Church Ark of Salvation Sunday School

Who was the father of the daughter raised to life by Jesus? (Кто был отцом дочери, воскрешенной Иисусом?)
Jairus Иаир
Matthew Матфей
Peter Петр
What kinds of food did Daniel eat and ask for from the chief of the eunuchs? Какую пищу Даниил ел и просил у начальника евнухов?
Vegetables & Water Овощи и вода
Meat Mясо
Why did Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego NOT eat the food from the king's kitchen?
Because they did not like the choices
Because it was not allowed by God
Because they was not hungry
What were the order of the words that were written on the wall when Daniel had to read the writing on the wall in Daniel 5:26-30 in the King James Version of the Bible?
Peres Mene Mene Tekel
Mene Mene Tekel Peres
Mene Mene Peres Tekel
How long did the man wait at the pool of Bethesda?
Who is the king in the beginning of Esther?
Xerxes Артаксеркс
Haman Аман
When was Jeremiah ordained as a prophet? Когда Иеремия был рукоположен в пророки?
Before he was born
When he was 11 years old
For the Son of Man came to seek .....
And to save the lost.
and to read to the lost.
And to give money to the lost.
Куда большая толпа увела Иисуса? Where did a large crowd take Jesus?
The home of Caiaphas дом Каиафы
The Garden of Gethsemane Гефсиманский сад
Golgofa Голгофа
Who were with Jesus in the wedding feast at Cana?
His mother and His disciples
His mother
His disciples
What was Jesus' first miracle? Каким было первое чудо Иисуса?
Raising the dead
Healing a blind man
Turning water into wine
What did Jesus and the disciples eat at the last supper? Что ели Иисус и ученики на последней вечерии?
Dates and figs
Fish and water
Bread and wine
Which parts of his body did Peter ask Jesus to wash, after being told that unless Jesus washed his feet he would have no part with him?
Dates and figs
Fish and water
Bread and wine
Who warned Pontius Pilate not to crucify Jesus? Кто предупредил Понтия Пилата не распинать Иисуса?
His wife
What did Thomas want to see before he believed Jesus was raised from the dead? Что хотел увидеть Фома, прежде чем поверил, что Иисус воскрес из мертвых?
Jesus' empty tomb
The nail marks in Jesus' hands
Jesus appearing before him
What job did Peter and Andrew do? Какую работу выполняли Петр и Андрей?
Tax collectors
Which disciple tried to walk on water, as Jesus was doing? Какой ученик пытался ходить по воде, как это делал Иисус?
What did the disciples do when people brought their young children to Jesus?
They welcomed them.
They baptized them.
They rebuked them
Which parts of his body did Jesus wash to Peter? Какие части своего тела Иисус омыл Петру?
Face and hands
Legs and face
Only legs
Who was the author of the book Revelation? Кто был автором книги откровения ?
{"name":"Church Ark of Salvation Sunday School", "url":"","txt":"Who was the father of the daughter raised to life by Jesus? (Кто был отцом дочери, воскрешенной Иисусом?), What kinds of food did Daniel eat and ask for from the chief of the eunuchs? Какую пищу Даниил ел и просил у начальника евнухов?, Why did Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego NOT eat the food from the king's kitchen?","img":""}
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