How Well Do you Know the Constitution?

The first ten Amendments to the United States Constitution are collectively known as
The Preamble
The Bill of Rights
The Petition of Rights
The Declaration of Rights
Which of the following amendments implies an “expectation of privacy” against undue government interference?
How many freedoms are there in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?
Which of the following Amendments is NOT related to the rights of those accused of crimes?
Which Amendment was inspired by the British practice of quartering soldiers prior to America’s independence?
Probable cause is required for which of the following activities? (check all that apply)
Double jeopardy
Issuance of warrants
The ability to attend and participate in a political rally is protected by which set of protected rights?
Freedom of Expression, Right to a Jury Trial, Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Assembly
Right to Due Process, Freedom of Assembly, Equality Under the Law
Right to Protest, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of...” which of the following?
The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right to “an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed”. As such, defendants can expect which of the following?
A jury of their peers
A jury of their neighbors
A jury of individuals whom they know personally
A jury of individuals who don’t know anything about the alleged crime
The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees which of the following rights?
Right to petition the government
Right to bear arms
Right to a speedy trial
Right to a lawyer in criminal cases
“Pleading the fifth” is a common refrain in court scenes on TV. What right is being invoked?
Right to a Fair and Impartial Jury
Right to Representation
Right to Not Testify Against Yourself
Right to a Speedy Trial
Select the three amendments commonly referred to as the “Civil War Amendments” (select three).
Right to Vote Regardless of Race
No Cruel or Unusual Punishment
No Slavery
Equality Under the Law
Three amendments deal with the right to vote. Can you recall the order in which they appear?
Regardless of Sex, At the Age of 18, Regardless of Race
Regardless of Race, Regardless of Sex, At the Age of 18
At the Age of 18, Regardless of Sex, Regardless of Race
You shared a political opinion piece about your state’s governor being a “lying, crooked opportunist.” The governor wants your boss to fire you for writing it. What primary right is the governor forgetting about?
Your right to free speech
Your right to not testify against yourself
Your right to petition
Your right to due process
The “equal protection clause” is found in which of the following amendments?
If someone was sentenced to life in prison for minor offense, such as shoplifting, this would likely be seen as a violation of which of the following amendments?
Which of the following amendments includes languages ensuring that former slaves were recognized as citizens of the United States?
You were watching Dateline and learned about someone who was acquitted (found not guilty) of capital murder. Two weeks later, new evidence was found linking that person directly to the murder. Which of the following amendments protects that person from standing trial again for the same crime?
The 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees which of the following?
The right to an attorney in criminal trials
The right to a speedy and public trial
The right to vote regardless of race
The right to vote regardless of sex
Your employer fired you for violating the company’s social media policy when you posted a political meme. Does this constitute a violation of your free speech rights?
Yes. Free speech means you can say whatever you want.
Yes. Free speech means that all political speech is always protected.
No. Free speech rights only protect you from actions by the government.
No. Free speech does not extend to political rhetoric.
{"name":"How Well Do you Know the Constitution?", "url":"","txt":"The first ten Amendments to the United States Constitution are collectively known as, Which of the following amendments implies an “expectation of privacy” against undue government interference?, How many freedoms are there in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution?","img":""}
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