A sophisticated cigar lounge with an array of cigars displayed elegantly on a wooden table and a rich, dark wood interior, inviting atmosphere for cigar lovers.

Cigar Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge about cigars with our engaging quiz! Whether you are a novice or a seasoned aficionado, this quiz dives into the intricate world of cigars.

Discover fascinating facts about cigar sizes, storage, and lighting techniques!

  • 7 thought-provoking questions
  • Multiple choice and open-ended formats
  • Perfect for cigar enthusiasts!
7 Questions2 MinutesCreated by SmokingCigar7
The most popular Cigar size is?
Double Corona
What is the color of a Maduro?
Darker brown
Reddish brown
Very Dark brown
Medium brown
The ideal temperature for storing a Cigar is?
16-20 degrees
16-18 degrees
15-18 degrees
15-17 degrees
What are the various parts of a cigar?
Long filler cigars are machine made?
How should you light a Cigar?
Petrol Lighters
Butane Gas Lighters
To qualify a Cigar as a Habano, The Cigar should be made in Cuba
{"name":"CIGARS", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge about cigars with our engaging quiz! Whether you are a novice or a seasoned aficionado, this quiz dives into the intricate world of cigars.Discover fascinating facts about cigar sizes, storage, and lighting techniques!7 thought-provoking questionsMultiple choice and open-ended formatsPerfect for cigar enthusiasts!","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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