Which of echo's ocs are you

A colorful and whimsical illustration of diverse original characters, showcasing various personalities and styles, with a playful and inviting environment, suitable for a personality quiz about fictional characters.

Discover Your Echo OC Match!

Are you curious which of Echo's original characters (OCs) matches your personality? Take our fun and engaging quiz to find out! Each question is designed to reveal different facets of your character traits, preferences, and values.

Whether you're laid-back, assertive, or somewhere in between, you'll uncover which OC resonates most with you. Join in for an exciting character journey!

15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by EchoingStar42
What time do you wake up in the morning?
Closer to 6:00 a.m., so I can get my work done
At a respectable hour, not too late or too early if I can help it
Sleep is for the weak
I usually have to be woken up because otherwise i'll sleep until 4 p.m.
It depends, on week days it's early in the mornings, but I sleep in on weekends
Whenever the hell I want
If you were at a party, what would you most likely be doing?
Hiding in a corner, or doing whatever I can to be as least noticeable as possible
Chugging beer, playing drinking games, all-around being the life of the party
Politely conversing with friends
Accidentally tripping all over the dance floor and spilling your drinks everywhere
Separating yourself from others and glaring at those who approach you
Try to stay FAR away from anyone who looks dangerous or intimidating. You'll stick to the m&ms, thanks.
What could someone find in your closet? (not sexuality-wise y'all)
Clothes oriented around both genders, so not only dresses, heels, and jewelry, but also blazers, suspenders, and button-ups.
Leather jackets, black boots, black jeans, generally dark clothing
Colorful sundresses, sandals, pastel clothes, flower crowns
Red t-shirts, leather jackets, torn jeans, snap backs
Anything comfortable and cheap lol
Black and white suits
When it comes to conflict, which is your favored approach?
Swing your fists, shout insults. You're not one for patience.
Flee from fighting, and do your best to get others to stop before someone gets hurt.
You would prefer not to fight, but if you had to, you would just kinda, swing your sword around. Fake it till ya make it, right?
Manipulate your enemy with your words before delivering the final blow
Only fight if it is necessary, and when it is, demolish your opponent with focus and efficiency.
Favor the moral side, and attempt to empathize with each side
Which of these do you feel most drawn to?
What is one of your greatest attributes ?
Your ability to make intelligent, cautious, logical decisions
Your quick-wit and strength
Your gentle care and forgiveness
Your generous, lovable spirit
Your maturity far above your age
Your charisma, passion, and loyalty
What would someone say your greatest flaw is ?
Your coldness and distance
Your inability to follow your heart and instincts
Your tendency to be gullible or naive
Your awkwardness and ill-timing
Your anger and defensiveness
Your inability to love yourself sometimes
What does love mean to you ?
Love is something you should give to everyone
Love is unpredictable, I tried to predict it but I failed
Love is trust and loyalty
Love isn't a priority to me, but I wouldn't reject it if I find it (i also love my dog)
Love is defined as 'an intense feeling of deep affection.'
Love is overrated
Which of these most resemble a text you would send ?
"Is that safe?"
"FCUK" "I MEAN FKUC" "i give up"
"Who started this argument in the group chat and why are you guys fighting about the best kind of fish? ... By the way it's goldfish no question?"
"I'M SO ANGRY" repeated ten times
Four different heart emojis
Which of these is something you would google ?
"how to get a dog for free"
"yellow flowers"
"is changing your pronouns fives time a day too many times"
"most popular murder weapon"
"how to be more apathetic"
Which of these memes do you most relate to
How would you approach a friend if they were annoyed at you ?
Grumble a half-hearted apology, you really just want to be on their good side again.
Apologize profusely and then bake them some cookies and banana bread
Make up and get back to being great friends asap
Their frustration would fuel yours, so you would have to get over your own irritation and bitterness before approaching them
Be blunt and upfront, ask them plainly what's wrong
You would try to apologize but get so nervous that you start rambling nonsensically
How important is the law ?
The law is important, and a vital part of my philosophy, but love and peace are just as important
Eh, I guess it has its reasons, but it's kind of an inconvenience at times
I don't care for the law at all
The law is fundamental to society and should be followed no matter the circumstance
As long as the law treats everyone equally, I will listen to it
The law is good because breaking rules is dangerous
What is your opinion concerning homophobic / transphobic / sexist / racist / generally-terrible people ?
I scoff at them
Their opinions are disappointing, true, but it's useless to argue with them
I politely converse with them and attempt to change their minds
I ignore them ; the only way to conquer those people is by continuing to love others for who they are
They anger me, but I don't have the composure to deliver a solid argument without cursing or rambling
Continue being gay as hell
And finally, which of these is most important to you ?
{"name":"Which of echo's ocs are you", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you curious which of Echo's original characters (OCs) matches your personality? Take our fun and engaging quiz to find out! Each question is designed to reveal different facets of your character traits, preferences, and values.Whether you're laid-back, assertive, or somewhere in between, you'll uncover which OC resonates most with you. Join in for an exciting character journey!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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