Andrés Méndez et al.: Searching for light long-lived neutralinos at Super-Kamiokande
[2107.02831] Eric Braaten, Hans-Werner Hammer: Neutral Charm Mesons near Threshold are Unparticles!
[2107.02863] Kirill Tuchin: Spin contribution to the dissociation of bound states in rotating medium in magnetic field
[2107.02908] Chase Shimmin: Particle Convolution for High Energy Physics
[2107.03025] John Ellis, Jason L. Evans, Natsumi Nagata et al.: Flipped $g_μ-2$
[2107.03099] Juri Fiaschi, Francesco Giuli, Francesco Hautmann et al.: Complementarity of Lepton-Charge and Forward-Backward Drell-Yan Asymmetries for Precision Electroweak Measurements and Quark Density Determinations
[2107.03113] Yuji Koike, Kenta Yabe, Shinsuke Yoshida: Twist-3 Gluon Fragmentation Contribution to Polarized Hyperon Production in Unpolarized Proton-Proton Collision
[2107.03168] Xu Zhang, Christoph Hanhart, Ulf-G. Meißner et al.: Remarks on non-perturbative three--body dynamics and its application to the $KK\bar K$ system
[2107.03203] Kingman Cheung, Kechen Wang, Zeren Simon Wang: Time-delayed electrons from neutral currents at the LHC
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 8 Jul 21","img":""}
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