CCM practice test 1
{"name":"CCM practice test 1", "url":"","txt":"72 yo man, admitted to the ICU for COPD flare. On the third day, he is found to be quiet, calm, and confused. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of ICU delirium?, A 47 yo woman with alcoholic cirrhosis is brought to your ER with fevers, confusion, shortness of breath, and worsening ascites. SBP is 50 mmHg, HR 150 bpm, RR 40\/min, and O2 sat 80%. CXR shows diffuse infiltrates, and peritoneal fluid returns with a leukocyte count of 1000\/mL (95% polys). Initial management of hemodynamics should entail use of:, Which one of the following is most likely to be associated with hypovolemia?","img":""}