Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Mon, 29 Mar 21
[2103.14034] Muhammad Minarul Islam, Sheela Khatun, Md. Tusher Mollah et al.: Fluid Flow along the Riga Plate with the Influence of Magnetic Force in a Rotating System
[2103.14054] Magdalena Dobrowolska, Jaap Velthuis, Anna Kopp et al.: Development of muon scattering tomography for a detection of reinforcement in concrete
[2103.14064] U. S. Okorie, A. N. Ikot, P. O. Amadi et al.: Approximate Solutions of the Fractional Schrodinger Equation for the Screened Kratzer Potential
[2103.14065] Prema Dhorma Lama, Surendra Kumar, Kang Kim et al.: Quantitative Prediction on the Enantioselectivity of Multiple Chiral Iodoarene Scaffolds Based on Whole Geometry
[2103.14102] Nuno Crokidakis, Lucas Sigaud: Crime and COVID-19 in Rio de Janeiro: How does organized crime shape the disease evolution?
[2103.14119] Duncan Bossion, Sutirtha N. Chowdhury, Pengfei Huo: Non-Adiabatic Ring Polymer Molecular Dynamics with Spin Mapping Variables
[2103.14135] E.D. Emdee, R.J. Goldston, J.D Lore et al.: Predictive Modeling of a Lithium Vapor Box Divertor in NSTX-U using SOLPS-ITER
[2103.14139] Ki Youl Yang, Alexander D. White, Farshid Ashtiani et al.: Inverse-designed multi-dimensional silicon photonic transmitters
[2103.14140] M. Abernathy, A. Amato, A. Ananyeva et al.: Exploration of co-sputtered Ta$_2$O$_5$-ZrO$_2$ thin films for gravitational-wave detectors
[2103.14163] Chenhao Li, Stefan A. Maier, Haoran Ren: Optical vortices in nanophotonics
[2103.14165] Nozomi Sugiura: Clustering global ocean profiles according to temperature-salinity structure
[2103.14180] Joel Kuttruff, Alessio Gabbani, Gaia Petrucci et al.: Magnetic Circular Dichroism in Hyperbolic Metamaterial Nanoparticles
[2103.14192] Ariel Félix Gualtieri, Pedro Hecht: SARS-CoV-2 spread and quarantine fatigue: a theoretical model
[2103.14213] Jia-Ju Wei, Jian-Hua Guo, Yi-Ming Hu: Characterization of silicon microstrip sensors for space astronomy
[2103.14214] Pascale Garaud: Journey to the center of stars: the realm of low Prandtl number fluid dynamics
[2103.14219] Evgeny Bulgakov, Konstantin Picgugin, Almas Sadreev: Resonant binding of dielectric particles to metal surface without plasmonics
[2103.14226] Majie Zhao, Zhi X. Chen, Huangwei Zhang et al.: Large eddy simulation of a supersonic lifted hydrogen flame with perfectly stirred reactor model
[2103.14227] Qiang Li, Chang Shu, Huangwei Zhang: On the evolution of fuel droplet evaporation zone and its interaction with the flame front in ignition of spray flames
[2103.14241] Peifeng Fan, Jianyuan Xiao, Hong Qin: A gauge-symmetrization method for energy-momentum tensors in high-order electromagnetic field theories
[2103.14265] Aleksandr Bekshaev: Microscopic analysis of the energy, momentum and spin distributions in a surface plasmon-polariton wave
[2103.14279] A. B. Aadhishwaran, Sourabh S. Diwan: Predominance of pressure transport in spatial energy budget for a mixing layer approaching absolute instability
[2103.14288] Zhenghui Mi, Feisi He, Weimin Pan et al.: Parasitic modes suppression in CW cold tests of 1.3 GHz 9-cell high Q cavities at IHEP
[2103.14293] Stefano Longhi: Rabi oscillations of bound states in the continuum
[2103.14306] X. F. Li, P. Gibbon, A. Hützen et al.: Polarized proton acceleration in ultra-intense laser interaction with near critical density plasmas
[2103.14346] Etele Molnár, Dan Stutman: Direct laser-driven electron acceleration and energy gain in helical beams
[2103.14354] L. Bortot, M. Mentink, C. Petrone et al.: Proof of Concept of High-Temperature Superconducting Screens for Magnetic Field-Error Cancellation in Accelerator Magnets
[2103.14361] D.E. Maison, L.V. Skripnikov, A.V. Oleynichenko et al.: Axion-mediated electron-electron interaction in ytterbium monohydroxide molecule
[2103.14365] T. Zalialiutdinov, A. Anikin, D. Solovyev: Reconciliation of QED theory with the experimental measurements of the transition energies in the helium atom
[2103.14367] Patrick Schmidt, Holger Steeb, Jörg Renner: Investigations into the opening of fractures during hydraulic testing using a hybrid-dimensional flow formulation
[2103.14370] Jan M.L. Martin: Basis set convergence and extrapolation of connected triple excitation contributions (T) in computational thermochemistry: the W4-17 benchmark with up to k functions
[2103.14374] Mikhail Dorokhin, Mikhail Ved, Polina Demina et al.: The role of resident electrons in manifestation of a spin polarization memory effect in Mn delta-doped GaAs heterostructures
[2103.14377] M. Obligado, S. Klein, J.C. Vassilicos: Interaction of two high Reynolds number axisymmetric turbulent wakes
[2103.14383] Lorenzo Festa, Nikolaus Lorenz, Lea-Marina Steinert et al.: Motion assisted facilitated excitation of Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers
[2103.14406] Stefano Boccelli, Fabien Giroux, Thierry E. Magin et al.: A 14-moment maximum-entropy description of electrons in crossed electric and magnetic fields
[2103.14415] Xiangkun Kong, Weihao Lin, Xuemeng Wang et al.: Liquid Reconfigurable Stealth Window Constructed by Metamaterial Absorber
[2103.14424] Oscar Fajardo-Fontiveros, Marta Sales-Pardo, Roger Guimera: Node metadata can produce predictability transitions in network inference problems
[2103.14427] Keith Moffatt, Howard Guest, Herbert Huppert: Spreading or contraction of viscous drops between plates: single, multiple or annular drops
[2103.14429] R. Arnold, C. Augier, A.S. Barabash et al.: Measurement of the distribution of $^{207}$Bi depositions on calibration sources for SuperNEMO
[2103.14442] Fatemeh Davoodi, Nahid Talebi: Plasmon-exciton Interactions in Gold-WSe2 Multilayer structures
[2103.14447] Hakon Volkmann, Vinay P. Majety, Armin Scrinzi: Potentials, exchange, and correlation in attosecond delays
[2103.14462] Jessica Liebig, Kamran Najeebullah, Raja Jurdak et al.: Should international borders re-open? The impact of travel restrictions on COVID-19 importation risk
[2103.14463] Christopher Parker, Jorge M. Mejia, Franco Pestilli: The spread of COVID-19 increases with individual mobility and depends on political leaning
[2103.14469] Omar A. Ashour: NonlinearSchrodinger: Higher-Order Algorithms and Darboux Transformations for Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations
[2103.14483] Yahui Liu, Zhengmeng Xu, Lin Liu et al.: Spin current from chiral magnons in artificial ferrimagnet
[2103.14485] James Gholam, Filip Szczepankiewicz, Santiago Aja-Fernandez et al.: aDWI-BIDS: an extension to the brain imaging data structure for advanced diffusion weighted imaging
[2103.14508] Tak Shing Tai, Chi Ho Yeung: Optimally coordinated traffic diversion by statistical physics
[2103.14515] Danho Ahn, Ohjoon Kwon, Woohyun Chung et al.: First prototype of a biaxially textured YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-x}$ microwave cavity in a high magnetic field for dark matter axion search
[2103.14520] Antonella Masci, Elisabetta Dimaggio, Giovanni Pennelli: On-chip all-silicon thermoelectric device
[2103.14530] G. Demeter, J. T. Moody, M. Aladi et al.: Long range propagation of ultrafast, ionizing laser pulses in a resonant nonlinear medium
[2103.14532] T.C. Underwood, W. Riedel, M.A. Cappelli: Dual Mode Operation of a Hydromagnetic Plasma Thruster to Achieve Tunable Thrust and Specific Impulse
[2103.14536] Mohammadamin Tavakoli, Aaron Mood, David Van Vranken et al.: Quantum Mechanics and Machine Learning Synergies: Graph Attention Neural Networks to Predict Chemical Reactivity
[2103.14543] Jan Scharnetzky, Philipp Baumann, Christian Reichl et al.: Donor implanted Back-gates in GaAs for MBE-grown highest mobility two-dimensional electron systems
[2103.14559] Julien Bect, Souleymane Zio, Guillaume Perrin et al.: On the quantification of discretization uncertainty: comparison of two paradigms
[2103.14578] Jianhao Zhang, Xavier Le Roux, Miguel Montesinos-Ballester et al.: Generating 10-GHz phonons in nanostructured silicon membrane optomechanical cavity
[2103.14588] Rylee Sundermann, Hyun Lim, Jace Waybright et al.: A Spacetime Finite Elements Method to Solve the Dirac Equation
[2103.14597] Valentina Valori, Joerg Schumacher: Connecting boundary layer dynamics with extreme bulk dissipation events in Rayleigh-Bénard flow
[2103.14629] Omer San, Adil Rasheed, Trond Kvamsdal: Hybrid analysis and modeling, eclecticism, and multifidelity computing toward digital twin revolution
[2103.14642] Alexander V. Turbiner, Juan Carlos Lopez Vieyra: Superintegrability of $(2n+1)$-body choreographies, $n=1,2,3,\ldots, \infty$ on the algebraic Lemniscate by Bernoulli (inverse problem of class...
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Mon, 29 Mar 21","img":""}
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